
  • 2025-02-05
  • 发表了主题帖: ZCC1923替代BOS1921Piezo Haptic Driver with Digital Front End

    FEATURES • High-Voltage Low Power Piezo Driver o Drive 100nF at 190VPP and 250Hz with 490mW o Drives Capacitive Loads up to 1000nF o Energy Recovery o Differential Output o Small Solution Footprint, QFN & WLCSP   • Low Quiescent Current: SHUTDOWN; SLEEP; IDLE; IDLE mode Current only 90uA  • Multiple operating modes: AUTOPLAY; SENSEPLAY; DIRECTPLAY; FIFOPLAY; SRAMPLAY  • Wide Supply Voltage Range of 2.3V to 5.5V  • Advanced Piezo Sensing Capabilities o 8.8 mV Sensing Resolution o Interrupt Generation o Automatic Triggering of Haptic Feedback • Integrated Digital Front End with I2C o 1024 sample Internal FIFO Interface o 1.8 V Digital I/O Supply o Supports Continuous Waveforms Playback o State Retention in SLEEP Mode  • Fast Start Up Time less than 200 µs • Multi-Actuator Synchronization; address selection; Power-on-Reset • ESD verification pass, latch up verification pass DESCRIPTION The ZCC1923 is a single-chip piezo actuator driver with energy recovery, based on Analogwin’s patented technology. It can drive actuators with waveforms up to 190 Vpk-pk while operating from a 2.3 to 5.5 V supply voltage. Its low power and small size make it ideal for a variety of applications requiring minimal power consumption. The ZCC1923 features high-resolution piezo sensing capabilities allowing haptic feedback to be automatically played when detection conditions are met. The ZCC1923 differential driver achieves low distortion waveforms and quiet actuator operation. All settings are adjustable through the digital front end to reduce the BOM. Data and configuration parameters are easily communicated to the ZCC1923 through its two wire I2C interface. A flexible deep FIFO enables the streaming of digital waveform data for playback or the transmission of burst data for more bandwidth efficiency. The ZCC1923 also integrates 1.5 kB of RAM waveform memory to generate HD haptic waveforms with minimal communication bandwidth. A dedicated SYNC pin can synchronize multiple ZCC1923 controllers to simultaneously drive multiple actuators within 2µs. In addition to SYNC synchronization, ZCC1923 can also support CLK_SYNC synchronization. This function synchronizes the clock CLK, and multiple chips share the same CLK. With a typical start-up time of less than 200µs, the ZCC1923 latency is negligible in most systems. Various safety systems protect the ZCC1923 from damage in case of a fault. APPLICATIONS • Mobile Phones and Tablets • Portable Computers, Keyboards and Mice • Gaming Controllers, Wearables • Electronic Cooling  

  • 发表了主题帖: ZCC5400 四组配对电阻网络

    描述:  ZCC5400 是一个四电阻网络,具有出色的在整个温度范围内匹配规格。配置 ZCC5400 时也指定了匹配在差分放大器中。此增强的匹配规范保证 CMRR 性能 提高 2 倍与独立匹配的电阻器相比。所有四个电阻器都可以独立访问和偏置, 使 ZCC5400 成为任何可以从匹配电阻器中受益的应用。这些电阻网络提供精确 的比率稳定性高精度差分放大器所需的电压参考和桥接电路。 ZCC5400 采用节省空间的 8 针 MSOP 包装,并在以下温度范围内指定–55°C 至 150°C。 性能: ● 完美匹配 ● A 级:0.01%匹配 ● B 级:0.025%匹配 ● 0.2ppm/°C 匹配温度漂移 ● ±75V 工作电压(±80V 绝对最大值)  ● 8ppm/°C 绝对电阻值温度漂移  ● 长期稳定性:2000 小时时 ● –55°C 至 150°C 工作温度  ● 8 导联 MSOP 封装 应用:  ● 差分放大器 ● 参考分频器 ● 精度求和/减法

  • 2025-01-15
  • 发表了主题帖: ZCC5143Automotive 3.5V to 65V Dual Synchronous Buck Controller替代LM5143

