
  • 2024-12-04
  • 回复了主题帖: 今天下午两点直播STM32全球线上峰会,STM32N6重磅发布,快来直播间【抽开发板】啦!


  • 2024-12-03
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  • 2024-10-30
  • 回复了主题帖: ST NUCLEO-WB09KE无法烧录问题


  • 2024-10-29
  • 发表了主题帖: 【2024 DigiKey 创意大赛】+基于Teensy4.1环境温湿度和气压监测

    本帖最后由 流水源 于 2024-10-29 23:48 编辑 一 作品简介 本次作品主要主要实现环境的温湿度以及大气压的监测显示。主控MCU使用的是Teensy4.1开发板,环境参数检测使用的是BME680传感器。BME680传感器集成了测量气体,温湿度,大气压等参数。外加电子罗盘传感器ICM20948,ICM20948可以检测3轴加速度,3轴角速度和3轴磁感应,用于设备姿态检测。设备上外加了3.5寸显示屏用于显示数据。做这个设备可以很方便观察当前环境状态,可以用于户外探险环境温湿度及大气压,海拔高度监测及电子罗盘功能,也可以用于家庭室内环境监测。 特意为本次项目做了一个Teensy4.1的扩展底板,底板上安装了BME680和ICM20948传感器,以及LCD显示屏。整体如下:     二 系统框图 整个系统框图如下所示。整体设计比较简单,主要实现数据读取和显示。BME680和ICM20948这两个传感器都是用I2C接口驱动,但是设备地址不一样,所以两个传感器接在同一个I2C接口,而LCD屏使用SPI接口驱动。     三、软件功能说明 本次软件开发使用的是ArduinoIDE开发环境开发的,之前用过几次Arduino开发,觉得这个很方便,基本上驱动都写好了,只用写应用。而且Teensy4.1推荐的开发环境也是用Arduino。 用arduino开发我们首先要安装Teensy4.1开发板。 开发板安装网址: https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/package_teensy_index.json     安装之后就可以开发选择Teensy4.1开发板的例子了。   接着我们还要下载BME680和ICM20948的驱动库了。 BME680传感器我选择的是Adafruit BME680的库。   ICM20948可以用下面2个库。我使用的是第2个库。   LCD驱动库选择如下DFRobot GDL。这个LCD是DFRobot的一个显示屏模块。     开发过程中参考了例子代码,然后将例子代码整合。     下面是设备初始化过程:     然后是传感器数据监测显示界面:     显示界面可以根据陀螺仪的姿态自动切换横竖屏显示。     通过串口打印数据如下:     四、作品源码 五、作品功能演示视频 [localvideo]d6b20522b222f9493ce8015108d0a829[/localvideo]   六、项目总结 通过本次大赛有一些收获,也发现了自己的一些不足。利用本次大赛我更加熟悉使用ArduinoIDE的开发环境使用,也学习了对BME680和ICM20948传感器的驱动使用.,特别是关于ICM20948这个9轴陀螺仪的姿态的计算方式。本次大赛时间有限,项目做的有点简陋,后面有机会继续完善一下,继续加点新功能。            

  • 2024-10-27
  • 加入了学习《 【2024 DigiKey创意大赛】 《智能起居室环境控制台》任务报告汇总》,观看 【2024 DigiKey创意大赛】 《智能起居室环境控制台》任务报告汇总

  • 2024-10-09
  • 发表了主题帖: 【2024 DigiKey 创意大赛】使用Teensy4.1读取传感器测试

    本次特意做了一个Teensy4.1的扩展底板,加上了传感器座子和LCD屏接口。实现了BME680和ICM20948传感器的数据读取和显示。   扩展版如下: 底板扩展了LCD屏接口,网口,USB HOST,arduino接口,can,rs485,rs232。     开发使用的是arduino ide。直接下载teensy4.1开发板资料库和传感器BME680,ICM20948驱动。 https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/package_teensy_index.json  Teensy4.1开发板添加网址。       lcd显示数据效果。              

  • 2024-08-31
  • 回复了主题帖: >>征集 | 使用 MCU,哪些问题最令你头大?

