
  • 2024-10-27
  • 发表了主题帖: 【2024 DigiKey 创意大赛】移植openHASP项目,实现家庭物联网控制中心

    本帖最后由 eew_dy9f48 于 2024-10-27 14:49 编辑 一、作品简介 openHASP是一个适配于homeassistant的显示面板,底层代码是基于lvgl编写的,特别对esp32-s3进行了优化。但比较遗憾的是目前这个项目并不支持ESP32-S3-LCD-EV-BOARD这块开发板。由于这块板子上的480*480屏幕,非常适合作为86面板嵌入在墙上,作为家庭物联网的控制中心,因此我想把openHASP这个项目移植到ESP32-S3-LCD-EV-BOARD开发板上。 移植完成后,我会用它来制作一个小型家庭灯光控制面板。同时用ESP32-S3-DEVKITC-1-N8R8开发板作为被控的灯光设备,来演示控制过程。 二、系统框图 项目分为三个部分完成。 第一部分是openhasp的移植,让它可以运行在ESP32-S3-LCD-EV-BOARD开发板上。 第二部分是openhasp的配置,在上面完成一个灯光控制的页面设计。 第三部分是使用ESP32-S3-DEVKITC-1-N8R8制作一个灯光控制器,作为openhasp的被控端来使用。   三、各部分功能说明 第一部分,移植openhasp: 先去OpenHASP仓库拿到所有源代码: Git clone 打开项目后,可以发现项目是使用platformio编写的,这对我们后续移植提供了很大的便利。 开发板的配置文件都存放在user_setups中。先找一个类似的配置文件,这里主要指的是通过并口驱动电容触摸屏的开发板。可以选择user_setups\esp32s3\esp32-s3-4848S040.ini。复制创建一个新的,然后可以开始修改。 主要的修改是几块,第一块是把文件内所有的开发板名称都修改,比如我改成了esp32-s3-4848s040_16MB-ev 。以此避免命名冲突。第二块是修改屏幕驱动,把原本的ST7701去掉,换成-D GC9503V_DRIVER=1。第三块是修改触摸驱动。我们开发板使用的触摸驱动是FT5X06,虽然openhasp项目中集成了这款驱动,但是如果想使用还需要下载额外的库,比较麻烦。经过实测FT6336的驱动也可以完美工作,因此我们只需要对应修改-D TOUCH_DRIVER=0x6336,并对应修改-D I2C_TOUCH_ADDRESS=0x38就可以了。最后一块是pin的修改,把LCD和触摸驱动引脚一一对应修改好就可以。这里特别需要注意一点,由于开发板默认的SPI配置引脚使用的是IO拓展器拓展出来的,因此我们需要修改一下硬件部分,让这三个引脚直接使用ESP32S3的引脚。具体修改要改动R92,93,94   按照我下面的方法把三个电阻移动一下位置就可以。   创建好配置修改好电路后,我们更改一下编译配置文件,就可以开始上传了。注意这时候不要动他原本的platformio.ini,而应该复制一份新的platformio_override-template.ini,然后重命名成platformio_override.ini,并在里面修改extra_configs = user_setups/esp32s3/*.ini以及extra_default_envs = esp32-s3-4848s040_16MB-ev。完成后编译上传,看到屏幕有了下面显示,就说明以及成功移植了openhasp项目。     第二部分,配置openhasp并绘制GUI: 首先会看到屏幕上显示一个二维码,用手机按照指示连接对应的热点并扫二维码进去配置wifi,完成后重启,设备就可以连上网络:   重启后默认当设备连上网后,会弹出设备IP地址。我们输入这个ip,就可以进入配置页面。在这个地方就可以完成对GUI的编写。 先进入configuration里的MQTT Settings配置一下MQTT服务器的设置。MQTT可以在自己电脑上搭建,也可以使用公共的。这里就不再赘述。   接着返回主页,进入File Editor,就可以开始编写GUI。       GUI的编写全部都在pages.jsonl这一个文件中完成。这里我只创建了一个组件,是一个按键矩阵。可以非常方便的使用配置语言在这里添加各种各样的组件。       写完后点击右上角的Reload Pages,就可以看到创建好的页面。     第三部分,灯光控制器制作。 现在开始用第二块开发板,ESP32-S3-DEVKITC-1-N8R8来进行开发。 这里为了方便快捷,我使用circuitpython进行开发。去到官方固件下载页面,可以直接使用open installer按钮进行固件刷新。   接着参考官方MQTT示例和neopixel,稍作修改,当收到对应的MQTT指令后点亮对应的灯就可以。关键的回调函数逻辑如下: def message(client, topic, message):     global state     # This method is called when a topic the client is subscribed to     # has a new message.     print(f"New message on topic {topic}: {message}")     payload = json.loads(message)     if payload["event"] != "up":         return     if payload["text"] == "RED":         state["red"] = (not state["red"]) * 255     elif payload["text"] == "GREEN":         state["green"] = (not state["green"]) * 255     elif payload["text"] == "BLUE":         state["blue"] = (not state["blue"]) * 255     elif payload["text"] == "ALL":         if state["red"] + state["green"] + state["blue"]:             state["red"] = 0             state["green"] = 0             state["blue"] = 0         else :             state["red"] = 255             state["green"] = 255             state["blue"] = 255     pixels[0] = (state["red"], state["green"], state["blue"]) 四、作品源码     五、作品功能演示视频   [localvideo]92ba9e453aaf69831e782251d6a180b7[/localvideo]     六、项目总结 这个项目使用了一块非常强大的触屏开发板,可以用它作为家庭物联网人机交互中枢来控制所有家电。通过这个项目我成功移植了openhasp,可以大大简化后续实际使用的复杂度。

  • 2024-10-06
  • 发表了主题帖: 【2024 DigiKey 创意大赛】得捷物料开箱贴

    这次活动的物料选择很好,有我心心念念的ESP32-S3-LCD开发板,终于可以尝试下移植openHASP项目,实现家庭物联网控制中心   为了完成这个项目,我一共购买了两个物料。多买的S3模块会作为传感器和控制节点来测试控制中心的显示情况: 由于收到物料的时间比较晚,留给项目完成的时间也不多了。希望可以按时完成。

  • 2024-08-08
  • 上传了资料: 【Follow me第二季第1期】在arduino环境下多app调度全部任务

  • 发表了主题帖: 【Follow me第二季第1期】在arduino环境下多app调度全部任务

    本帖最后由 eew_dy9f48 于 2024-8-8 18:40 编辑     源代码:   非常高兴可以参加follow me活动,这次活动我购买了一块 Adafruit Circuit Playground Express开发板和一块raspberry pi zero 2w开发板。     为了完成任务,我还自己准备了一个9g舵机和一个ADS1115模块。     开发环境我使用的是Arduino,因为在Arduino上有非常丰富的例程,其中就包括多app切换的例程,正好适合这次活动,每个任务写成一个独立的app,然后通过按键来在app之间进行切换。   首先我们要在arduino中下载对应的board和library:     接着连接上开发板,就可以开始编程了。程序是基于库中mega_demo这个例程修改得到的。   入门任务 开发环境在上面已经配置好,点灯十分简单,只要把下面这两行添加到setup函数中就可以了。 pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);   在完成其他任务前,先看一下主程序结构,看是如何实现多app切换的。然后我们再分别在各个app中完成后面的一系列任务。 下面是主程序的代码: #include <Adafruit_CircuitPlayground.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <SPI.h> #include "Adafruit_SleepyDog.h" // Include all the demos, note that each demo is defined in a separate class to keep the sketch // code below clean and simple. #include "Demo.h" #include "RainbowCycleDemo.h" #include "VUMeterDemo.h" #include "CapTouchDemo.h" #include "TiltDemo.h" #include "SensorDemo.h" #include "ProximityDemo.h" // Create an instance of each demo class. RainbowCycleDemo rainbowCycleDemo; VUMeterDemo vuMeterDemo; CapTouchDemo capTouchDemo; TiltDemo tiltDemo; SensorDemo sensorDemo; ProximityDemo proximityDemo; // Make a list of all demo class instances and keep track of the currently selected one. int currentDemo = 0; Demo* demos[] = { &rainbowCycleDemo, &sensorDemo, &proximityDemo, &tiltDemo, &capTouchDemo, &vuMeterDemo }; void setup() { // Initialize serial port and circuit playground library. Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("Circuit Playground MEGA Demo!"); CircuitPlayground.begin(); pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); } void loop() { // Check if slide switch is on the left (false) and go to sleep. while (!CircuitPlayground.slideSwitch()) { // Turn off the pixels, then go into deep sleep for a second. CircuitPlayground.clearPixels(); Watchdog.sleep(1000); } // Check for any button presses by checking their state twice with // a delay inbetween. If the first press state is different from the // second press state then something was pressed/released! bool leftFirst = CircuitPlayground.leftButton(); bool rightFirst = CircuitPlayground.rightButton(); delay(10); // Run current demo's main loop. demos[currentDemo]->loop(); // Now check for buttons that were released. bool leftSecond = CircuitPlayground.leftButton(); bool rightSecond = CircuitPlayground.rightButton(); // Left button will change the current demo. if (leftFirst && !leftSecond) { // Turn off all the pixels when entering new mode. CircuitPlayground.clearPixels(); // Increment the current demo (looping back to zero if at end). currentDemo += 1; if (currentDemo >= (sizeof(demos)/sizeof(Demo*))) { currentDemo = 0; } Serial.print("Changed to demo: "); Serial.println(currentDemo, DEC); } // Right button will change the mode of the current demo. if (rightFirst && !rightSecond) { demos[currentDemo]->modePress(); } }   从以上代码中可以看到,我们可以把每个不同的任务写在一个单独的h文件中的class里面,然后把这些class在主程序中创建好实例,再把这些实例装入一个列表中。然后在主循环loop中读取按键的读数,如果按键被按一次,则将index加一,通过这个index来选择需要运行的app,然后进入app后运行app中的loop函数。看到这里就可以明白了,我们只需要在每个单独的app文件中定义一个class,在这个class里面定义一个构造函数,这就相当于是标准arduino的setup函数,只运行一次;另外再定义一个名为loop的成员函数,这个函数会在主程序的loop中被加载,那么也就相当于是标准arduino的loop函数。而另一个按钮用作mode变化的功能,用来触发app中的modePress函数。   除此以外,我们还需要写一个Demo.h,里面装着所有app的父类,确保所有app类里的方法都具备一致性;同时还定义了一个线性外推函数,这个函数会在多个app中被使用,这样就不需要重复定义: #ifndef DEMO_H #define DEMO_H // Define each mode with the following interface for a loop and modePress // function that will be called during the main loop and if the mode button // was pressed respectively. It's up to each mode implementation to fill // these in and add their logic. class Demo { public: virtual ~Demo() {} virtual void loop() = 0; virtual void modePress() = 0; }; // Linear interpolation function is handy for all the modes to use. float lerp(float x, float xmin, float xmax, float ymin, float ymax) { if (x >= xmax) { return ymax; } if (x <= xmin) { return ymin; } return ymin + (ymax-ymin)*((x-xmin)/(xmax-xmin)); } #endif   基础任务一 跑马灯可以直接使用库中自带的CircuitPlayground.colorWheel函数来实现颜色的计算。在代码中可以添加一个速度选择功能,当另一个按钮安触发时,切换速度列表中的下一个速度。 新建一个RainbowCycleDemo.h文件,写入下面内容就可以了。 #ifndef RAINBOWCYCLEDEMO_H #define RAINBOWCYCLEDEMO_H #include "Demo.h" // Animation speeds to loop through with mode presses. The current milliseconds // are divided by this value so the smaller the value the faster the animation. static int speeds[] = { 5, 10, 50, 100 }; class RainbowCycleDemo: public Demo { public: RainbowCycleDemo() { currentSpeed = 0; } ~RainbowCycleDemo() {} virtual void loop() { // Make an offset based on the current millisecond count scaled by the current speed. uint32_t offset = millis() / speeds[currentSpeed]; // Loop through each pixel and set it to an incremental color wheel value. for(int i=0; i<10; ++i) { CircuitPlayground.strip.setPixelColor(i, CircuitPlayground.colorWheel(((i * 256 / 10) + offset) & 255)); } // Show all the pixels.; } virtual void modePress() { // Increment through the available speeds. currentSpeed += 1; if (currentSpeed >= sizeof(speeds)/sizeof(int)) { currentSpeed = 0; } } private: int currentSpeed; }; #endif        基础任务二 这个任务中我们使用CircuitPlayground库直接读取光线强度和温度,然后把板载的LED分成两部分,蓝色指代温度,红色指代光强,用LED亮起的数量来代表温度和光强的数值。mode按钮可以用来切换指示的区间。 #ifndef SENSORDEMO_H #define SENSORDEMO_H #include "Demo.h" // Define small, medium, large range of light sensor values. static int minLight[] = { 0, 0, 0 }; static int maxLight[] = { 50, 255, 1023 }; // Define small, medium, large range of temp sensor values (in Fahrenheit). static float mintempC[] = { 30.0, 25.0, 20.0 }; static float maxtempC[] = { 35.0, 38.0, 40.0 }; // Define color for light sensor pixels. #define LIGHT_RED 0xFF #define LIGHT_GREEN 0x00 #define LIGHT_BLUE 0x00 // Define color for temp sensor pixels. #define TEMP_RED 0x00 #define TEMP_GREEN 0x00 #define TEMP_BLUE 0xFF class SensorDemo : public Demo { public: SensorDemo() { mode = 0; } ~SensorDemo() {} virtual void loop() { // Reset all lights to off. for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { CircuitPlayground.strip.setPixelColor(i, 