    Descriptions Th is a 65V synchronous step-down DC/DC controller for high current single or dual outputs. The device features an interleaved, stackable peak current mode control architecture for simple loop compensation, fast transient response, excellent load and line regulation, and precise current sharing through parallel phasing for high output currents. 65ns of ultra-short on-time for the high-side switch facilitates large buck ratios and supports direct buck conversion from 12V, 24V, or 48V automotive inputs to lower voltage rails, reducing system complexity and solution cost. The can continue to operate at nearly 100% duty cycle as needed even when the input voltage drops abruptly to 3.5V. Ultra-high efficiency is achieved by Using an inductor DCR to detect the current, and a shunt resistor can be used to detect it with high accuracy. 15uA no-load quiescent current and regulated output voltage extends the operating runtime of battery-powered systems. The can be powered by the output of a switching regulator or other available power sources. By utilizing the output of a switching regulator or other available power supply to power the , lower input quiescent current and power loss can be achieved. Features l VIN input voltage range: +3.5V ~ +65V l  1% accuracy, 3.3V/5V fixed or 0.6V to 55V adjustable output voltage l  Shutdown Mode Current: 4µA (Typ.) l  No-load standby current: 15 µA (Typ.) l Dual channel or single output multi-phase l 65ns tON(min ) for high VIN/VOUT ratio l  60ns tOFF(min) for low voltage drop l  Hiccup mode over-current protection l  VCC, VDDA and Gate Drive UVLO Protection l  Thermal shutdown protection with hysteresis l Adaptive Gate Driver Controlled by Voltage Slew Rate l  Switching frequency range of 100kHz to 2.2MHz l  Optional diode emulation or FPWM l VQFNP6X6-40 package Applications l Automotive Electronic Systems l Advanced Driver Assistance System(ADAS) l    Infotainment & Instrumentation Systems

  • 发表了主题帖: ZCC9159 -7V 300mA 超低功耗高速 LDO

    功能描述 ZCC9195是一款超低功耗并具有快速响应、关断快速放电功能的高速LDO。静态电流低至 0.8uA,输出电流最大为300mA。 ZCC9195具有输出过流保护、输出短路保护、温度保护等功能,确保芯片在异常工作条件 下不会损坏。 ZCC9195只需要1uF的陶瓷电容即可保证电压稳定输出, 其内部精密的电压基准和反馈回 路,可使电路在输入电压、负载、工艺和温度波动的情况下,确保±1%的输出电压精度。 ZCC9195 工作温度范围为–40°C ~ +125°C,封装形式为 SOT23-3L,SOT23-5L, DFN1x1-4L。 特性  • 宽输入电压:2V to 5.5V • 最大500mA输出电流  • 输出电压:3.3/3.0/2.8/2.5/1.8/1.5/1.2/1.0V。其他输出电压或输出ADJ可调,需定 制 • 高输出精度:±1%  • 超低功耗:0.8µA@typ • 超低压差:220mV @200mA Load /VOUT=3.3V  • 短路保护电流:100mA  • 优秀的线性/负载特性  • 线性调整率:0.05% typical • 高PSRR:70dB@1KHZ • 封装形式:SOT23-3L,SOT23-5L, DFN1x1-4L

  • 2025-01-14
  • 发表了主题帖: ZCC2116TSL 1µA超低静态电流同步升压变换器 替代TLV61070

    特性  ❖ 无开关时,1µA 超低静态电流  ❖ 可调输出电压范围:2.0V~5.5V  ❖ 可选择的固定输出电压版本 5.1V/3.6V/3.3V/3.0V  ❖ 2% 反馈电压精度 (25℃) ❖ 效率高达 95% ❖ 关断期间真正实现断开  ❖ 过流保护功能  ❖ 过温保护功能  ❖ 输出防反灌保护  ❖ 内置软起动补偿  ❖ 1.2MHz 固定开关频率  ❖ SOT23-6 封装 描述  ZCC2116TSL 器件是一种具有超低静态电 流的高效同步升压转换器.该器件专为多种电池 供电的产品而设计,并且在轻载条件下仅消耗 1µA静态电流,轻载条件下的高效运行对于延长 电池寿命至关重要。该器件在 20µA 的负载下, 可实现高达 80%的效率。对于 2.2V 转换为 3.6V 的应用,在 200 mA 负载下,它可实现高达 92% 的效率;4.2V 转换为 5.1V 的应用,在 500 mA 负载下,它可实现高达 95%的效率。具有真关断 功能,在关闭和输出短路条件下,将输出与输入 断开。 ZCC2116TSL 有 5.1V/3.6V/3.3V/3.0V 固定 输出电压版本,确保 FB 引脚浮置,不能连接 到任何设备。 同时具有过流保护、过温保护、输出短路保 护功能,确保器件安全运行。 应用范围  ❖ 移动设备、平板  ❖ 智能手机  ❖ 蓝牙应用  ❖ 电池供电系统

