
    1. atmel 9200 usb的问题 4/3040 ARM技术 2012-07-11
    2. atmel 9200 usb的问题 4/3040 ARM技术 2012-07-06
    3. 关于arm9裸板的usb驱动问题 3/4909 ARM技术 2012-05-31
      我在ads里调试的时候,运行到 while (currentConfiguration != 1); 时就循环不走了,主机没来配置命令,但是主机根本就没连上arm板 while(!ChkUSB()); 这句话应该就通不过,不过貌似我的接线问题,这句话始终都能通过 我现在想知道的是为什么我arm板接电脑上电脑完全没反应呢,至少让我看到usb器件被发现了啊,能不能识别在另外讨论。。。 我想知道问题出在那里,是程序的问题,还是硬件的问题
    4. 关于arm9裸板的usb驱动问题 3/4909 ARM技术 2012-05-31
      这程序网上就有,就是给我的板子用的,我拿过来在我的板子上调试,但是接电脑上电脑一点反应都没有,擦了#include "main.h"//#include "lib_arm920t.h"AT91S_SVC_USBCTL   usbEp0;AT91S_SVC_USBIN    usbEpIn;AT91S_SVC_USBOUT   usbEpOut;AT91S_SVC_USBIN    usbEpInt;extern volatile unsigned char currentConfiguration;extern volatile unsigned char currentConnection;volatile unsigned char USBStat=0;volatile unsigned char USBFomerStat=0;//*----------------------------------------------------------------------------//* \fn    AT91F_EnableICache//* \brief Enable I Cache//*----------------------------------------------------------------------------/*void AT91F_EnableICache(){ unsigned int ctl; ctl = AT91F_ARM_ReadControl(); ctl |= (1 << 12); AT91F_ARM_WriteControl(ctl);}*/void Delay(int i){while(i--);}void EUSB(){    AT91F_PIO_SetOutput( AT91C_BASE_PIOB,USBPUP) ;  }void DUSB(){    AT91F_PIO_ClearOutput( AT91C_BASE_PIOB,USBPUP) ;  }//*----------------------------------------------------------------------------//* \fn    AT91F_InitDrivers//* \brief This function initialize USART 1, the AIC and AT91S_SVC_USDRIVER driver//*----------------------------------------------------------------------------void AT91F_InitDrivers(){ // ============================= Init USB driver ============================= // Configure PMC AT91F_UDP_CfgPMC();                        // Enable UDP peripheral AT91C_BASE_PMC->PMC_SCER |= AT91C_PMC_UDP; // Enable 48 MHz // Open DMA service for each endpoint AT91F_SVC_USBCTL_Open(&usbEp0, AT91C_BASE_UDP); usbEp0.DisptachSetup = AT91F_USB_DispatchRequest; AT91F_SVC_USBIN_Open(&usbEpIn, AT91C_BASE_UDP, 2, 0x40, 2); AT91F_SVC_USBOUT_Open(&usbEpOut, AT91C_BASE_UDP, 1, 0x40, 2); AT91F_SVC_USBIN_Open(&usbEpInt, AT91C_BASE_UDP, 3, 8, 1); // Configure AIC controller to handle USB interrupts AT91F_AIC_ConfigureIt (  AT91C_BASE_AIC,                        // AIC base address  AT91C_ID_UDP,                          // System peripheral ID  AT91C_AIC_PRIOR_HIGHEST,               // Max priority  AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_INT_LEVEL_SENSITIVE, // Level sensitive  AT91F_ASM_UDP_Handler ); // Enable Udp interrupt in AIC AT91F_AIC_EnableIt(AT91C_BASE_AIC, AT91C_ID_UDP); }#define BUFFER_SIZE 1024char pBuffer[BUFFER_SIZE];volatile char flgUsbOpAchieved;void usbReceiveCallBack(AT91PS_SVC_USBOUT pUsbOut){ flgUsbOpAchieved = 1;}void usbSentCallBack(AT91PS_SVC_USBIN pUsbIn){ flgUsbOpAchieved = 1;}void LedRoll()//LED初始化及循环检验{     int i=1;            AT91F_DBGU_Printk("LED巡检程序开始 \n\r");       while(i--)    {    AT91F_PIO_SetOutput( AT91C_BASE_PIOB, LED0 ) ;       