0); } // Measure the light level and use it to light up its LEDs (right half). uint16_t light = CircuitPlayground.lightSensor(); int level = (int)lerp(light, minLight[mode], maxLight[mode], 0.0, 5.0); for (int i = 9; i > 9 - level; --i) { CircuitPlayground.strip.setPixelColor(i, LIGHT_RED, LIGHT_GREEN, LIGHT_BLUE); } // Measure the temperatue and use it to light up its LEDs (left half). float tempC = CircuitPlayground.temperature(); level = (int)lerp(tempC, mintempC[mode], maxtempC[mode], 0.0, 5.0); for (int i = 0; i < level; ++i) { CircuitPlayground.strip.setPixelColor(i, TEMP_RED, TEMP_GREEN, TEMP_BLUE); } // Light up the pixels!; Serial.print("Light: "); Serial.print(light); Serial.print("; "); Serial.print("Temperature: "); Serial.println(tempC); } virtual void modePress() { // Switch to one of three modes for small, medium, big ranges of measurements. mode += 1; if (mode > 2) { mode = 0; } } private: int mode; }; #endif   当我用手指遮住亮度传感器时,可以看到红色指示灯的变化:   我把热风机的功率调到最小,轻轻吹一下热敏电阻,也可以看到蓝色的温度指示灯发生变化。     基础任务三 这个任务我们使用板载的IR发射管来发送一个脉冲,接着再用IR接收管来检测红外强度。当有障碍物时,反射回来的红外线会被IR接收管观测到,因此可以测量出一个模拟量来。我们同样用LED亮起的数量来显示接近传感的位置,超过阈值后驱动蜂鸣器发出报警。 #ifndef PROXIMITYDEMO_H #define PROXIMITYDEMO_H #include "Demo.h" class ProximityDemo : public Demo { public: ProximityDemo() { mode = 0; pinMode(CPLAY_IR_EMITTER, OUTPUT); pinMode(CPLAY_IR_EMITTER, LOW); pinMode(A10, INPUT); } ~ProximityDemo() {} virtual void loop() { // Reset all lights to off. for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { CircuitPlayground.strip.setPixelColor(i, 0); } // Measure the proximity level and use it to light up its LEDs. digitalWrite(CPLAY_IR_EMITTER, HIGH); delay(1); digitalWrite(CPLAY_IR_EMITTER, LOW); int prox = analogRead(A10); int level = (int)lerp(prox, 300, 500, 0.0, 10.0); for (int i = 0; i < level; ++i) { CircuitPlayground.strip.setPixelColor(i, 0, 0, 255); } // Light up the pixels!; if (level > 5) { CircuitPlayground.playTone(330, 100); } Serial.print("Proximity: "); Serial.println(prox); } virtual void modePress() { } private: int mode; }; #endif   可以看到手指接近时,蓝灯通过亮起数量显示了手指接近的程度。这里选用蓝色主要是为了避免红光可能会对红外线带来的干扰。   进阶任务 如果把板子水平放置在不倒翁体内,那么此时板载加速度计的Z轴是竖直向下的,理论Z轴读取到的加速度应该为9.8,也就是重力加速度。当板子发生倾斜时,z轴不再正对地心,因此加速度值会有所减少。利用这个原理可以通过观察Z轴加速度的值来间接观察不倒翁的倾倒程度。当完全水平时,板载LED显示蓝色;若倾倒到最大,这里我设定的是Z轴加速度减小到8时,板载LED变为红色。LED会在红色和蓝色之间线性变化。通过按模式按钮,还可以切换对X轴和Y轴加速的观测。 #ifndef TILTDEMO_H #define TILTDEMO_H #include "Demo.h" // Define range of possible acceleration values. #define MIN_ACCEL 8.0 #define MAX_ACCEL 10.0 // Define range of colors (min color and max color) using their red, green, blue components. // First the min color: #define MIN_COLOR_RED 0xFF #define MIN_COLOR_GREEN 0x00 #define MIN_COLOR_BLUE 0x00 // Then the max color: #define MAX_COLOR_RED 0x00 #define MAX_COLOR_GREEN 0x00 #define MAX_COLOR_BLUE 0xFF class TiltDemo: public Demo { public: TiltDemo() { mode = 2; } ~TiltDemo() {} virtual void loop() { // Grab the acceleration for the current mode's axis. float accel = 0; switch (mode) { case 0: accel = CircuitPlayground.motionX(); break; case 1: accel = CircuitPlayground.motionY(); break; case 2: accel = CircuitPlayground.motionZ(); break; } // Now interpolate the acceleration into a color for the pixels. uint8_t red = (uint8_t)lerp(accel, MIN_ACCEL, MAX_ACCEL, MIN_COLOR_RED, MAX_COLOR_RED); uint8_t green = (uint8_t)lerp(accel, MIN_ACCEL, MAX_ACCEL, MIN_COLOR_GREEN, MAX_COLOR_GREEN); uint8_t blue = (uint8_t)lerp(accel, MIN_ACCEL, MAX_ACCEL, MIN_COLOR_BLUE, MAX_COLOR_BLUE); // Gamma correction makes LED brightness appear more linear red = CircuitPlayground.gamma8(red); green = CircuitPlayground.gamma8(green); blue = CircuitPlayground.gamma8(blue); // Light up all the pixels the interpolated color. for (int i=0; i<10; ++i) { CircuitPlayground.strip.setPixelColor(i, red, green, blue); }; } virtual void modePress() { // Change the mode (axis being displayed) to a value inside 0-2 for X, Y, Z. mode += 1; if (mode > 2) { mode = 0; } } private: int mode; }; #endif   完全水平放置时,灯光为蓝色。     当发生倾斜时,灯光逐渐变红:     创意任务二 这个任务稍微复杂一些,板子通过读取麦克风的音量大小,来驱动LED灯指示音量变化。同时,驱动舵机来操作章鱼哥触角变化。但在任务中我并没有直接用开发板来驱动舵机,而是使用到了板载唯一的一个DAC接口A0。我将识别到的音量大小通过DAC以模拟量发送出去,由接在树莓派上的16位ADC模块ADS1115接收,再通过树莓派来根据接收到的模拟量驱动舵机旋转。 