  • 发表了主题帖: ZCC1923替代BOS1921Piezo Haptic Driver with Digital Front End

    FEATURES • High-Voltage Low Power Piezo Driver o Drive 100nF at 190VPP and 250Hz with 490mW o Drives Capacitive Loads up to 1000nF o Energy Recovery o Differential Output o Small Solution Footprint, QFN & WLCSP   • Low Quiescent Current: SHUTDOWN; SLEEP; IDLE; IDLE mode Current only 90uA  • Multiple operating modes: AUTOPLAY; SENSEPLAY; DIRECTPLAY; FIFOPLAY; SRAMPLAY  • Wide Supply Voltage Range of 2.3V to 5.5V  • Advanced Piezo Sensing Capabilities o 8.8 mV Sensing Resolution o Interrupt Generation o Automatic Triggering of Haptic Feedback • Integrated Digital Front End with I2C o 1024 sample Internal FIFO Interface o 1.8 V Digital I/O Supply o Supports Continuous Waveforms Playback o State Retention in SLEEP Mode  • Fast Start Up Time less than 200 µs • Multi-Actuator Synchronization; address selection; Power-on-Reset • ESD verification pass, latch up verification pass DESCRIPTION The ZCC1923 is a single-chip piezo actuator driver with energy recovery, based on Analogwin’s patented technology. It can drive actuators with waveforms up to 190 Vpk-pk while operating from a 2.3 to 5.5 V supply voltage. Its low power and small size make it ideal for a variety of applications requiring minimal power consumption. The ZCC1923 features high-resolution piezo sensing capabilities allowing haptic feedback to be automatically played when detection conditions are met. The ZCC1923 differential driver achieves low distortion waveforms and quiet actuator operation. All settings are adjustable through the digital front end to reduce the BOM. Data and configuration parameters are easily communicated to the ZCC1923 through its two wire I2C interface. A flexible deep FIFO enables the streaming of digital waveform data for playback or the transmission of burst data for more bandwidth efficiency. The ZCC1923 also integrates 1.5 kB of RAM waveform memory to generate HD haptic waveforms with minimal communication bandwidth. A dedicated SYNC pin can synchronize multiple ZCC1923 controllers to simultaneously drive multiple actuators within 2µs. In addition to SYNC synchronization, ZCC1923 can also support CLK_SYNC synchronization. This function synchronizes the clock CLK, and multiple chips share the same CLK. With a typical start-up time of less than 200µs, the ZCC1923 latency is negligible in most systems. Various safety systems protect the ZCC1923 from damage in case of a fault. APPLICATIONS • Mobile Phones and Tablets • Portable Computers, Keyboards and Mice • Gaming Controllers, Wearables • Electronic Cooling

  • 2025-01-10
  • 发表了主题帖: ZCC541A/B--40V 1A Low-Dropout Linear Voltage Regulator

     Description The ZCC541A/B series is a high input voltage (40V), low-dropout linear regulator (LDO) able to provide 1A load current. The ZCC541A/B family LDO offers EN pin to enable and disable the LDO output, EN pin can take 40V input voltage. The LDO features very fast response against line voltage transient and load current transient, and ensures no overshoot voltage during the LDO start up and short circuit recovery. The device features integrated short-circuit and thermal shutdown protection.Fixed voltages of 5 .0 V , 3 .3 V , 3 .0 V a n d 1 .8 V are available on ZCC541BKP with adjustable output voltages to 0.6V on ZCC541AKP. n Features Ø Fixed and adjustable output voltages to 0.6V Ø   High Input Voltage Rating:Up to 40V Ø High Output Current:1A Ø High PSRR:65dB at 1kHZ   Low Dropout Voltage:1.5V@1A ØFixed Output Voltages: 1.8V, 3.0V, 3.3V,5.0V and ADJ Ø High-accuracy Output Voltage: ±2% Ø   Fast Transient Response Ø Integrated Short-Circuit Protection Ø Enable pin is available Ø Integrated Thermal Protection Ø Available Packages:ESOP8  Application Ø Servers and laptops Ø Smart phone and PDA  Ø MP3/MP4 Ø  Home Appliance  

