
    1. 下载了温度不正常,显示是 一个(傻.9)度
    2. 万年历、温度12864液晶显示 768/277476 电子竞赛 2014-12-13
    3. 一天天学用STM8 88/22336 stm32/stm8 2010-11-30
    4.                                  大奖频谱所刘XX. 哈哈,结束。 农民回家!
    5. 关于MOVT.W指令的问题 9/7431 stm32/stm8 2010-07-23
    6. IOCTL CODE DeviceIoControl 16/6132 嵌入式系统 2010-07-01
    7. 求一个智能寻迹小车C程序 AT89S51单片机 13/7937 嵌入式系统 2010-06-28
    8. 触摸屏无法校准~~ 8/4208 嵌入式系统 2010-05-14
      引用 5 楼 kacyquan 的回复: 请教一下,在触摸屏的4根线上面XP YP,下拉一个电容有什么用处的吗?还是直接连上也没关系啊?
    9. .......................
    10. 串口不能正确回显 11/5506 嵌入式系统 2010-03-19
    11. 内核加了一些驱动之后,就起不来了 10/4369 嵌入式系统 2010-03-02
    12. keil注册问题 12/7254 嵌入式系统 2010-01-08
    13. 请教s3c2440功耗如何降低的问题? 7/3856 嵌入式系统 2010-01-05
      For the power control logic, the S3C2440A has various power management schemes to keep optimal power consumption for a given task. The power management block in the S3C2440A can activate four modes: NORMAL mode, SLOW mode, IDLE mode, and SLEEP mode. NORMAL mode: The block supplies clocks to CPU as well as all peripherals in the S3C2440A. In this mode, the power consumption will be maximized when all peripherals are turned on. It allows the user to control the operation of peripherals by software. For example, if a timer is not needed, the user can disconnect the clock(CLKCON register) to the timer to reduce power consumption. SLOW mode: Non-PLL mode. Unlike the Normal mode, the Slow mode uses an external clock (XTIpll or EXTCLK) directly as FCLK in the S3C2440A without PLL. In this mode, the power consumption depends on the frequency of the external clock only. The power consumption due to PLL is excluded. IDLE mode: The block disconnects clocks (FCLK) only to the CPU core while it supplies clocks to all other peripherals. The IDLE mode results in reduced power consumption due to CPU core. Any interrupt request to CPU can be woken up from the Idle mode. SLEEP mode: The block disconnects the internal power. So, there occurs no power consumption due to CPU and the internal logic except the wake-up logic in this mode. Activating the SLEEP mode requires two independent power sources. One of the two power sources supplies the power for the wake-up logic. The other one supplies other internal logics including CPU, and should be controlled for power on/off. In the SLEEP mode, the second power supply source for the CPU and internal logics will be turned off. The wakeup from SLEEP mode can be issued by the EINT[15:0] or by RTC alarm interrupt.
    14. 连接设备至PC时PC死机 14/3540 嵌入式系统 2009-12-30
      换一根很好的USB线!  高速的时候 USB线会出现你说的问题! 还有就是你的板子的问题了! 你的问题和我以前的问题很像!  我现在把一根断了的数据线 重新接上 效果很好
    15. 关机之后SOCKET发的命令还有用么?
    16. NAND FLASH扇区变少的问题。。。 16/5989 嵌入式系统 2009-11-30
    17.                                  我提醒下,ST的性价比是好,可是芯片的抗静电能力差,以后你在调试板子时,尽量不要用手摸!
    18. 下面是FTPSendFileDlg.h头文件的内容: // FTPSendFileDlg.h : header file // #pragma once // CFTPSendFileDlg dialog class CFTPSendFileDlg : public CDialog { // Construction public:         CFTPSendFileDlg(CWnd* pParent = NULL);        // standard constructor // Dialog Data         enum { IDD = IDD_FTPSENDFILE_DIALOG };         protected:         virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX);        // DDX/DDV support // Implementation protected:         HICON m_hIcon;         // Generated message map functions         virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); #if defined(_DEVICE_RESOLUTION_AWARE) && !defined(WIN32_PLATFORM_WFSP)         afx_msg void OnSize(UINT /*nType*/, int /*cx*/, int /*cy*/); #endif         DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() public:         afx_msg void OnBnClickedFind();         CString m_strPathName;         CString m_strFileName;         afx_msg void OnBnClickedSend();         afx_msg void OnBnClickedExit();         char m_ProgramPath;         CString m_strIP;         CFtpConnection* m_pFTPConnection;         CInternetSession* m_pIntSession;                 };
    19. routeShow命令求助 2/2987 嵌入式系统 2009-11-23
      Refcnt是被引用的次数吧,我不太确定; Use是使用的次数,也就是说有多少个包从这个路由出去。
    20. 北大青鸟有没有啊


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