开发板的app代码: // This demo is based on the vumeter demo in the Adafruit Circuit Playground library. #ifndef VUMETERDEMO_H #define VUMETERDEMO_H #include <math.h> #include "Demo.h" #define SAMPLE_WINDOW 10 // Sample window for average level #define PEAK_HANG 24 // Time of pause before peak dot falls #define PEAK_FALL 4 // Rate of falling peak dot #define INPUT_FLOOR 56 // Lower range of mic sensitivity in dB SPL #define INPUT_CEILING 110 // Upper range of mic sensitivity in db SPL static byte peak = 16; // Peak level of column; used for falling dots static unsigned int sample; static byte dotCount = 0; //Frame counter for peak dot static byte dotHangCount = 0; //Frame counter for holding peak dot static float mapf(float x, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max); static void drawLine(uint8_t from, uint8_t to, uint32_t c); class VUMeterDemo : public Demo { public: VUMeterDemo() { currentCeiling = 0; } ~VUMeterDemo() {} virtual void loop() { int numPixels = CircuitPlayground.strip.numPixels(); float peakToPeak = 0; // peak-to-peak level unsigned int c, y; //get peak sound pressure level over the sample window peakToPeak = CircuitPlayground.mic.soundPressureLevel(SAMPLE_WINDOW); //limit to the floor value peakToPeak = max(INPUT_FLOOR, peakToPeak); // Serial.println(peakToPeak); //Fill the strip with rainbow gradient for (int i = 0; i <= numPixels - 1; i++) { CircuitPlayground.strip.setPixelColor(i, CircuitPlayground.colorWheel(map(i, 0, numPixels - 1, 30, 150))); } c = mapf(peakToPeak, INPUT_FLOOR, INPUT_CEILING, numPixels, 0); // Turn off pixels that are below volume threshold. if (c < peak) { peak = c; // Keep dot on top dotHangCount = 0; // make the dot hang before falling } if (c <= numPixels) { // Fill partial column with off pixels drawLine(numPixels, numPixels - c, CircuitPlayground.strip.Color(0, 0, 0)); } // Set the peak dot to match the rainbow gradient y = numPixels - peak; CircuitPlayground.strip.setPixelColor(y - 1, CircuitPlayground.colorWheel(map(y, 0, numPixels - 1, 30, 150)));; // Frame based peak dot animation if (dotHangCount > PEAK_HANG) { //Peak pause length if (++dotCount >= PEAK_FALL) { //Fall rate peak++; dotCount = 0; } } else { dotHangCount++; } analogWrite(A0, mapf(peakToPeak, INPUT_FLOOR, INPUT_CEILING, 0, 255)); } virtual void modePress() { } private: int currentCeiling; }; static float mapf(float x, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max) { return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min; } //Used to draw a line between two points of a given color static void drawLine(uint8_t from, uint8_t to, uint32_t c) { uint8_t fromTemp; if (from > to) { fromTemp = from; from = to; to = fromTemp; } for (int i = from; i <= to; i++) { CircuitPlayground.strip.setPixelColor(i, c); } } #endif   下面是树莓派部分。我们同样使用adafruit的blinka来驱动ADS1115以及舵机。先进行blinka以及DAS1115库的安装和配置: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get -y upgrade sudo apt-get install python3-pip sudo apt install --upgrade python3-setuptools cd ~ sudo apt install python3-venv python3 -m venv env --system-site-packages source env/bin/activate pip3 install --upgrade adafruit-python-shell wget sudo -E env PATH=$PATH python3 pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-ads1x15   完成上面步骤后,可以在树莓派中新建一个main.py的文件,开始编写代码。代码读取到ADS1115的值后,转化成500-2500之间的脉宽,并通过18号脚发送出去。 import time import board import pwmio import busio import adafruit_ads1x15.ads1115 as ADS from adafruit_ads1x15.analog_in import AnalogIn # Create the I2C bus i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA) # Create the ADC object using the I2C bus ads = ADS.ADS1115(i2c) # Create single-ended input on channel 0 A0 = AnalogIn(ads, ADS.P0) # Initialize PWM output for the servo (on pin BCM18): servo = pwmio.PWMOut(board.D18, frequency=50) # Create a function to simplify setting PWM duty cycle for the servo: def servo_duty_cycle(pulse_us, frequency=50): period_us = 1.0 / frequency * 1000000.0 duty_cycle = int(pulse_us / (period_us / 65535.0)) return duty_cycle print("{:>5}\t{:>5}".format('raw', 'volt')) while True: try: value = A0.value voltage = A0.voltage print("{:>5}\t{:>5.3f}".format(value, voltage)) dc = value / 16000.0 * 2000.0 + 500.0 print(dc) servo.duty_cycle = servo_duty_cycle(dc) except: pass finally: time.sleep(0.1)   接线的话首先把playground开发板,树莓派,ADS1115模块和舵机都共地。树莓派40pin接口上有多个GND这时候就可以派上用途。接着SDA和SCL分别接在BCM2和BCM3上,舵机接在BCM18上,舵机使用树莓派5V引脚供电,ADS1115模块使用3.3V引脚供电。   只需要对板子吹气,就可以在麦克风处产生噪音,舵机和LED都做出了相应的反应:   创意任务三 水果钢琴是利用了板子的引脚在被触摸后电容发生变化的原理实现的,板子上只要支持电容测量的引脚都支持作为水果钢琴的键盘。这里由于我没有额外的接线夹,因此就不连接水果了,直接触摸引脚。当某个引脚被触发后,亮起相应的LED,并播放对应的声音,就可以实现钢琴效果。 #ifndef CAPTOUCHDEMO_H #define CAPTOUCHDEMO_H #include "Demo.h" #define CAP_SAMPLES 20 // Number of samples to take for a capacitive touch read. #define TONE_DURATION_MS 100 // Duration in milliseconds to play a tone when touched. class CapTouchDemo: public Demo { public: uint16_t CAP_THRESHOLD = 200; // Threshold for a capacitive touch (higher = less sensitive). CapTouchDemo() { playSound = true; if (CircuitPlayground.isExpress()) { CAP_THRESHOLD = 800; } else { CAP_THRESHOLD = 200; } } ~CapTouchDemo() {} virtual void loop() { // Clear all the neopixels. for (int i=0; i<10; ++i) { CircuitPlayground.strip.setPixelColor(i, 0); } // Check if any of the cap touch inputs are pressed and turn on those pixels. // Also play a tone if in tone playback