  • 发表了主题帖: ZCC14021-45V、500mA 低噪声线性稳压电源 替代ADP7185,LT1175

    产品特性  超低 RMS 噪声:10µVRMS 输出电流:500mA 宽输入电压范围:-2.5V 至 -45V 输出电压范围:-1.22V 至 -45V + VDO  固定-5V,-3.3V,-2.5V,-1.8V  输出电压 ±1% 初始精度 3uA 关断电流 30µA 静态地电流  低压差电压:220mV  最小输出电容:2.2µF(陶瓷)  限流和过温保护  8 引脚 DFN 封装  结温范围-55°C 至+125°C 应用  低噪声放大器  超低噪声仪表  电池供电系统  功放、ADC 和 DAC 通信和基础设施  医疗和保健 概述  ZCC14021 是一款微功率、低噪声、低压差负调压器。该装置 能够提供 500mA 的输出电流,压降为 240mV。低静态电流 (30 µA 工作和 3 µA 关机)使 ZCC14021 成为电池供电应用的 最佳选择,并且静态电流在低压差工况下得到了很好的控 制。 ZCC14021 的其他特点包括低输出噪声。在 10Hz 至 100kH 的 带宽内,输出噪声降低至 10 µVRMS,因而特别适合给高性能模拟和混合信号电路供电。ZCC14021 能够支持小电容工 作,并且在小输出电容值的情况下与其他线性稳压电源一 样稳定工作。支持小型陶瓷电容器,无需额外增加 ESR。 内部保护电路包括电流限制和热限制。该设备的固定输出 电压为工厂设定,包含-5V,-3.3V,-2.5V,-1.8V 等,可调 参考电压为-1.22V。ZCC14021 调节器采用 8 引脚 DFN 封 装,以实现薄型、小尺寸应用。

  • 2025-01-09
  • 发表了主题帖: ZCC7008B 3.3V/8A Synchronous Step-down Converter替代RT6258B

    The ZCC7008B operates at high efficiency over a wideoutput current load range with fixed 3.3V output voltageand capable of delivering 8A load current. lt supports awide range input voltage from 4.5V to 23V.AdaptiveConstant-On-Time (COT) control mode provides fasttransient response, eases loop stabilization, andoperates with a low-cost electrolytic capacitorZCC7008B also integrate a 100mA LDO and bypassswitch for efficiency improving.ZCC7008B provides complete enable control, under/overvoltage protect, short circuit protect, valley current limit,thermal shutdown function features.ZCC7008B provides compact solution for TCON powersystem. Features 4.5V ~ 23V Input Voltage Range Fixed 3.3V output voltage Supports 8-A continuous output current Integrated 20mQ High side FET and 10m0 low side FET3.3V LDO capable ofsourcing 100mA Internal +1% reference voltage at 25°C Integrated bypass switch, typical Ron is 1.50 Internal 0.6ms soft-start Max switching frequency up to 500kHz fast transient response with COT control mode Power good indicator Ultrasonic Mode Integrated protections for Uv, Ov, OT, and OCP40°C to +150°C operating junction temperature AQFN3X3-12 FC Package Applications Notebook Computers Notebook, Tablet Computers General power supply for 3.3V output

  • 发表了主题帖: ZCC5143Automotive 3.5V to 65V Dual Synchronous Buck Controller替代LM5143

    Descriptions Th is a 65V synchronous step-down DC/DC controller for high current single or dual outputs. The device features an interleaved, stackable peak current mode control architecture for simple loop compensation, fast transient response, excellent load and line regulation, and precise current sharing through parallel phasing for high output currents. 65ns of ultra-short on-time for the high-side switch facilitates large buck ratios and supports direct buck conversion from 12V, 24V, or 48V automotive inputs to lower voltage rails, reducing system complexity and solution cost. The can continue to operate at nearly 100% duty cycle as needed even when the input voltage drops abruptly to 3.5V. Ultra-high efficiency is achieved by Using an inductor DCR to detect the current, and a shunt resistor can be used to detect it with high accuracy. 15uA no-load quiescent current and regulated output voltage extends the operating runtime of battery-powered systems. The can be powered by the output of a switching regulator or other available power sources. By utilizing the output of a switching regulator or other available power supply to power the , lower input quiescent current and power loss can be achieved. Features l VIN input voltage range: +3.5V ~ +65V l  1% accuracy, 3.3V/5V fixed or 0.6V to 55V adjustable output voltage l  Shutdown Mode Current: 4µA (Typ.) l  No-load standby current: 15 µA (Typ.) l Dual channel or single output multi-phase l 65ns tON(min ) for high VIN/VOUT ratio l  60ns tOFF(min) for low voltage drop l  Hiccup mode over-current protection l  VCC, VDDA and Gate Drive UVLO Protection l  Thermal shutdown protection with hysteresis l Adaptive Gate Driver Controlled by Voltage Slew Rate l  Switching frequency range of 100kHz to 2.2MHz l  Optional diode emulation or FPWM l VQFNP6X6-40 package Applications l Automotive Electronic Systems l Advanced Driver Assistance System(ADAS) l    Infotainment & Instrumentation Systems  

