
    1. littleshrimp 发表于 2019-1-17 14:49 变化大吗?
      the fusion val: x=143.74, y=-0.46, z=1.78 the fusion val: x=140.02, y=-2.61, z=0.62 the fusion val: x=140.52, y=-2.43, z=1.52 the fusion val: x=144.17, y=-2.67, z=0.72 the fusion val: x=150.99, y=-3.01, z=1.30 the fusion val: x=147.91, y=-3.77, z=2.01 the fusion val: x=144.95, y=-2.17, z=0.76 the fusion val: x=139.61, y=-2.22, z=1.09 the fusion val: x=134.73, y=-2.24, z=0.49 the fusion val: x=138.98, y=-2.84, z=0.12 the fusion val: x=142.96, y=-3.59, z=0.79 the fusion val: x=127.87, y=-3.20, z=1.96 the fusion val: x=121.67, y=-2.64, z=0.99 the fusion val: x=126.82, y=-1.99, z=0.62 the fusion val: x=129.06, y=-2.01, z=1.30 the fusion val: x=111.64, y=-2.46, z=1.25 the fusion val: x=111.70, y=-3.39, z=1.24 the fusion val: x=98.03, y=-2.74, z=1.74 the fusion val: x=110.42, y=-2.66, z=1.67 the fusion val: x=113.15, y=-2.77, z=1.02 the fusion val: x=112.27, y=-1.80, z=0.55 the fusion val: x=109.42, y=-2.32, z=1.09 the fusion val: x=117.45, y=-2.87, z=0.62 the fusion val: x=132.42, y=-2.02, z=0.63 the fusion val: x=134.26, y=-1.83, z=0.94 the fusion val: x=141.17, y=-3.10, z=1.97 the fusion val: x=143.10, y=-2.61, z=1.16 the fusion val: x=163.86, y=-2.61, z=1.58 the fusion val: x=164.56, y=-2.59, z=1.70 the fusion val: x=163.08, y=-3.44, z=0.93 the fusion val: x=165.38, y=-1.76, z=0.25 the fusion val: x=166.38, y=-3.38, z=1.89 the fusion val: x=162.94, y=-2.76, z=0.81 the fusion val: x=167.28, y=-1.92, z=0.11 the fusion val: x=165.39, y=-2.86, z=1.37 the fusion val: x=159.01, y=-2.82, z=1.45 the fusion val: x=155.20, y=-2.57, z=1.35 the fusion val: x=150.74, y=-3.57, z=1.11 the fusion val: x=163.77, y=-2.97, z=1.18 the fusion val: x=163.29, y=-2.65, z=0.28 the fusion val: x=157.41, y=-3.23, z=1.76 the fusion val: x=168.03, y=-3.87, z=0.25 the fusion val: x=181.54, y=-2.49, z=1.09 the fusion val: x=186.52, y=-3.77, z=1.25 the fusion val: x=201.34, y=-3.57, z=0.82 the fusion val: x=212.15, y=-3.89, z=1.51 the fusion val: x=216.59, y=-1.46, z=1.88 the fusion val: x=223.32, y=-2.14, z=-0.29
    2. littleshrimp 发表于 2019-1-17 14:49 变化大吗?
      the fusion val: x=143.74, y=-0.46, z=1.78 the fusion val: x=140.02, y=-2.61, z=0.62 the fusion val: x=140.52, y=-2.43, z=1.52 the fusion val: x=144.17, y=-2.67, z=0.72 the fusion val: x=150.99, y=-3.01, z=1.30 the fusion val: x=147.91, y=-3.77, z=2.01 the fusion val: x=144.95, y=-2.17, z=0.76 the fusion val: x=139.61, y=-2.22, z=1.09 the fusion val: x=134.73, y=-2.24, z=0.49 the fusion val: x=138.98, y=-2.84, z=0.12 the fusion val: x=142.96, y=-3.59, z=0.79 the fusion val: x=127.87, y=-3.20, z=1.96 the fusion val: x=121.67, y=-2.64, z=0.99 the fusion val: x=126.82, y=-1.99, z=0.62 the fusion val: x=129.06, y=-2.01, z=1.30 the fusion val: x=111.64, y=-2.46, z=1.25 the fusion val: x=111.70, y=-3.39, z=1.24 the fusion val: x=98.03, y=-2.74, z=1.74 the fusion val: x=110.42, y=-2.66, z=1.67 the fusion val: x=113.15, y=-2.77, z=1.02 the fusion val: