
    1. 本帖最后由 窝窝头 于 2014-1-2 09:54 编辑 SensorTag 比赛 整个方案遵行了物联网的三层机构(DCM),由感知层,到网络层,到应用层,并且在每层具有相互反馈。 感知层:SensorTag自带的sensor,如Gyro,Accele,IR Tmep,Presure等 网络层:Bluetooth 4.0 低功耗蓝牙网络协议栈,3G,WiFi网络 应用层:对由感知层所获得的数据进行运算和应用处理,如在本项目中的,对方向和加速度,温度进行采集,并结合GPS和地图进行对盲人导航 目前蓝牙支持4.0的手机终端有: iOS: iPhone 4C, iPhone 5, iPhone 5C iPhone 5C, iPod Touch 5, iPad 3 (new iPad) , iPad 4, iPad AIR, iPad Mini, iPad Mini2 Android: 这里Android应为比较多,特此说明下。有些手机硬件是支持4.0,但是系统软件还停留在Android 4.3之前,所以这些手机是不支持。手机厂商为了炒作手机的功能性,把一些像蓝牙 4.0的概念混淆欺骗消费者。比如 小米手机,红米手机等,发布会说支持蓝牙4.0,但是实际情况是,到本人写到这,系统版本还在Android 4.3.之前,Android 4.3 (API 18)之前,无论是什么版本都不支持BLE4.0开发。 参考:http://developer.android.com/about/versions/android-4.3.html 这里列举几个支持Android BLE 4.0并且可以直接拿过来的手机: Google:  Nexus 5, Nexus 4, Galaxy Nexus(Android 4.3会有些bug,需要root添加相应BSP) 三星:Galaxy S3,Galaxy S4, Note1,Note2(三星从Google对android发布正式Android 4.3系统支持BLE后,三星停止自己的SDK(2013年08月02日 18:50 (星期五)),之后的去兼容Android ),邮件内容如下: Dear developers, As Google has released the Android 4.3 based BLE SDK, we regret to inform you that Samsung can no longer support the Samsung BLE SDK 2.0 for Android 4.3 releases and beyond. Maintaining different SDKs in the market would have the below concerns: 1. Generic BLE apps developed on Google BLE SDK cannot be deployed on Samsung Android Products. 2. If necessary, developers may need to develop/manage separate apps for Samsung Android Products for every new Google OS release and this will become an overhead.So, Samsung BLE SDK 2.0 will only be supported on the Android version 4.2.2 of Samsung products. Many of the Android 4.3 based APIs are similar to Samsung BLE SDK 2.0, but they also contain significant changes which can cause confusion to developers who have already used Samsung BLE SDK 2.0. As such we have made available a migration document on our developer website (http://developer.samsung.com/ble) which will guide you on migration of your Samsung BLE SDK 2.0 based applications to Android 4.3 based SDK.Kindly make sure your applications are updated accordingly based on version of the device. Regards, BLE SDK Team. 所以想用三星作为新版本开发者,尽量把ROM升级成 4.3 以上 HTC One, One X Moto Android 平台到Android 4.4(API 19)为止,只支持Central,不支持Peripheral.也就是只能作为Client主模式去连接Server设备,不支持自己作为Peripheral从模式来连接Client。
    2. 再续点评Vishay视频 抢楼拿奖进行到底 201/28390 分立器件 2013-12-02
      https://www.eeworld.com.cn/Vishay/2013/1122/down_964.html 新一代的人机交互,使得人们在使用电脑或其他电子,更加快捷。其中向这种隔空手势识别会在以后的产品中快速发展,希望Vishay越做 越好,也希望能普及这种基于VCNL4020的方案:victory:
    3. SensorTag创意征集阶段获奖名单出炉! 135/16974 无线连接 2013-11-28
      基于SensorTag(CC2541)蓝牙4.0的导盲鞋,导航鞋 周计划提交
    4. 关于SensorTag创意征集阶段评奖的说明 15/3262 无线连接 2013-11-24
    5. 周计划怎么提交?
    6. 加油!!!继续努力  open source
    7. 楼主去找一本关于WINCE方面的书吧,一般会讲流接口驱动开发流程的


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