AT91F_PIO_SetOutput( AT91C_BASE_PIOB, LED1 ) ;    AT91F_PIO_SetOutput( AT91C_BASE_PIOB, LED2 ) ;    AT91F_PIO_SetOutput( AT91C_BASE_PIOB, LED3 ) ;    AT91F_PIO_SetOutput( AT91C_BASE_PIOB, LED4 ) ;    AT91F_PIO_SetOutput( AT91C_BASE_PIOB, LED5 ) ;    Delay(500000);    AT91F_PIO_ClearOutput( AT91C_BASE_PIOB,LED0) ;    Delay(500000);    AT91F_PIO_ClearOutput( AT91C_BASE_PIOB,LED1 ) ;    Delay(500000);    AT91F_PIO_ClearOutput( AT91C_BASE_PIOB,LED2 ) ;    Delay(500000);    AT91F_PIO_ClearOutput( AT91C_BASE_PIOB,LED3 ) ;    Delay(500000);    AT91F_PIO_ClearOutput( AT91C_BASE_PIOB,LED4 ) ;    Delay(500000);    AT91F_PIO_ClearOutput( AT91C_BASE_PIOB,LED5 ) ;     Delay(500000);    }    AT91F_DBGU_Printk("LED巡检程序结束 \n\r"); }//Check if usb is connected to host and if go to enable pupunsigned char ChkUSB(){      if(AT91F_PIO_IsInputSet(AT91C_BASE_PIOB,USBCNX))      {          USBStat=1;          if(USBFomerStat==0)   //only change pup when cnx status is changed          {              AT91F_DBGU_Printk("-I- USB Connect Detected\n\r");              EUSB();          }           USBFomerStat=USBStat;          return 1;      }      else      {          USBStat=0;          if(USBFomerStat==1)   //only change pup when cnx status is changed          {              AT91F_DBGU_Printk("-I- USB Disconnect Detected\n\r");                DUSB();          }          USBFomerStat=USBStat;           return 0;      } }int main(){      //char *chGet;            //unsigned int messageSize, messageId = 0;          //AT91F_EnableICache();      // Init USART 1 console driver AT91F_InitDrivers(); AT91F_DBGU_Printk("\n\n\r-I- ======================================-I\n\r"); AT91F_DBGU_Printk("-I- MUARM Main Program\n\r"); AT91F_DBGU_Printk("-I- Start Main Program Now? (Y/N)\n\r");  //while(!AT91F_DBGU_Get(chGet)||(*chGet!='Y')); AT91F_DBGU_Printk("\n\n\r-I- ======================================-I\n\r");              //InitPIOB();      LedRoll();            AT91F_DBGU_Printk("\n\n\r-I- ======================================\n\r-I- AT91RM9200 basic USB example\n\r-I- --------------------------------------\n\r-I- Please connect the board...\n\r-I- ======================================\n\r"); //Wait for host usb connected while(!ChkUSB());  // Wait for a SET_CONFIGURATION while (currentConfiguration != 1);  // Wait for an acknowledged connection while (currentConnection != 3);  // Send a welcome message... flgUsbOpAchieved = 0; usbEpIn.Write(&usbEpIn,   "\n\n\r-I- USB serial emulation is active, all characters sent will be echo-ed\n\r",   77, usbSentCallBack); while(!flgUsbOpAchieved);            while (1)  {     }}
    5. 关于arm9裸板的usb驱动问题 3/4909 ARM技术 2012-05-31