    MCU选型主要问题: 首先是外设资源要方便查看对比,需要的外设资源是否足够。 再就是开发工具是否容易上手,开发库SDK和demo例子是否容易应用。 最后就是开发遇到问题,能有技术支持。

  • 2024-08-27
  • 发表了主题帖: 【Follow me第二季第1期】+任务提交汇总

    本帖最后由 流水源 于 2024-10-9 20:56 编辑 主要任务提交汇总: 入门开发环境使用的是arduino ide开发的。搭建环境很简单,就不多说了。具体搭建如下帖子。 【Follow me第二季第1期】arduino开发环境的搭建和点灯 https://bbs.eeworld.com.cn/thread-1289879-1-1.html   下面是基础任务一(必做):控制板载炫彩LED,跑马灯点亮和颜色变换。主要使用了Adafruit Circuit Playground Express开发板,通过USB供电。 在如下帖子,实现彩灯跑马变幻颜色。 【Follow me第二季第1期】arduino控制板载炫彩跑马灯 https://bbs.eeworld.com.cn/thread-1289916-1-1.html       上面就是红绿蓝3种不同颜色的灯循环跑马效果了。 代码: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 #if TASK_NUM == 1 #include <Adafruit_CircuitPlayground.h> #include <Adafruit_Circuit_Playground.h> //基础任务一(必做):控制板载炫彩LED,跑马灯点亮和颜色变换 Adafruit_CircuitPlayground cplay = Adafruit_CircuitPlayground(); #define LED_PIN 13 // the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board void setup() { // initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output. pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(115200); cplay.begin(); cplay.setBrightness(50); } // the loop function runs over and over again forever void loop() { Serial.println(cplay.lightSensor()); Serial.println(cplay.temperature()); digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level) for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { cplay.setPixelColor(i, 25*i+25, 0, 0); // 设置LED为red色 delay(100); } cplay.clearPixels(); delay(100); // wait for a second digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { cplay.setPixelColor(i, 0, 0, 25*i+25); // 设置LED为blue色 delay(100); } cplay.clearPixels(); delay(100); // wait for a second for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { cplay.setPixelColor(i, 0, 25*i+25, 0); // 设置LED为green色 delay(100); } cplay.clearPixels(); delay(100); // wait for a second } #endif   接着基础任务二(必做):监测环境温度和光线,通过板载LED展示舒适程度。主要使用了Adafruit Circuit Playground Express开发板,通过USB供电。 具体查看如下帖子: 【Follow me第二季第1期】监测环境温度和光线,通过板载LED展示舒适程度 https://bbs.eeworld.com.cn/thread-1290437-1-1.html 主要是取温度和光照一个舒适的数据范围,在范围内,所有10个彩灯为绿色呼吸。 前5颗彩灯标识温度舒适范围,在舒适范围内5个灯绿色呼吸,高于舒适温度范围用红色灯标识,灯的数量越多表示温度越高。低于舒适温度范围用蓝色灯标识,灯的数量越多表示温度越低。 后5颗彩灯标识光照舒适范围,在舒适范围内5个灯绿色呼吸,高于舒适光照范围用红色灯标识,灯的数量越多表示光照越强。低于舒适光照范围用蓝色灯标识,灯的数量越多表示光照越弱。 下面全绿灯表示温度和光照都在设置的舒适数据范围。     下面是光照超出舒适范围,太亮了。有一边显示红灯。   下面是温度不在舒适范围,太冷了。使用蓝色灯标识。   代码如下: #if TASK_NUM == 2 //2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 #include <Adafruit_CircuitPlayground.h> #include <Adafruit_Circuit_Playground.h> //基础任务二(必做):监测环境温度和光线,通过板载LED展示舒适程度 Adafruit_CircuitPlayground cplay = Adafruit_CircuitPlayground(); #define LED_PIN 13 uint32_t lightbress; uint8_t l_dir; int light_val; int temp_val; int g_state; // the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board void setup() { // initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output. pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(115200); cplay.begin(); cplay.setBrightness(50); lightbress = 0; l_dir = 0; g_state = 0; } // the loop function runs over and over again forever void loop() { light_val = cplay.lightSensor(); temp_val = cplay.temperature() * 100; Serial.println(light_val); Serial.println(temp_val); switch(g_state) { case 0: for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { cplay.strip.setPixelColor(i, 0, lightbress * 10, 0); // 设置LED为green色 } cplay.strip.show(); if(l_dir == 0) { lightbress++; if(lightbress == 15) l_dir = 1; }else { if(lightbress) lightbress--; else l_dir = 0; } if((light_val > 510) || (light_val < 190) || (temp_val > 3250)||(temp_val < 2950)) { lightbress = 0; g_state = 1; } break; case 1: //温度 int level; uint8_t r_color,g_color,b_color; if(temp_val > 3200) { level = (temp_val - 3200)/100; r_color = lightbress * 10; b_color = 0; g_color = 0; }else if(temp_val < 3000) { level = (3000 - temp_val)/100; b_color = lightbress * 10; r_color = 0; g_color = 0; }else { g_color = lightbress * 10; r_color = 0; b_color = 0; } if(level >= 5) level = 5; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if(i<level) cplay.strip.setPixelColor(i, r_color, g_color, b_color); // 设置LED为blue red色 else cplay.strip.setPixelColor(i, 0, g_color, 0); // 设置LED为blue red色 } //光照 if(light_val > 500) { level = (light_val - 500)/80; r_color = lightbress * 10; b_color = 0; g_color = 0; }else if(light_val < 200) { level = (200 - light_val)/30; b_color = lightbress * 10; r_color = 0; g_color = 0; }else { g_color = lightbress * 10; r_color = 0; b_color = 0; } if(level >= 5) level = 5; for (int i = 5; i < 10; i++) { if(i>=(10-level)) cplay.strip.setPixelColor(i, r_color, g_color, b_color); // 设置LED为blue red色 else cplay.strip.setPixelColor(i, 0, g_color, 0); // 设置LED为blue red色 } cplay.strip.show(); lightbress++; if(lightbress == 15) lightbress = 0; if((light_val <= 500) && (light_val >= 200) && (temp_val <= 3250) && (temp_val >= 2950)) { lightbress = 0; g_state = 0; } break; } delay(100); } #endif   接着是基础任务三(必做):接近检测——设定安全距离并通过板载LED展示,检测到入侵时,发起声音报警。 使用的是光照传感器来检测距离远近的。用手从远往近挡住光线传感器可以看到亮灯数变化。   具体帖子如下: 【Follow me第二季第1期】接近检测设定安全距离并通过板载LED展示 https://bbs.eeworld.com.cn/thread-1290460-1-1.html 使用光照来检测距离,环境光有很大影响。后面我尝试使用了红外发射和接收管来做了一下。但是使用红外时检测距离不是很大。 代码如下: #if TASK_NUM == 3 //333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 //基础任务三(必做):接近检测——设定安全距离并通过板载LED展示,检测到入侵时,发起声音报警 #include <Adafruit_CircuitPlayground.h> #include <Adafruit_Circuit_Playground.h> Adafruit_CircuitPlayground cplay = Adafruit_CircuitPlayground(); #define LED_PIN 13 int light_val; int level; // the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board void setup() { // initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output. pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(115200); cplay.begin(); cplay.setBrightness(50); pinMode(CPLAY_IR_EMITTER, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(CPLAY_IR_EMITTER, LOW); // When not sending PWM, we want it low pinMode(A10, INPUT); } void loop() { uint8_t r_color,g_color,b_color; // light_val = cplay.lightSensor(); // Serial.println(light_val); // if(light_val < 350) // { // level = (350-light_val)/30; // if (CircuitPlayground.slideSwitch()) { // CircuitPlayground.speaker.enable(true); // Serial.println("Slide to the left"); // } // }else // { // level = 0; // CircuitPlayground.speaker.enable(false); // } // if(level > 7) // { // r_color = 0x50; // g_color = 0; // b_color = 0; // CircuitPlayground.playTone(500 + level * 500, 100); // }else if(level >4) // { // r_color = 0; // g_color = 0x50; // b_color = 0; // CircuitPlayground.playTone(500 + level * 500, 100); // }else // { // r_color = 0; // g_color = 0; // b_color = 0x50; // CircuitPlayground.playTone(500 + level * 500, 100); // } // for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) // { // if(i<level) cplay.strip.setPixelColor(i, r_color, g_color, b_color); // // else cplay.strip.setPixelColor(i, 0, 0, 0); // // } // cplay.strip.show(); // Measure the proximity level and use it to light up its LEDs. digitalWrite(CPLAY_IR_EMITTER, HIGH); delay(10); digitalWrite(CPLAY_IR_EMITTER, LOW); int prox = analogRead(A10); if(prox > 650) level = 11; else if(prox < 300) level = 0; else level = (prox - 300)/34; Serial.print("IR_Vol:");Serial.println(prox); Serial.print("Level: ");Serial.println(level); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if(i<level) cplay.strip.setPixelColor(i, 250, 0, 0); // else cplay.strip.setPixelColor(i, 0, 0, 0); // } CircuitPlayground.strip.show(); if (level > 4) { CircuitPlayground.playTone(330, 100); } delay(100); } #endif   再接着是进阶任务(必做):制作不倒翁——展示不倒翁运动过程中的不同灯光效果。 这个是通过读取加速度传感器来实现不同姿态显示灯光。通过Z轴加速度来确定倾斜的角度大小,角度越小就显示红色灯,角度越大实现蓝色灯垂下的效果。 通过X,Y轴加速度的数值来确定方位,通过正负值分为4个象限来显示周围的灯。 下面是倾斜不同角度的灯光效果。       当水平放置时,所有灯为红色,并且有个绿灯跑马灯效果。   