mode. if (CircuitPlayground.readCap(0, CAP_SAMPLES) >= CAP_THRESHOLD) { CircuitPlayground.strip.setPixelColor(3, CircuitPlayground.colorWheel(256/10*3)); if (playSound) { CircuitPlayground.playTone(330, TONE_DURATION_MS); // 330hz = E4 } } if (CircuitPlayground.readCap(1, CAP_SAMPLES) >= CAP_THRESHOLD) { CircuitPlayground.strip.setPixelColor(4, CircuitPlayground.colorWheel(256/10*4)); if (playSound) { CircuitPlayground.playTone(349, TONE_DURATION_MS); // 349hz = F4 } } if (CircuitPlayground.readCap(2, CAP_SAMPLES) >= CAP_THRESHOLD) { CircuitPlayground.strip.setPixelColor(1, CircuitPlayground.colorWheel(256/10)); if (playSound) { CircuitPlayground.playTone(294, TONE_DURATION_MS); // 294hz = D4 } } if (CircuitPlayground.readCap(3, CAP_SAMPLES) >= CAP_THRESHOLD) { CircuitPlayground.strip.setPixelColor(0, CircuitPlayground.colorWheel(0)); if (playSound) { CircuitPlayground.playTone(262, TONE_DURATION_MS); // 262hz = C4 } } if (CircuitPlayground.readCap(6, CAP_SAMPLES) >= CAP_THRESHOLD) { CircuitPlayground.strip.setPixelColor(6, CircuitPlayground.colorWheel(256/10*6)); if (playSound) { CircuitPlayground.playTone(440, TONE_DURATION_MS); // 440hz = A4 } } if (CircuitPlayground.readCap(9, CAP_SAMPLES) >= CAP_THRESHOLD) { CircuitPlayground.strip.setPixelColor(8, CircuitPlayground.colorWheel(256/10*8)); if (playSound) { CircuitPlayground.playTone(494, TONE_DURATION_MS); // 494hz = B4 } } if (CircuitPlayground.readCap(10, CAP_SAMPLES) >= CAP_THRESHOLD) { CircuitPlayground.strip.setPixelColor(9, CircuitPlayground.colorWheel(256/10*9)); if (playSound) { CircuitPlayground.playTone(523, TONE_DURATION_MS); // 523hz = C5 } } if (CircuitPlayground.readCap(12, CAP_SAMPLES) >= CAP_THRESHOLD) { CircuitPlayground.strip.setPixelColor(5, CircuitPlayground.colorWheel(256/10*5)); if (playSound) { CircuitPlayground.playTone(392, TONE_DURATION_MS); // 392hz = G4 } } // Light up the pixels.; } virtual void modePress() { // Turn sound on/off. playSound = !playSound; } private: bool playSound; }; #endif       至此,就完了所有的任务。在开篇的主程序文件中,我们已经把这些任务的文件都include在了主程序中,这样就可以通过板载的D4按钮来按顺序切换任务。   这次活动让我学会了多app管理调度的方法,我觉得收获非常大,希望下次活动还能继续参加,收获更多。    

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        Code:     前言: 在这个项目中,我使用到了wiznet W5500-EVB-Pico和M5stack Cardputer两块开发板。其中W5500-EVB-Pico作为主控,Cardputer作为显示器使用。两者通信使用的是tcp进行的。Cardputer由于内置了电池,因此不需要连线就可以使用,可以作为一款很不错的无线移动设备使用。       入门任务: 开发环境的搭建没有任何门槛,直接去micropython官网下载好W5500-EVB-Pico的uf2固件,第一次上电W5500-EVB-Pico时会自动跳出一个U盘,将uf2文件拷贝进去就可以完成固件烧写。IDE使用Thonny就可以,可以直接去官网下载安装包安装即可。   电灯的任务比较简单,用以下代码创建一个led对象,然后在循环中点亮,延迟,熄灭,再延迟就可以。需要注意的是,由于活动的任务较多,而这些任务按顺序执行,会导致执行到后面的任务时内存被占满。因此这里我们需要使用到gc库,当一个任务完成时,及时清理掉不再需要的对象,并释放内存,以免内存碎片化。 led = machine.Pin(25, machine.Pin.OUT) for i in range(10): led.high() time.sleep(0.5) led.low() time.sleep(0.5) 屏幕显示的任务较为麻烦。因为两块开发板之间通讯依靠了tcp,因此我必须在这个任务中就完成联网的工作。具体联网方式会在下一个任务中详述,这里我们先讲讲联网完成后要怎么做。 连接网络后,我们要把W5500-EVB-Pico作为一个socket client,向cardputer发送需要显示的内容,Cardputer作为socket server,接收到信息后将其展示在屏幕上。 W5500-EVB-Pico部分代码如下: import socket def send(addr,port,text): s = socket.socket() try: s.connect(socket.getaddrinfo(addr, port)[0][-1]) except Exception as e: print(e) try: s.send(bytes(text, 'utf8')) except Exception as e: print(e) 而Cardputer比较麻烦,因为Cardputer的屏幕使用了ESP32S3的33,34这两个引脚。而由于这两个引脚在PSRAM版本上会有占用,因此乐鑫官方的模块根本就没有引出他们,而导致市面上现成的固件,无论是micropython或是circuitpython,都缺少这两个引脚的定义。这也就意味着我们需要重新编译固件。 由于我电脑上有现成的circuitpython编译环境,因此这里我就使用了circuitpython。具体编译的细节由于和任务关系不大,这里就不提了。附件中我会放入编译好的固件。 代码部分主要分了两块,一块是socket server部分,负责接收从W5500-EVB-Pico传来的字符串;另一部分是显示部分,显示器对象我已经直接编译在了固件中,因此这里不需要再初始化,直接使用即可。为了显示中文,这里还需要再导入一个wenquanyi的pcf字体文件。 import board import wifi import socketpool import select import displayio from adafruit_bitmap_font import bitmap_font from adafruit_display_text import label, wrap_text_to_pixels while not pass RES = (240, 135) pool = socketpool.SocketPool( sock = pool.socket(pool.AF_INET, pool.SOCK_STREAM) sock.settimeout(None) sock.setblocking(True) sock.bind(("", 8888)) sock.listen(1) display = board.DISPLAY group = displayio.Group() display.root_group = group COLOR = { "black": 0x000000, "white": 0xFFFFFF, "red": 0xFF0000, "green": 0x00FF00, "blue": 0x0000FF, "cyan": 0x00FFFF, "magenta": 0xFF00FF, "yellow": 0xFFFF00, } bg_bitmap = displayio.Bitmap(RES[0], RES[1], 1) bg_palette = displayio.Palette(1) bg_palette[0] = COLOR["magenta"] bg_tg = displayio.TileGrid(bg_bitmap, pixel_shader=bg_palette, x=0, y=0) group.append(bg_tg) FONT = bitmap_font.load_font("/wenquanyi_13px.pcf") text_tg = label.Label(FONT, color=COLOR["yellow"]) text_tg.anchor_point = (0.5, 0.5) text_tg.anchored_position = (RES[0] / 2, RES[1] / 2) text_tg.background_color = None text_tg.line_spacing = 1.1 text_tg.scale = 2 group.append(text_tg) def handlereq(): data = None r, w, err =,), (), (), 0) if r: for readable in r: conn, addr = sock.accept() with conn: print("Connected by", addr) data = bytearray(1024) print("Receiving") conn.settimeout(None) numbytes = conn.recv_into(data) data = data[:numbytes] print(data) return data def loop(): data = handlereq() if data is not None: text = data.decode("utf-8") text_list = wrap_text_to_pixels(text, RES[0] / text_tg.scale, font=FONT) show = "" for i in text_list: show += i.replace("-", "") + "\n" print(text_list) text_tg.text = show text_tg.text = str( print("Ready") while True: try: loop() except Exception as e: print(e) 当然,从首行代码就可以看出来,这个代码要想顺利运行,需要先确保cardputer已经连上网络。