      顺便把我用的电路图和程序给上来,大家看看什么问题AT91PS_SVC_USBCTL AT91F_SVC_USBCTL_Open( AT91PS_SVC_USBCTL pSvcUdp,  // \arg Pointer to an USBCTL service previously allocated AT91PS_UDP pUdp)            // \arg Pointer to UDP registers{ pSvcUdp->Handler = AT91F_SVC_USBCTL_Handler; pSvcUdp->Read    = AT91F_SVC_USBCTL_Read; pSvcUdp->Write   = AT91F_SVC_USBCTL_Write; pSvcUdp->DisptachSetup = (AT91PF_SVC_USBCTL_DispatchSetup) 0; pSvcUdp->RWComplete    = (AT91PF_SVC_USBCTL_RWComplete) 0; pSvcUdp->pBuffer = (char *) 0; pSvcUdp->bufferSize = 0; pSvcUdp->eot = 0; pSvcUdp->pUdp = pUdp; return pSvcUdp;}//*----------------------------------------------------------------------------//* \fn    AT91F_SVC_USBCTL_DataIn//* \brief//*----------------------------------------------------------------------------static void AT91F_SVC_USBCTL_DataIn( AT91PS_SVC_USBCTL pSvcUdp,     // \arg Pointer to an USBCTL service AT91PS_UDP pUdp)               // \arg Pointer to UDP registers{ char *pBuffer; // If bufferSize == 0 Send a Zero length packet if (pSvcUdp->bufferSize == 0)  AT91F_UDP_EpEndOfWr(pUdp, 0); // else initialize DPR else {  pBuffer = pSvcUdp->pBuffer;  if (pSvcUdp->bufferSize >= 8) {   AT91F_UDP_EpWrite(pUdp, 0, *pBuffer++);   AT91F_UDP_EpWrite(pUdp, 0, *pBuffer++);   AT91F_UDP_EpWrite(pUdp, 0, *pBuffer++);   AT91F_UDP_EpWrite(pUdp, 0, *pBuffer++);   AT91F_UDP_EpWrite(pUdp, 0, *pBuffer++);   AT91F_UDP_EpWrite(pUdp, 0, *pBuffer++);   AT91F_UDP_EpWrite(pUdp, 0, *pBuffer++);   AT91F_UDP_EpWrite(pUdp, 0, *pBuffer++);   pSvcUdp->bufferSize -= 8;  }  else while (pSvcUdp->bufferSize--)   AT91F_UDP_EpWrite(pUdp, 0, *pBuffer++);  pSvcUdp->pBuffer = pBuffer;  AT91F_UDP_EpEndOfWr(pUdp, 0); } pSvcUdp->eot = !(pSvcUdp->bufferSize);}//*----------------------------------------------------------------------------//* \fn    AT91F_SVC_USBCTL_DataOut//* \brief//*----------------------------------------------------------------------------__inline char AT91F_SVC_USBCTL_DataOut( AT91PS_SVC_USBCTL pSvcUdp,     // \arg Pointer to an USBCTL service AT91PS_UDP pUdp,               // \arg Pointer to UDP registers unsigned int epCsr)            // \arg Value of the UDP_CSR[0] register{ unsigned int bytesReceived; char eor; // Detect end of Receive // Copy bytes received to the client buffer bytesReceived = (epCsr & AT91C_UDP_RXBYTECNT) >> 16; if (bytesReceived > pSvcUdp->bufferSize)  bytesReceived = pSvcUdp->bufferSize; pSvcUdp->bufferSize -= bytesReceived; // Check the end of a Control OUT sequence: An incomplete packet stops the Data OUT sequence eor = (bytesReceived < 8); while (bytesReceived--)  *(pSvcUdp->pBuffer)++ = AT91F_UDP_EpRead(pUdp, 0); AT91F_UDP_EpClear(pUdp, 0, (AT91C_UDP_RX_DATA_BK0)); return eor;}//*----------------------------------------------------------------------------//* \fn    AT91F_SVC_USBCTL_Handler//* \brief//*----------------------------------------------------------------------------void AT91F_SVC_USBCTL_Handler( AT91PS_SVC_USBCTL pSvcUdp)     // \arg Pointer to an USBCTL service{ AT91PS_UDP   pUdp = pSvcUdp->pUdp; // Pointer to UDP registers unsigned int epCsr =  AT91F_UDP_EpStatus(pUdp, 0); // Test if a SETUP packet has been received if (epCsr & AT91C_UDP_RXSETUP) {  // Copy the setup packet  pSvcUdp->pSetup[0] = AT91F_UDP_EpRead(pUdp, 0);  