  • 2025-01-07
  • 发表了主题帖: ZCC5183A/B 4.5V至20V输入,3A同步降压变压器,替代TMI3253S SY8113 JW5357M

    特性:  ZCC5183A/B转换器集成了 80mΩ 和 40mΩ 场效应晶体管   持续电流:3A  具有快速瞬态响应的COT模式控制   输入电压范围:4.5V至20V v 输出电压范围:0.76V/0.807V至7V v  脉冲跳跃模式(ZCC5183A)或连续电流 模式(ZCC5183B) v  550KHz开关频率 v  低关断电流(小于 10µA) v  1.5% 反馈电压精度 (25°C)   从预偏置输出电压中启动   逐周期过流限制  打嗝模式过流保护 v  非锁存欠压保护 (UVP) 和热关断 (TSD) 保护 v  固定软启动时间:1.0ms v  符 合RoHS标准 描述: ZCC5183A 和 ZCC5183B 是简单易用的 3A 同 步降压转换器,输入电源电压范围为 4.5V 至 20V。 两款器件均经过优化,最大限度地减少 了运行所需的外部组件并且可以实现低待机电 流。 这些开关模式电源器件采用 COT 模式控制,能 够提供快速瞬态响应,并且在无需外部补偿组 件的情况下支持诸如高分子聚合物等低等效串 联电阻 (ESR) 输出电容以及超低 ESR 陶瓷电 容器。 ZCC5183A 在脉冲跳跃模式下运行,从而能在 轻载运行期间保持高效率。ZCC5183B 以强制 PWM方式工作,有助于满足严格的电压调节精 度要求。 ZCC5183A 和 ZCC5183B 有 TSOT23-6 和 SOT563封装,额定结温范为:–40°C 至 125°C。 应用: v 液晶电视  v 网络家庭终端设备 v  数字机顶盒(STB)  v 监控设备

  • 发表了主题帖: ZCC14021-45V、500mA 低噪声线性稳压电源 替代ADP7185,LT1175

    产品特性  超低 RMS 噪声:10µVRMS 输出电流:500mA 宽输入电压范围:-2.5V 至 -45V 输出电压范围:-1.22V 至 -45V + VDO  固定-5V,-3.3V,-2.5V,-1.8V  输出电压 ±1% 初始精度 3uA 关断电流 30µA 静态地电流  低压差电压:220mV  最小输出电容:2.2µF(陶瓷)  限流和过温保护  8 引脚 DFN 封装  结温范围-55°C 至+125°C 应用  低噪声放大器  超低噪声仪表  电池供电系统  功放、ADC 和 DAC 通信和基础设施  医疗和保健 概述  ZCC14021 是一款微功率、低噪声、低压差负调压器。该装置 能够提供 500mA 的输出电流,压降为 240mV。低静态电流 (30 µA 工作和 3 µA 关机)使 ZCC14021 成为电池供电应用的 最佳选择,并且静态电流在低压差工况下得到了很好的控 制。 ZCC14021 的其他特点包括低输出噪声。在 10Hz 至 100kH 的 带宽内,输出噪声降低至 10 µVRMS,因而特别适合给高性能模拟和混合信号电路供电。ZCC14021 能够支持小电容工 作,并且在小输出电容值的情况下与其他线性稳压电源一 样稳定工作。支持小型陶瓷电容器,无需额外增加 ESR。 内部保护电路包括电流限制和热限制。该设备的固定输出 电压为工厂设定,包含-5V,-3.3V,-2.5V,-1.8V 等,可调 参考电压为-1.22V。ZCC14021 调节器采用 8 引脚 DFN 封 装,以实现薄型、小尺寸应用。