circuitpython联网非常简单,在settings.toml中写入以下内容,然后按rst重置即可。 CIRCUITPY_WIFI_SSID="your_ssid" CIRCUITPY_WIFI_PASSWORD="your_password" 一切顺利的话,重置过后代码自动运行,我们就可以看到cardputer的ip地址显示在屏幕上,我们就可以用这个地址来给它发消息。   lcd = "" lcd_port = 8888 send(lcd, lcd_port, "入门任务")   基础任务一 联网的方法在官方的github中,可以直接拿出来用。这里我把它写在一个单独的文件中,在主程序中直接导入调用就可以,这样可以让代码更加清晰易读。 from machine import Pin,SPI import network import time def w5500(config): # could be "dhcp" or ('','','192.168.x.1','') #spi init spi=SPI(0,2_000_000, mosi=Pin(19),miso=Pin(16),sck=Pin(18)) nic = network.WIZNET5K(spi,Pin(17),Pin(20)) #spi,cs,reset pin active nic.ifconfig(config) while not nic.isconnected(): time.sleep(1) # print(nic.regs())#Print register information #Print nicwork address information print("IP Address:",nic.ifconfig()[0]) print("Subnic Mask:",nic.ifconfig()[1]) print("Gateway:",nic.ifconfig()[2]) print("DNS:",nic.ifconfig()[3]) return nic from w5500 import w5500 from ping import ping ip = "" gate = ip.split(".") gate[-1] = "1" gate = ".".join(gate) nic = w5500((ip, "", gate, "")) ping(gate, quiet=True) 最后的quiet ping是为了阻塞代码,确保已经联网后再执行后续代码。ping方法使用的是基于8266的uping修改而来,两者socket方法一致,修改的仅仅是ping的超时判断逻辑,以及增加使用方法,修改默认ping次数。同样我们把它单独放在一个文件中,导入使用。 ping完后,将汇总信息显示到LCD上:   # μPing (MicroPing) for MicroPython # copyright (c) 2018 Shawwwn <> # License: MIT # Internet Checksum Algorithm # Author: Olav Morken # # @data: bytes def checksum(data): if len(data) & 0x1: # Odd number of bytes data += b'\0' cs = 0 for pos in range(0, len(data), 2): b1 = data[pos] b2 = data[pos + 1] cs += (b1 << 8) + b2 while cs >= 0x10000: cs = (cs & 0xffff) + (cs >> 16) cs = ~cs & 0xffff return cs def ping(host, count=4, timeout=30, interval=1, quiet=False, size=64): import time import select import uctypes import socket import struct import random # prepare packet assert size >= 16, "pkt size too small" pkt = b'Q'*size pkt_desc = { "type": uctypes.UINT8 | 0, "code": uctypes.UINT8 | 1, "checksum": uctypes.UINT16 | 2, "id": uctypes.UINT16 | 4, "seq": uctypes.INT16 | 6, "timestamp": uctypes.UINT64 | 8, } # packet header descriptor h = uctypes.struct(uctypes.addressof(pkt), pkt_desc, uctypes.BIG_ENDIAN) h.type = 8 # ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST h.code = 0 h.checksum = 0 = random.getrandbits(16) h.seq = 1 # init socket sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, 1) sock.setblocking(0) sock.settimeout(timeout/1000) c = 0 addr = None while c < 10: try: c += 1 time.sleep_ms(100) addr = socket.getaddrinfo(host, 1)[0][-1][0] # ip address break except: pass if not addr: print("DNS lookup failed") return sock.connect((addr, 1)) not quiet and print("PING %s (%s): %u data bytes" % (host, addr, len(pkt))) seqs = list(range(1, count+1)) # [1,2,...,count] c = 1 t = time.time() tstart = time.time() n_trans = 0 n_recv = 0 finish = False while time.time() - tstart < timeout: if time.time() - t >= interval and c<=count: # send packet h.checksum = 0 h.seq = c h.timestamp = time.ticks_us() h.checksum = checksum(pkt) if sock.send(pkt) == size: n_trans += 1 t = time.time() # reset timeout else: seqs.remove(c) # recv packet socks, _, _ =[sock], [], [], 0) if socks: resp = socks[0].recv(4096) resp_mv = memoryview(resp) h2 = uctypes.struct(uctypes.addressof(resp_mv[20:]), pkt_desc, uctypes.BIG_ENDIAN) # TODO: validate checksum (optional) seq = h2.seq if h2.type==0 and and (seq in seqs): # 0: ICMP_ECHO_REPLY t_elasped = (time.ticks_us()-h2.timestamp) / 1000 ttl = struct.unpack('!B', resp_mv[8:9])[0] # time-to-live n_recv += 1 c += 1 not quiet and print("%u bytes from %s: icmp_seq=%u, ttl=%u, time=%f ms" % (len(resp), addr, seq, ttl, t_elasped)) seqs.remove(seq) if len(seqs) == 0: finish = True if finish: break # close sock.close() ret = (n_trans, n_recv) not quiet and print("%u packets transmitted, %u packets received" % (n_trans, n_recv)) return (n_trans, n_recv) send(lcd, lcd_port, "基础任务一") time.sleep(2) send(lcd, lcd_port, "Pinging") (n_trans, n_recv) = ping("") send(lcd, lcd_port, "Ping\n%u transmitted\n%u received" % (n_trans, n_recv)) time.sleep(5) del led del ping gc.collect() input("Input anything to continue.")   在代码最后我们通过input方式阻塞程序,这样我们有时间可以去完成电脑ping开发板并抓包的任务 打开wireshark,开始抓包,然后设定筛选内容为ip.src== or ip.dst==,这里的ip是在上面联网功能中设定的。   