Cuk变换器设计 Motivation for boost-buck converter topology Cuk convertter iin Conttiinuous Conducttiion Mode operattiion Critical inductors for Cuk converter in Border Current Mode Cuk convertter iin CCM wiitth couplled iinducttors Zero-ripple technique for both input and output currents Cuk convertter iin CCM wiitth diiscrette ttransformer Leakage reducing in the isolating transformer Mullttii-outtputt zero-riipplle iisollatted Cuk convertter Single magnetic realization of multi-output Cuk converter Augmentt of tthe lleakage iinducttance iin ttransformer Cuk converter in Discontinuous Conduction Mode operation Three swiittched nettworks and iinducttor currentts iin DCM Derivation of the Voltage Transfer Function in DCM Equiivallentt iinducttance requiired for DCM Lossless resistor emulated by Cuk DCM converter The desiign of tthe iinttermediiatte capaciittor Using of non-linear intermediate capacitor Hybriid swiittched capaciittor Cuk convertter Soft-switching technique applying to the converter
下载次数 3次 资源类型 应用文档 上传时间 2015-05-24