  • 2025-01-06
  • 发表了主题帖: ZCC7008B 3.3V/8A Synchronous Step-down Converter替代RT6258B

    The ZCC7008B operates at high efficiency over a wideoutput current load range with fixed 3.3V output voltageand capable of delivering 8A load current. lt supports awide range input voltage from 4.5V to 23V.AdaptiveConstant-On-Time (COT) control mode provides fasttransient response, eases loop stabilization, andoperates with a low-cost electrolytic capacitorZCC7008B also integrate a 100mA LDO and bypassswitch for efficiency improving.ZCC7008B provides complete enable control, under/overvoltage protect, short circuit protect, valley current limit,thermal shutdown function features.ZCC7008B provides compact solution for TCON powersystem. Features 4.5V ~ 23V Input Voltage Range Fixed 3.3V output voltage Supports 8-A continuous output current Integrated 20mQ High side FET and 10m0 low side FET3.3V LDO capable ofsourcing 100mA Internal +1% reference voltage at 25°C Integrated bypass switch, typical Ron is 1.50 Internal 0.6ms soft-start Max switching frequency up to 500kHz fast transient response with COT control mode Power good indicator Ultrasonic Mode Integrated protections for Uv, Ov, OT, and OCP40°C to +150°C operating junction temperature AQFN3X3-12 FC Package Applications Notebook Computers Notebook, Tablet Computers General power supply for 3.3V output

  • 发表了主题帖: 20V/500mA低功耗低噪声LDO稳压器-ZCC12071替代ADP7104,ADP7102

    概述: ZCC12071是一款CMOS、低压差(LDO)线性稳压器,采用1.9V至20V电源供电,最大输山电流为500mA.这款高输入电压LDO适用于调节20V至1.2V供电的高性能模拟和混合信号电路。该器件采用先进的专有架构,在提供高电源抑制、低噪声特性的同时保持低静态电流,仅需一个2.2μF小型陶瓷输出电容,便可实现出色的线路与负载瞬态响应性能。ZCC12071稳压器输出噪声为8.5μVRMS,与5V及以下的固定选项输出电压无关。 ZCC12071提供6种固定输出电压选项。现有库存提供下列电压版本:1.2V(可调节)、1.22V(可调节)、1.5V、 1.8V、2.5V、3.3V和5.0V。 每个固定输出电压都可以通过外部反馈分压器在初始设定点以上调整。这使ZCC1207何提供1.2V至VIN-VDO的输山电压且具有高PSRR和低噪声。 ZCC12071提供6引脚DFN和8引脚SOP 封装。仅有 DFN封装支持通过外部电容进行用户可编程软启动。 产品特性: 低噪声:8.5μVRMs,与固定输出电压值无关电源抑制比(PSRR):92dB(10 kHz)输入电压范围:1.9V至20V输出电压: .固定输出电压:1.5V、1.8V、2.5V、3.3V和5.0V可调输出电压范围:1.2V至VIN-VDO ZCC12071AUJZ-1-R7可调输出电压范围:1.22V至 VIN-VDO 最大输出电流:500mA ◆线路、负载和温度范围内的精度: *±1.2%(T=-55℃至+125C)±1.6%(T」=-55°C至+150C) 低压差:480 mV(典型值,lour=500 mA,Vour=5V)用户可编程软启动(仅 DFN封装提供) 低静态电流,IGND=22μA(典型值,无负载)低关断电流:1.1μA(VIN=20V)使用 2.2μF陶瓷输出电容保持稳定精确使能 工作环境温度(TA)范围:-55°C to +125C工作结温(Ts)范围:-55Cto+150℃ AEC-Q100 适用于汽车应用◆6引脚 DFN 和 8 引脚 SOP 封装 应用: ◆适应噪声敏感应用 ADC和DAC 电路,精密放大器和 VCO控制供电通信和基础设施医疗成像 工业与仪器仪表◆汽车电子

  • 2025-01-03
  • 发表了主题帖: ZCC5183A/B 4.5V至20V输入,3A同步降压变压器,替代TMI3253S SY8113 JW5357M

