
    1. IAR_STM8编译出错请教 8/22127 stm32/stm8 2011-02-15
                                       最后找出问题,程序溢出,iarSTM8版本效率不知怎么回事比ST Visual Develop还低!期待新的版本!
    2. stm能串行下载吗? 7/3680 stm32/stm8 2010-12-22
                                       stm32 我试过了, 其他的嘛, 我没有试过
    3. 新网站合适才能搞好啊 9/3667 stm32/stm8 2010-12-13
                                       有那么严重, 我试试 不是这样啊, 直接跳转到 http://www.st.com/internet/com/home/home.jsp 然后打开了呀
    4. 高分拜请高手扔掉main函数? 43/12767 stm32/stm8 2010-06-04
    5. 请教大家CE驱动开发的流程~~ 10/5248 嵌入式系统 2010-05-23
    6. 一个AVR的片内AD从ICC移植都WINAVR 6/3507 嵌入式系统 2010-05-21
    7. 2440 bootloader中,MBR是什么东西? 11/4733 嵌入式系统 2010-04-13
      看了上面的文章,大受启发,我将MBR放到了block13,这时能进系统了,但是仍然卡在flash驱动那里,打印信息如下: Microsoft Windows CE Ethernet Bootloader Common Library Version 1.1 Built Apr 12 2010 09:47:46 Microsoft Windows CE Bootloader for the Samsung SMDK2440 Version 2.4 Built Apr 13 2010 FMD: ReadID (Mfg=ec, Dev=76) FMD_Init: finished successful FMD_Init: reserved_blocks 0 FMD_GetInfo Press [ENTER] to launch image stored on boot media, or [SPACE] to enter boot monitor. Initiating image launch in 5 seconds. Ethernet Boot Loader Configuration: 0) IP address: 1) Subnet mask: 2) DHCP: Disabled 3) Boot delay: 5 seconds 4) Reset to factory default configuration 5) Startup image: LAUNCH EXISTING 6) Program disk image into SmartMedia card: Enabled 7) Program CS8900 MAC address (00:11:22:33:44:55) 8) Kernel Debugger: DISABLED 9) Format Boot Media for BinFS F) Low-level format the Smart Media card D) Download image now L) LAUNCH existing Boot Media image U) DOWNLOAD image now(USB) R) Read Configuration W) Write Configuration Right Now Enter your selection: u System ready! Preparing for download... Please send the Image through USB. pUSBCtrlAddr->OCSR1.out_pkt_rdy = 0x1 Ep3Handler : downPtIndex = 0x30800040 Download BIN file information: ----------------------------------------------------- [0]: Base Address=0x80200000  Length=0x22620b4 ----------------------------------------------------- ROMHDR at Address 80200044h Writing single region/multi-region update, dwBINFSPartLength: 36053172 IsValidMBR: MBR sector = 0x1a0 g_pbMBRSector[0] = 0xff g_pbMBRSector[1] = 0xff g_pbMBRSector[2] = 0xff g_pbMBRSector[SECTOR_SIZE-2] = 0xff g_pbMBRSector[SECTOR_SIZE-1] = 0xff OpenPartition: Invalid MBR.  Formatting flash. Enter LowLevelFormat [0xd, 0xfff]. Erasing flash block(s) [0xd, 0xfff] (please wait): IsBlockBad(43A): TRUE EraseBlocks: found a bad block (0x43a) - skipping... Done. WriteMBR: MBR block = 0xd. Done. OpenPartition: Partition Exists=0x0 for part 0x21. CreatePartition: Enter CreatePartition for 0x21. IsBlockBad(43A): TRUE LastLogSector: Last log sector is: 0x1fe3f. CreatePartition: Start = 0x1c0, Num = 0x11320. Log2Phys: Logical 0x1c0 -> Physical 0x360 IsBlockBad(43A): TRUE WriteMBR: MBR block = 0xd. BP_SetDataPointer at 0x0 WriteData: Start = 0x0, Length = 0x22620b4. Log2Phys: Logical 0x1c0 -> Physical 0x360 IsBlockBad(43A): TRUE Updateded TOC! IsValidMBR: MBR sector = 0x1a0 g_pbMBRSector[0] = 0xe9 g_pbMBRSector[1] = 0xfd g_pbMBRSector[2] = 0xff g_pbMBRSector[SECTOR_SIZE-2] = 