x=112.27, y=-1.80, z=0.55 the fusion val: x=109.42, y=-2.32, z=1.09 the fusion val: x=117.45, y=-2.87, z=0.62 the fusion val: x=132.42, y=-2.02, z=0.63 the fusion val: x=134.26, y=-1.83, z=0.94 the fusion val: x=141.17, y=-3.10, z=1.97 the fusion val: x=143.10, y=-2.61, z=1.16 the fusion val: x=163.86, y=-2.61, z=1.58 the fusion val: x=164.56, y=-2.59, z=1.70 the fusion val: x=163.08, y=-3.44, z=0.93 the fusion val: x=165.38, y=-1.76, z=0.25 the fusion val: x=166.38, y=-3.38, z=1.89 the fusion val: x=162.94, y=-2.76, z=0.81 the fusion val: x=167.28, y=-1.92, z=0.11 the fusion val: x=165.39, y=-2.86, z=1.37 the fusion val: x=159.01, y=-2.82, z=1.45 the fusion val: x=155.20, y=-2.57, z=1.35 the fusion val: x=150.74, y=-3.57, z=1.11 the fusion val: x=163.77, y=-2.97, z=1.18 the fusion val: x=163.29, y=-2.65, z=0.28 the fusion val: x=157.41, y=-3.23, z=1.76 the fusion val: x=168.03, y=-3.87, z=0.25 the fusion val: x=181.54, y=-2.49, z=1.09 the fusion val: x=186.52, y=-3.77, z=1.25 the fusion val: x=201.34, y=-3.57, z=0.82 the fusion val: x=212.15, y=-3.89, z=1.51 the fusion val: x=216.59, y=-1.46, z=1.88 the fusion val: x=223.32, y=-2.14, z=-0.29
    3. osxMotionFX的移植和调试过程 40/12873 MEMS传感器 2019-01-18
      littleshrimp 发表于 2019-1-17 14:49 6轴时用rotation_6X 你要测量什么角度?
      我想测一个机构的合位位置,在两个位置分别的角度。 下面的数据是我通过motionGC库出来的静止时角速度的值? 再通过motionFx库后,rotation的值一直在跳变。这个合理吗? the af_gro val: x=-1433, y= -968, z= 2491 the af_gro val: x=-1434, y= -968, z= 2490 the af_gro val: x=-1435, y= -969, z= 2490 the af_gro val: x=-1434, y= -969, z= 2490 the af_gro val: x=-1438, y= -974, z= 2484 the af_gro val: x=-1436, y= -970, z= 2489 the af_gro val: x=-1433, y= -969, z= 2487 the af_gro val: x=-1435, y= -976, z= 2486 the af_gro val: x=-1437, y= -979, z= 2487 the af_gro val: x=-1436, y= -978, z= 2487 the af_gro val: x=-1433, y= -974, z= 2489 the af_gro val: x=-1434, y= -974, z= 2489 the af_gro val: x=-1437, y= -977, z= 2489 the af_gro val: x=-1437, y= -981, z= 2489 the af_gro val: x=-1430, y= -974, z= 2487 the af_gro val: x=-1431, y= -966, z= 2487 the af_gro val: x=-1428, y= -968, z= 2488 the af_gro val: x=-1426, y= -964, z= 2487 the af_gro val: x=-1428, y= -965, z= 2487
    4. 我用motionFX的数据,为何在板子静止状态rotation值也是一直变化的呢?
    5. 请问一下,如何通过角速度来求角度呢?
    6. LSM6DSL的msp430驱动和调试过程 4/3987 MEMS传感器 2019-01-17
    7. LSM6DS3(加速度+陀螺仪)驱动例程ver2.0 19/14068 MEMS传感器 2019-01-17
      上层的处理算法有没有相关的使用经验,比如: 1、陀螺仪校正, 2、传感器整合求角度
    8. ST MEMS 器件资源分库-软件及驱动链接 4/4104 MEMS传感器 2019-01-17
    9. STM32Cube 的 X-CUBE-MEMS1 扩展软件中 MotionFX 传感器融合库... 4/4392 ST传感器与低功耗无线技术论坛 2019-01-17
    10. osxMotionFX的移植和调试过程 40/12873 MEMS传感器 2019-01-17
      1、如果没有九轴,只有6轴的放,这个rotation变量有什么意义呢? 2、能够用LSM6DS3来测量角度吗?
    11. MSP430硬件I2C程序 34/10811 微控制器 MCU 2016-08-05
    12. 分享一个IAR for MSP430 6.3的破解程序和方法~~~~~ 164/54267 微控制器 MCU 2016-05-12
    13. / 2011-03-10


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littleshrimp 2019-1-17
a217zxg: 想请教一下,fusionFx库的输出结果中这个rotation的真正意义是什么?谢谢
/* 9 axes yaw, pitch and roll */