代码: #if TASK_NUM == 4 //444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 //进阶任务(必做):制作不倒翁——展示不倒翁运动过程中的不同灯光效果 #include <Adafruit_CircuitPlayground.h> #define LED_PIN 13 int x,y,z; uint8_t r,g,b; uint8_t led_color[16][4]; uint8_t led_num,led_index; // the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board void setup() { pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("Circuit Playground test!"); CircuitPlayground.begin(); CircuitPlayground.strip.setBrightness(255); led_num = 6; led_index = 0; } void loop() { x = CircuitPlayground.motionX() * 100; y = CircuitPlayground.motionY() * 100; z = CircuitPlayground.motionZ() * 100; if((z > 900) || (z < -900)) led_num = 6; else if((z > 830) || (z < -830)) led_num = 5; else if((z > 750) || (z < -750)) led_num = 4; else if((z > 600) || (z < -600)) led_num = 3; else if((z > 300) || (z < -300)) led_num = 2; else led_num = 1; if(led_num < 6) { if((x>0) && (y>0)) //1 { int ttan = 100*y / x; if(ttan < 26) led_index = 9; else if(ttan < 100) led_index = 10; else if(ttan < 373) led_index = 11; else led_index = 0; }else if((x<0) && (y>0)) //2 { int ttan = 0 - (100*y / x); if(ttan < 26) led_index = 3; else if(ttan < 100) led_index = 2; else if(ttan < 373) led_index = 1; else led_index = 0; }else if((x<0) && (y<0)) //3 { int ttan = (100*y / x); if(ttan < 26) led_index = 3; else if(ttan < 100) led_index = 4; else if(ttan < 373) led_index = 5; else led_index = 6; }else if((x>0) && (y<0)) //4 { int ttan = 0 - (100*y / x); if(ttan < 26) led_index = 9; else if(ttan < 100) led_index = 8; else if(ttan < 373) led_index = 7; else led_index = 6; } }else { led_index ++; led_index %= 12; } for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { if(i<=led_num) { led_color[(led_index + i) % 12 ][0] = 0x80; led_color[(led_index + i) % 12 ][1] = 0; led_color[(led_index + i) % 12 ][2] = 0; led_color[(12 + led_index - i) % 12 ][0] = 0x80; led_color[(12 + led_index - i) % 12 ][1] = 0; led_color[(12 + led_index - i) % 12 ][2] = 0; }else { led_color[(led_index + i) % 12 ][0] = 0; led_color[(led_index + i) % 12 ][1] = 0; led_color[(led_index + i) % 12 ][2] = 0x30; led_color[(12 + led_index - i) % 12 ][0] = 0; led_color[(12 + led_index - i) % 12 ][1] = 0; led_color[(12 + led_index - i) % 12 ][2] = 0x30; } } led_color[(led_index )][0] = 0; led_color[(led_index )][1] = 0xF0; led_color[(led_index )][2] = 0; for (int i = 1; i < 12; i++) { if(i<6) { CircuitPlayground.strip.setPixelColor(i-1,led_color[i][0], led_color[i][1], led_color[i][2]); // } else if(i>6) { CircuitPlayground.strip.setPixelColor(i-2,led_color[i][0], led_color[i][1], led_color[i][2]); // } } CircuitPlayground.strip.show(); /************* TEST ACCEL */ // Display the results (acceleration is measured in m/s*s) Serial.print("X: "); Serial.print(x); Serial.print(" \tY: "); Serial.print(y); Serial.print(" \tZ: "); Serial.print(z); Serial.println(" m/s^2"); delay(50); digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH); delay(50); digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW); } #endif   最后是创意任务:钢琴弹奏,通过触摸引脚弹奏音乐,并配合灯光效果。 板上有7个触摸端口,正好可以对应do、re、mi、fa、sol、la、si 7个音节。这里还实现了通过左右按键来改变低,中,高音。   主要代码如下: #if TASK_NUM == 5 //5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 //创意任务三:水果钢琴——通过触摸水果弹奏音乐,并配合灯光效果 #include <Adafruit_CircuitPlayground.h> #define LED_PIN 13 #define TONE_DURATION_MS 80 // Duration in milliseconds to play a tone when touched. uint16_t CAP_THRESHOLD = 200; // Threshold for a capacitive touch (higher = less sensitive). uint8_t playSound; uint16_t cap_val; uint8_t music_lmh = 1; //0-低音,1-中音,2-高音 uint16_t music_hz_tbl[3][8]= //音频对照表 { {262, 294, 330, 349, 392, 440, 494, 0}, {523, 587, 659, 698, 784, 880, 988, 0}, {1046, 1175, 1318, 1397, 1568, 1760, 1976, 0}, }; void setup() { pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("Circuit Playground test!"); CircuitPlayground.begin(); CAP_THRESHOLD = 600; } void loop() { if (CircuitPlayground.slideSwitch()) { if(playSound) Serial.println("Slide to the left"); playSound = 0; } else { if(!playSound) Serial.println("Slide to the right"); playSound = 1; } /************* TEST BOTH BUTTONS */ if (CircuitPlayground.leftButton()) { Serial.println("Left level ++"); music_lmh++; if(music_lmh>2) music_lmh=2; while(CircuitPlayground.leftButton()) delay(10); } if (CircuitPlayground.rightButton()) { Serial.println("Right level --"); if(music_lmh) music_lmh--; while(CircuitPlayground.rightButton()) delay(10); } //清除灯 for (int i=0; i<10; ++i) { CircuitPlayground.strip.setPixelColor(i, 0); } CircuitPlayground.strip.show(); //11111111111111111111111111111111 cap_val = CircuitPlayground.readCap(3); if (cap_val >= CAP_THRESHOLD) { Serial.print("#1:"); Serial.println(cap_val); if (playSound) { for (int i=0; i<10; ++i) CircuitPlayground.strip.setPixelColor(i, CircuitPlayground.colorWheel(0)); CircuitPlayground.strip.show(); CircuitPlayground.playTone(music_hz_tbl[music_lmh][0], TONE_DURATION_MS); // 262hz = C4 } } //2222222222222222222222222222222 cap_val = CircuitPlayground.readCap(2); if (cap_val >= CAP_THRESHOLD) { Serial.print("\t#2:"); Serial.println(cap_val); if (playSound) { for (int i=0; i<10; ++i) CircuitPlayground.strip.setPixelColor(i, CircuitPlayground.colorWheel(256/10)); CircuitPlayground.strip.show(); CircuitPlayground.playTone(music_hz_tbl[music_lmh][1], TONE_DURATION_MS); // 294hz = D4 } } //333333333333333333333333333333333 cap_val = CircuitPlayground.readCap(0); if (cap_val >= CAP_THRESHOLD) { Serial.print("\t\t#3:"); Serial.println(cap_val); if (playSound) { for (int i=0; i<10; ++i) CircuitPlayground.strip.setPixelColor(i, CircuitPlayground.colorWheel(256/10*3)); CircuitPlayground.strip.show(); CircuitPlayground.playTone(music_hz_tbl[music_lmh][2], TONE_DURATION_MS); // 330hz = E4 } } //4444444444444444444444444444444444 cap_val = CircuitPlayground.readCap(1); if (cap_val >= CAP_THRESHOLD) { Serial.print("\t\t\t#4:"); Serial.println(cap_val); if (playSound) { for (int i=0; i<10; ++i) CircuitPlayground.strip.setPixelColor(i, CircuitPlayground.colorWheel(256/10*4)); CircuitPlayground.strip.show(); CircuitPlayground.playTone(music_hz_tbl[music_lmh][3], TONE_DURATION_MS); // 349hz = F4 } } //555555555555555555555555555555555 cap_val = CircuitPlayground.readCap(6); if (cap_val >= CAP_THRESHOLD) { Serial.print("\t\t\t\t#5:"); Serial.println(cap_val); if (playSound) { for (int i=0; i<10; ++i) CircuitPlayground.strip.setPixelColor(i, CircuitPlayground.colorWheel(256/10*5)); CircuitPlayground.strip.show(); CircuitPlayground.playTone(music_hz_tbl[music_lmh][4], TONE_DURATION_MS); // 392hz = G4 } } //66666666666666666666666666666666666 cap_val = CircuitPlayground.readCap(9); if (cap_val >= CAP_THRESHOLD) { Serial.print("\t\t\t\t\t#6:"); Serial.println(cap_val); if (playSound) { for (int i=0; i<10; ++i) CircuitPlayground.strip.setPixelColor(i, CircuitPlayground.colorWheel(256/10*6)); CircuitPlayground.strip.show(); CircuitPlayground.playTone(music_hz_tbl[music_lmh][5], TONE_DURATION_MS); // 440hz = A4 delay(5); } } //7777777777777777777777777777777777777 cap_val = CircuitPlayground.readCap(10); if (cap_val >= CAP_THRESHOLD) { Serial.print("\t\t\t\t\t\t#7:"); Serial.println(cap_val); if (playSound) { for (int i=0; i<10; ++i) CircuitPlayground.strip.setPixelColor(i, CircuitPlayground.colorWheel(256/10*8)); CircuitPlayground.strip.show(); CircuitPlayground.playTone(music_hz_tbl[music_lmh][6], TONE_DURATION_MS); // 494hz = B4 } } delay(30); } #endif   代码文件:   最后总结:     第一次参加这个活动,比较顺利完成了上述任务。这次参加活动主要使用了arduino ide来开发,也是初次使用这个arduino。以前也听说了很多arduino的优势,但是没怎么用过。当初参加活动也是为了学习一下arduino的开发方式。所以开始的时候花了不少时间熟悉这个arduino开发环境,总的来说用过之后感觉用这个arduino开发太方便了,外设所有驱动都写好了,直接写应用就可以了。再就是这个Adafruit Circuit Playground Express开发板上面板载外设多,功能强大,不需要外接设备就可以做很多创意了,这也是吸引我的地方。   下面就是整个任务的视频效果。 视频: [localvideo]49fb950afe097f7e6b1cd3624da1432c[/localvideo]    