0x55 g_pbMBRSector[SECTOR_SIZE-1] = 0xaa OpenPartition: Partition Exists=0x0 for part 0xb. CreatePartition: Enter CreatePartition for 0xb. FindFreeSector: FreeSector is: 0x114e0 after processing part 0x21. CreatePartition: Num sectors set to 0xe820 to allow for compaction blocks. CreatePartition: Start = 0x114e0, Num = 0xe820. WriteMBR: MBR block = 0xd. TOC { dwSignature: 0x434F544E BootCfg {   ConfigFlags: 0x830   BootDelay: 0x5   ImageIndex: 1   IP:   MAC Address: 00:11:22:33:44:55   Port:   SubnetMask: } ID[0] {   dwVersion: 0x20004   dwSignature: 0x45424F54   String: 'eboot.nb0'   dwImageType: 0x2   dwTtlSectors: 0x200   dwLoadAddress: 0x80038000   dwJumpAddress: 0x80038000   dwStoreOffset: 0x0   sgList[0].dwSector: 0xA0   sgList[0].dwLength: 0x200 } ID[1] {   dwVersion: 0x1   dwSignature: 0x43465348   String: ''   dwImageType: 0x2   dwTtlSectors: 0x11311   dwLoadAddress: 0x80200000   dwJumpAddress: 0x8022C480   dwStoreOffset: 0x0   sgList[0].dwSector: 0x360   sgList[0].dwLength: 0x11311 } chainInfo.dwLoadAddress: 0X00000000 chainInfo.dwFlashAddress: 0X00000000 chainInfo.dwLength: 0X00000000 } waitforconnect INFO: OEMLaunch: Jumping to Physical Address 0x3022C480h (Virtual Address 0x8022C480h)... Windows CE Kernel for ARM (Thumb Enabled) Built on Aug  4 2008 at 18:38:38 ProcessorType=0920  Revision=0 sp_abt=ffff5000 sp_irq=ffff2800 sp_undef=ffffc800 OEMAddressTable = 8022c354 DCache: 8 sets, 64 ways, 32 line size, 16384 size ICache: 8 sets, 64 ways, 32 line size, 16384 size Sp=ffffc7cc OEMIoControl: Unsupported Code 0x10100b4 - device 0x0101 func 45 OEMIoControl: Unsupported Code 0x101008c - device 0x0101 func 35 FMD: ReadID (Mfg=ec, Dev=76) FMD_Init: finished successful FMD_Init: reserved_blocks 0 FMD_GetInfo IsBlockBad(4): TRUE IsBlockBad(43A): TRUE OEMIoControl: Unsupported Code 0x1010104 - device 0x0101 func 65复制代码 正在查原因,不知何解?
    8. 贴片芯片如何焊接,望请教 24/7124 嵌入式系统 2010-03-22
      其实我也焊过 又一次为了焊这个贴片电容焊了好几天郁闷的要死啊!其实用一般的电烙铁也能焊的很好的!先把导线的一头焊上点锡,然后一手拿着烙铁,一手拿着导线,把导线上的锡融化后慢慢的向贴片电容靠近。多试几次就好了!
    9. 这个代码肯定有问题的,rst_n到底是个什么东西?
    10. 就是用FLASH来做整个UI部分
    11. STM32破解有多难? 64/27435 stm32/stm8 2010-03-03
                                       mcuisp.exe已经提供了反拷贝功能,正是利用了唯一序列号。 不久EP868脱机烧录器也将支持。
    12. HDMI 数字音频传输协议 4/3913 嵌入式系统 2010-02-25
      怎么没人来解答啊 高手请进
    13. 引用 10 楼 laiguo 的回复: 引用 6 楼 xiaoyufu007 的回复: 保证没有中文路径 破解版的好像dat在安装解压包的crack文件夹里面 不是安装目录下别导入错了 恩,就是在安装解压包的crack文件下的,别的不行的,要不送你个?
    14. WCE基本问题!急!!!!! 38/11990 嵌入式系统 2010-01-29
      我一直用的usb to rs232 没问题,不过我一般都是用的dnw下载程序的~~~
    15. i2c不能产生起始条件 16/13043 stm32/stm8 2010-01-28
      如图,图中只是把跟I2C相关的画出。 下载 (50.12 KB) 2010-1-28 17:06
    16. 如何修改wince软键盘的显示位置? 5/4834 嵌入式系统 2010-01-20
      要通过应用程序修改吗? SetWindowPos可以不
    17. 结贴。搞定。用了上面两个高手提供的方法实现。谢谢了
    18. 七段电子表显示的文档 1/3141 嵌入式系统 2009-12-28
      经典课程设计--电子实时时钟和99计数器,包括详细的设计思路,原理图,以及完整的C语言源代码,值得参考与学习: http://download.eeworld.net/source/1939189 楼主可以下载看看,如果还有问题,QQ:604914729。
    19. 无法对外部时钟分频 19/6455 stm32/stm8 2009-12-09
    20. STM32SD+算术运算指今所占周期 7/4209 stm32/stm8 2009-11-29


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