pSvcUdp->pSetup[1] = AT91F_UDP_EpRead(pUdp, 0);  pSvcUdp->pSetup[2] = AT91F_UDP_EpRead(pUdp, 0);  pSvcUdp->pSetup[3] = AT91F_UDP_EpRead(pUdp, 0);  pSvcUdp->pSetup[4] = AT91F_UDP_EpRead(pUdp, 0);  pSvcUdp->pSetup[5] = AT91F_UDP_EpRead(pUdp, 0);  pSvcUdp->pSetup[6] = AT91F_UDP_EpRead(pUdp, 0);  pSvcUdp->pSetup[7] = AT91F_UDP_EpRead(pUdp, 0);  // Set the DIR bit before clearing RXSETUP in Control IN sequence  if (pSvcUdp->pSetup[0] & 0x80)   AT91F_UDP_EpSet(pUdp, 0, AT91C_UDP_DIR);  // Clear RXSETUP  AT91F_UDP_EpClear(pUdp, 0, AT91C_UDP_RXSETUP);  // Notify the dispatcher  if (pSvcUdp->DisptachSetup)   pSvcUdp->DisptachSetup(pSvcUdp); } // Test if the previous DATA IN packet is achieved else if (epCsr & AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP) {  AT91F_UDP_EpClear(pUdp, 0, AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP);  // test end of transmission  if (pSvcUdp->eot && pSvcUdp->RWComplete)   pSvcUdp->RWComplete(pSvcUdp);  // else start new packet transfer  else   AT91F_SVC_USBCTL_DataIn(pSvcUdp, pUdp); } // test if any DATA OUT packet occured else if (epCsr & AT91C_UDP_RX_DATA_BK0) {  // Test if this DATA OUT aborts a CONTROL IN sequence  if (!(pSvcUdp->eot) && pSvcUdp->RWComplete)   pSvcUdp->RWComplete(pSvcUdp);  if (AT91F_SVC_USBCTL_DataOut(pSvcUdp, pUdp, epCsr) && pSvcUdp->RWComplete)   pSvcUdp->RWComplete(pSvcUdp); } // Test if a STALL has been acknowledged... else if (epCsr & AT91C_UDP_ISOERROR) { // !!!!! Should be: AT91C_UDP_STALLSENT) {  AT91F_UDP_EpClear(pUdp, 0, (AT91C_UDP_ISOERROR | AT91C_UDP_FORCESTALL)); }}//*----------------------------------------------------------------------------//* \fn    AT91F_SVC_USBCTL_Write//* \brief//*----------------------------------------------------------------------------void AT91F_SVC_USBCTL_Write( AT91PS_SVC_USBCTL pSvcUdp,     // \arg Pointer to an USBCTL service const char *pBuffer,                 // \arg Pointer to the client buffer to send unsigned int bufferSize,       // \arg Client buffer size AT91PF_SVC_USBCTL_RWComplete Callback) // \arg Callback to invoke when buffer is Sent{ pSvcUdp->bufferSize  = bufferSize; pSvcUdp->pBuffer     = (char *)pBuffer; pSvcUdp->RWComplete  = Callback; AT91F_SVC_USBCTL_DataIn(pSvcUdp, pSvcUdp->pUdp);}//*----------------------------------------------------------------------------//* \fn    AT91F_SVC_USBCTL_Read//* \brief//*----------------------------------------------------------------------------void AT91F_SVC_USBCTL_Read( AT91PS_SVC_USBCTL pSvcUdp,     // \arg Pointer to an USBCTL service char *pBuffer,                 // \arg Pointer to the client buffer to fill unsigned int bufferSize,       // \arg Client buffer size AT91PF_SVC_USBCTL_RWComplete Callback) // \arg Callback to invoke when buffer is Full{ if ((bufferSize == 0) && (Callback)) {  Callback(pSvcUdp);  return; } pSvcUdp->bufferSize = bufferSize; pSvcUdp->pBuffer    = pBuffer; pSvcUdp->RWComplete = Callback;}


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