    特性:  ZCC5183A/B转换器集成了 80mΩ 和 40mΩ 场效应晶体管   持续电流:3A  具有快速瞬态响应的COT模式控制   输入电压范围:4.5V至20V v 输出电压范围:0.76V/0.807V至7V v  脉冲跳跃模式(ZCC5183A)或连续电流 模式(ZCC5183B) v  550KHz开关频率 v  低关断电流(小于 10µA) v  1.5% 反馈电压精度 (25°C)   从预偏置输出电压中启动   逐周期过流限制  打嗝模式过流保护 v  非锁存欠压保护 (UVP) 和热关断 (TSD) 保护 v  固定软启动时间:1.0ms v  符 合RoHS标准 描述: ZCC5183A 和 ZCC5183B 是简单易用的 3A 同 步降压转换器,输入电源电压范围为 4.5V 至 20V。 两款器件均经过优化,最大限度地减少 了运行所需的外部组件并且可以实现低待机电 流。 这些开关模式电源器件采用 COT 模式控制,能 够提供快速瞬态响应,并且在无需外部补偿组 件的情况下支持诸如高分子聚合物等低等效串 联电阻 (ESR) 输出电容以及超低 ESR 陶瓷电 容器。 ZCC5183A 在脉冲跳跃模式下运行,从而能在 轻载运行期间保持高效率。ZCC5183B 以强制 PWM方式工作,有助于满足严格的电压调节精 度要求。 ZCC5183A 和 ZCC5183B 有 TSOT23-6 和 SOT563封装,额定结温范为:–40°C 至 125°C。 应用: v 液晶电视  v 网络家庭终端设备 v  数字机顶盒(STB)  v 监控设备

  • 发表了主题帖: ZC2117替代TPS61099 SGM66099 ETA1061 LP626

    特性 v 无开关时,1µA超低静态电流 v 可调输出电压范围:3.0V~5.1V v 可选择的固定输出电压版本5.1V/3.6V/3.3V/3.0V v 效率高达94% v 关断期间真正实现断开 v 过流保护功能 v 过温保护功能 v 输出防反灌保护 v 内置软起动补偿 v 1.2MHz固定开关频率 v SOT23-6和DFN2x2-6封装 描述  ZC2117器件是一种具有超低静态电流的高效同步 升压转换器.该器件专为多种电池供电的产品而设 计,并且在轻载条件下仅消耗1µA静态电流,轻载 条件下的高效运行对于延长电池寿命至关重要。该 器件在20µA的负载下,可实现高达75%的效率。对 于3.6V转换为5.1V的应用,在200 mA负载下,它 可实现高达94%的效率。它具有真关断功能,在关 闭和输出短路条件下,将输出与输入断开。  ZC2117有5.1V/3.6V/3.3V/3.0V固定输出电压版本, 确保FB引脚浮置,不能连接到任何设备。 同时过流保护、过温保护、输出短路保护确保器件 安全运行。 应用 v 移动设备、平板 v 智能手机  v 蓝牙应用  v 电池供电系统 

  • 2025-01-02
  • 发表了主题帖: ZCC2116TSL 1µA超低静态电流同步升压变换器 替代TLV61070

    特性  ❖ 无开关时,1µA 超低静态电流  ❖ 可调输出电压范围:2.0V~5.5V  ❖ 可选择的固定输出电压版本 5.1V/3.6V/3.3V/3.0V  ❖ 2% 反馈电压精度 (25℃) ❖ 效率高达 95% ❖ 关断期间真正实现断开  ❖ 过流保护功能  ❖ 过温保护功能  ❖ 输出防反灌保护  ❖ 内置软起动补偿  ❖ 1.2MHz 固定开关频率  ❖ SOT23-6 封装 描述  ZCC2116TSL 器件是一种具有超低静态电 流的高效同步升压转换器.该器件专为多种电池 供电的产品而设计,并且在轻载条件下仅消耗 1µA静态电流,轻载条件下的高效运行对于延长 电池寿命至关重要。该器件在 20µA 的负载下, 可实现高达 80%的效率。对于 2.2V 转换为 3.6V 的应用,在 200 mA 负载下,它可实现高达 92% 的效率;4.2V 转换为 5.1V 的应用,在 500 mA 负载下,它可实现高达 95%的效率。具有真关断 功能,在关闭和输出短路条件下,将输出与输入 断开。 ZCC2116TSL 有 5.1V/3.6V/3.3V/3.0V 固定 输出电压版本,确保 FB 引脚浮置,不能连接 到任何设备。 同时具有过流保护、过温保护、输出短路保 护功能,确保器件安全运行。 应用范围  ❖ 移动设备、平板  ❖ 智能手机  ❖ 蓝牙应用  ❖ 电池供电系统