接着打开cmd ping,看到下面输出,就说明成功ping通。   查看wireshark抓到的包,就可以看到具体数据包。协议是ICMP, INFO是 echo ping,说明一切正常。   基础任务二: 我们之前让TCP的显示屏正常,说明已经完成了TCP Client和TCP Server的实现。但TCP Server并不在W5500-EVB-Pico上。因此这里我们再在W5500-EVB-Pico上建立一个TCP 服务器,由电脑向该服务器发送文字,W5500-EVB-Pico收到后,再作为TCP Client,把该文字发送给cardputer进行显示。 send(lcd, lcd_port, "基础任务二") addr = socket.getaddrinfo('', 8080)[0][-1] server = socket.socket() server.bind(addr) server.listen(1) print('listening on', addr) for i in range(3): conn, addr = server.accept() print("Connected by", addr) data = conn.recv(1024) conn.close() send(lcd, lcd_port, data.decode()) del conn del addr del data gc.collect() server.close() del server gc.collect() time.sleep(2) 在pc端我们使用windows工具TCPUDP网络调试助手来发送信息。    发送完该信息后,我们看到串口显示了服务器接收到内容,同时cardputer也显示了我们发送的文字。   再看看wireshark,也成功抓到了我们发送的包,信息的具体内容以NTF-8编码的形式显示。   如果我们发送的是英文信息,属于ASCII,就可以直接显示出来。   进阶任务:  ntp实现不再需要自己写库,micropython中内置的ntptime可以直接实现。 import ntptime send(lcd, lcd_port, "进阶任务") time.sleep(2) for i in range(10): try: ntptime.settime() t = time.localtime(time.time() + 8*3600) output = "%s-%s-%s %s:%s:%s" % (t[0],t[1],t[2],t[3],t[4],t[5]) print("ntp time(BeiJing): " + output) send(lcd, lcd_port, "北京时间:\n" + output) break except: print("Can not get time!") time.sleep_ms(1000) time.sleep(5) del ntptime del t del output gc.collect() 运行过后,就可以在串口看到时间,屏幕也会打印出来。    终极任务: 这个任务跟ping一样,我们同样使用8266的uftp库进行一些修改。socket方法两者都一致,唯一的不同是我们需要外部传入W5500-EVB-PICO的ip地址,来组装PASV命令的返回信息。 # # Small ftp server for ESP8266 ans ESP32 Micropython # # Based on the work of chrisgp - Christopher Popp and pfalcon - Paul Sokolovsky # # The server accepts passive mode only. # It runs in foreground and quits, when it receives a quit command # Start the server with: # # import ftp # # Copyright (c) 2016 Christopher Popp (initial ftp server framework) # Copyright (c) 2016 Robert Hammelrath (putting the pieces together # and a few extensions) # Distributed under MIT License # import socket import network import uos import gc def send_list_data(path, dataclient, full): try: # whether path is a directory name for fname in sorted(uos.listdir(path), key=str.lower): dataclient.sendall(make_description(path, fname, full)) except: # path may be a file name or pattern pattern = path.split("/")[-1] path = path[:-(len(pattern) + 1)] if path == "": path = "/" for fname in sorted(uos.listdir(path), key=str.lower): if fncmp(fname, pattern): dataclient.sendall(make_description(path, fname, full)) def make_description(path, fname, full): if full: stat = uos.stat(get_absolute_path(path, fname)) file_permissions = ("drwxr-xr-x" if (stat[0] & 0o170000 == 0o040000) else "-rw-r--r--") file_size = stat[6] description = "{} 1 owner group {:>10} Jan 1 2000 {}\r\n".format( file_permissions, file_size, fname) else: description = fname + "\r\n" return description def send_file_data(path, dataclient): with open(path, "rb") as file: chunk = while len(chunk) > 0: dataclient.sendall(chunk) chunk = def save_file_data(path, dataclient): with open(path, "wb") as file: chunk = dataclient.recv(512) while len(chunk) > 0: file.write(chunk) chunk = dataclient.recv(512) def get_absolute_path(cwd, payload): # Just a few special cases "..", "." and "" # If payload start's with /, set cwd to / # and consider the remainder a relative path if payload.startswith('/'): cwd = "/" for token in payload.split("/"): if token == '..': if cwd != '/': cwd = '/'.join(cwd.split('/')[:-1]) if cwd == '': cwd = '/' elif token != '.' and token != '': if cwd == '/': cwd += token else: cwd = cwd + '/' + token return cwd # compare fname against pattern. Pattern may contain # wildcards ? and *. def fncmp(fname, pattern): pi = 0 si = 0 while pi < len(pattern) and si < len(fname): if (fname[si] == pattern[pi]) or (pattern[pi] == '?'): si += 1 pi += 1 else: if pattern[pi] == '*': # recurse if (pi + 1) == len(pattern): return True while si < len(fname): if fncmp(fname[si:], pattern[pi+1:]): return True else: si += 1 return False else: return False if pi == len(pattern.rstrip("*")) and si == len(fname): return True else: return False def ftpserver(net, port=21, timeout=None): DATA_PORT = 13333 ftpsocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) datasocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) ftpsocket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) datasocket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) ftpsocket.bind(socket.getaddrinfo("", port)[0][4]) datasocket.bind(socket.getaddrinfo("", DATA_PORT)[0][4]) ftpsocket.listen(1) ftpsocket.settimeout(timeout) datasocket.listen(1) datasocket.settimeout(None) msg_250_OK = '250 OK\r\n' msg_550_fail = '550 Failed\r\n' addr = net.ifconfig()[0] print("FTP Server started on ", addr) try: dataclient = None fromname = None do_run = True while do_run: cl, remote_addr = ftpsocket.accept() cl.settimeout(300) cwd = '/' try: # print("FTP connection from:", remote_addr) cl.sendall("220 Hello, this is Micropython.