WCHAR *szHelp[] = {
L"tmTr Scan time out.\n"
L" WZC requests BSSID scan to the miniport driver then waits for 'tmTr'\n",
L" until wireless miniport finishes scanning.\n",
L" default = 3 sec (3000 ms)\n",
L"tmTp Association time out.\n",
L" WZC requests wifi adapter to associate to the given SSID.\n",
L" If wifi adapter does not finish association within time 'tmTp',\n",
L" WZC tries next SSID in the [Preferred Networks].\n",
L" default = 2 sec (2000 ms)\n",
L"tmTc Periodic scan when connected.\n",
L" The scanning requires channel switching on wireless card.\n",
L" in order to listen beaconing packets on all channels.\n",
L" The channel switching is not preferable when STA is in connected-state\n",
L" since wireless packets transfer is blocked during the scanning.\n",
L" This timer is set to possible maximum value INFINITE by default.\n",
L" default = INFINITE (0x70000000=1879048192)\n",
L"tmTf Periodic scan when disconnected.\n",
L" This is the interval that WZC sends scanning requests\n",
L" to find connection candidate SSIDs given by [Preferred Networks].\n",
L" default = 1 min (60000 ms)\n",
L"wzctool -set -tmtr 1000\n",
L" set 'tmTr' timer to 1000 mili-second\n",
L"wzctool -set -tmtr 1000 -tmtf 2000\n",
L" set 'tmTr' = 1000 mili-second, 'tmTf' = 2000 mili-second\n",
L"wzctool -set -tmtr 0\n",
L" will set back to the default value.\n",
L"wzctool -set -tmtr -1\n",
L" will set to INFINITE number.\n",