  • 发表了主题帖: ZCC75XXH- 40V/150mA 高压线性稳压器替代HT75XX

    功能描述 ZCC75XXH是一款高压低功耗线性稳压器,静态电流低至2.5uA,输出电流最大为150mA。该系列产品 采用先进的CMOS工艺和高压PMOSFET,具有快速启动、高输出电压精度等特点。只需要1uF 的陶瓷电容即可保证电压稳定输出, 其内部精密的电压基准和反馈回路,可使电路在输入电压、负载、工艺和温度波动的情况下,确保±1%的输出电压精度。工作温度范围–40°C ~ +125°C,封装形式为SOT89-3 , SOT23-3L。 特性 • 宽输入电压:2V to 40V  • 最大150mA输出电流  • 超低功耗:2.5µA@typ  • 超低压差:650mV at 150mA Load @VOUT=5V  • 短路保护电流:60mA  • 优秀的线性/负载特性  • 线性调整率:0.05% typical  • 封装形式:SOT89-3,SOT23-3L

  • 2024-12-31
  • 发表了主题帖: ZCC5143Automotive 3.5V to 65V Dual Synchronous Buck Controller替代LM5143

    Descriptions Th is a 65V synchronous step-down DC/DC controller for high current single or dual outputs. The device features an interleaved, stackable peak current mode control architecture for simple loop compensation, fast transient response, excellent load and line regulation, and precise current sharing through parallel phasing for high output currents. 65ns of ultra-short on-time for the high-side switch facilitates large buck ratios and supports direct buck conversion from 12V, 24V, or 48V automotive inputs to lower voltage rails, reducing system complexity and solution cost. The can continue to operate at nearly 100% duty cycle as needed even when the input voltage drops abruptly to 3.5V. Ultra-high efficiency is achieved by Using an inductor DCR to detect the current, and a shunt resistor can be used to detect it with high accuracy. 15uA no-load quiescent current and regulated output voltage extends the operating runtime of battery-powered systems. The can be powered by the output of a switching regulator or other available power sources. By utilizing the output of a switching regulator or other available power supply to power the , lower input quiescent current and power loss can be achieved. Features l VIN input voltage range: +3.5V ~ +65V l  1% accuracy, 3.3V/5V fixed or 0.6V to 55V adjustable output voltage l  Shutdown Mode Current: 4µA (Typ.) l  No-load standby current: 15 µA (Typ.) l Dual channel or single output multi-phase l 65ns tON(min ) for high VIN/VOUT ratio l  60ns tOFF(min) for low voltage drop l  Hiccup mode over-current protection l  VCC, VDDA and Gate Drive UVLO Protection l  Thermal shutdown protection with hysteresis l Adaptive Gate Driver Controlled by Voltage Slew Rate l  Switching frequency range of 100kHz to 2.2MHz l  Optional diode emulation or FPWM l VQFNP6X6-40 package Applications l Automotive Electronic Systems l Advanced Driver Assistance System(ADAS) l    Infotainment & Instrumentation Systems

  • 发表了主题帖: ZCC7008B 3.3V/8A Synchronous Step-down Converter替代RT6258B

    The ZCC7008B operates at high efficiency over a wideoutput current load range with fixed 3.3V output voltageand capable of delivering 8A load current. lt supports awide range input voltage from 4.5V to 23V.AdaptiveConstant-On-Time (COT) control mode provides fasttransient response, eases loop stabilization, andoperates with a low-cost electrolytic capacitorZCC7008B also integrate a 100mA LDO and bypassswitch for efficiency improving.ZCC7008B provides complete enable control, under/overvoltage protect, short circuit protect, valley current limit,thermal shutdown function features.ZCC7008B provides compact solution for TCON powersystem. Features 4.5V ~ 23V Input Voltage Range Fixed 3.3V output voltage Supports 8-A continuous output current Integrated 20mQ High side FET and 10m0 low side FET3.3V LDO capable ofsourcing 100mA Internal +1% reference voltage at 25°C Integrated bypass switch, typical Ron is 1.50 Internal 0.6ms soft-start Max switching frequency up to 500kHz fast transient response with COT control mode Power good indicator Ultrasonic Mode Integrated protections for Uv, Ov, OT, and OCP40°C to +150°C operating junction temperature AQFN3X3-12 FC Package Applications Notebook Computers Notebook, Tablet Computers General power supply for 3.3V output


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