\r\n") while True: gc.collect() data = cl.readline().decode("utf-8").rstrip("\r\n") if len(data) <= 0: print("Client disappeared") do_run = False break command = data.split(" ")[0].upper() payload = data[len(command):].lstrip() path = get_absolute_path(cwd, payload) print("Command={}, Payload={}".format(command, payload)) if command == "USER": cl.sendall("230 Logged in.\r\n") elif command == "SYST": cl.sendall("215 UNIX Type: L8\r\n") elif command == "NOOP": cl.sendall("200 OK\r\n") elif command == "FEAT": cl.sendall("211 no-features\r\n") elif command == "PWD" or command == "XPWD": cl.sendall('257 "{}"\r\n'.format(cwd)) elif command == "CWD" or command == "XCWD": try: files = uos.listdir(path) cwd = path cl.sendall(msg_250_OK) except: cl.sendall(msg_550_fail) elif command == "CDUP": cwd = get_absolute_path(cwd, "..") cl.sendall(msg_250_OK) elif command == "TYPE": # probably should switch between binary and not cl.sendall('200 Transfer mode set\r\n') elif command == "SIZE": try: size = uos.stat(path)[6] cl.sendall('213 {}\r\n'.format(size)) except: cl.sendall(msg_550_fail) elif command == "QUIT": cl.sendall('221 Bye.\r\n') do_run = False break elif command == "PASV": cl.sendall('227 Entering Passive Mode ({},{},{}).\r\n'. format(addr.replace('.', ','), DATA_PORT >> 8, DATA_PORT % 256)) dataclient, data_addr = datasocket.accept() print("FTP Data connection from:", data_addr) DATA_PORT = 13333 active = False elif command == "PORT": items = payload.split(",") if len(items) >= 6: data_addr = '.'.join(items[:4]) # replace by command session addr if data_addr == "": data_addr = remote_addr DATA_PORT = int(items[4]) * 256 + int(items[5]) dataclient = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) dataclient.settimeout(10) dataclient.connect((data_addr, DATA_PORT)) print("FTP Data connection with:", data_addr) cl.sendall('200 OK\r\n') active = True else: cl.sendall('504 Fail\r\n') elif command == "LIST" or command == "NLST": if not payload.startswith("-"): place = path else: place = cwd try: cl.sendall("150 Here comes the directory listing.\r\n") send_list_data(place, dataclient, command == "LIST" or payload == "-l") cl.sendall("226 Listed.\r\n") except: cl.sendall(msg_550_fail) if dataclient is not None: dataclient.close() dataclient = None elif command == "RETR": try: cl.sendall("150 Opening data connection.\r\n") send_file_data(path, dataclient) cl.sendall("226 Transfer complete.\r\n") except: cl.sendall(msg_550_fail) if dataclient is not None: dataclient.close() dataclient = None elif command == "STOR": try: cl.sendall("150 Ok to send data.\r\n") save_file_data(path, dataclient) cl.sendall("226 Transfer complete.\r\n") except: cl.sendall(msg_550_fail) if dataclient is not None: dataclient.close() dataclient = None elif command == "DELE": try: uos.remove(path) cl.sendall(msg_250_OK) except: cl.sendall(msg_550_fail) elif command == "RMD" or command == "XRMD": try: uos.rmdir(path) cl.sendall(msg_250_OK) except: cl.sendall(msg_550_fail) elif command == "MKD" or command == "XMKD": try: uos.mkdir(path) cl.sendall(msg_250_OK) except: cl.sendall(msg_550_fail) elif command == "RNFR": fromname = path cl.sendall("350 Rename from\r\n") elif command == "RNTO": if fromname is not None: try: uos.rename(fromname, path) cl.sendall(msg_250_OK) except: cl.sendall(msg_550_fail) else: cl.sendall(msg_550_fail) fromname = None elif command == "MDTM": try: tm=localtime(uos.stat(path)[8]) cl.sendall('213 {:04d}{:02d}{:02d}{:02d}{:02d}{:02d}\r\n'.format(*tm[0:6])) except: cl.sendall('550 Fail\r\n') elif command == "STAT": if payload == "": cl.sendall("211-Connected to ({})\r\n" " Data address ({})\r\n" "211 TYPE: Binary STRU: File MODE:" " Stream\r\n".format( remote_addr[0], addr)) else: cl.sendall("213-Directory listing:\r\n") send_list_data(path, cl, True) cl.sendall("213 Done.\r\n") else: cl.sendall("502 Unsupported command.\r\n") print("Unsupported command {} with payload {}".format( command, payload)) except Exception as err: print(err) finally: cl.close() cl = None except Exception as e: print(e) finally: datasocket.close() ftpsocket.close() if dataclient is not None: dataclient.close() # ftpserver()   主程序导入并运行后,我们就可用window的文件资源管理器来上传下载文件,只需要输入地址ftp://     活动心得体会 这次的任务由于发现了一块以前没有听说过的cardputer,实现起来变得有意思了很多。对于主控板wiznet W5500-EVB-Pico来说,还是有一些美中不足的地方。原本我打算全部在circuitpython上实现功能的,但在使用的过程中发现,虽然官方有支持circuitpython,但里面的socket方法有很多并不全,且circuitpython本身并不支持uastype,导致在移植micropython的ping方法时发现不太可行,由于时间所限,不得已才按论坛中大部分人的做法使用了micropython。未来有时间,我想要学习一下网络底层的用法,看看是否能补全官方库,让这块开发板在circuitpython环境下也能够顺畅跑起来。    


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