  • 2024-08-25
  • 加入了学习《【Follow me第二季第1期】汇总任务报告》,观看 【Follow me第二季第1期】汇总任务报告

  • 2024-08-14
  • 回复了主题帖: 【Follow me第二季第1期】接近检测设定安全距离并通过板载LED展示

    秦天qintian0303 发表于 2024-8-13 21:03 有一个人用这种方法后就大家都用这种方法了,只能说也算是一种方法,不过明显是希望用红外反射的方法进行 ... 就是红外应该只是个开关信号,就做不了渐变

  • 回复了主题帖: 【Follow me第二季第1期】接近检测设定安全距离并通过板载LED展示

    wangerxian 发表于 2024-8-13 19:13 光线传感器测量接近距离?那环境光影响不是很大咯? 环境光如果在变化肯定是有影响的。利用红外的进行接近检测还没研究出来,晚点尝试一下红外的

  • 回复了主题帖: 【2024 DigiKey 创意大赛】开箱贴

    wangerxian 发表于 2024-8-13 19:20 哪个板子上有这么多传感器?没看到呀。 那2个小板子上都是传感器

  • 2024-08-13
  • 发表了主题帖: 【Follow me第二季第1期】接近检测设定安全距离并通过板载LED展示

    下面实现基础任务三(必做):接近检测——设定安全距离并通过板载LED展示,检测到入侵时,发起声音报警。 原理是利用光线传感器来确定距离远近。当光线变弱时说明接近中,当光线数据增大说明远离中。 本次实现当接近光线变弱,数据变小时,点亮彩灯,越近亮的彩灯数越多。而且接近过程中,根据距离远近,灯光由蓝色变绿色然后变红色。 使用arduino开发,代码如下: #include <Adafruit_CircuitPlayground.h> #include <Adafruit_Circuit_Playground.h> Adafruit_CircuitPlayground cplay = Adafruit_CircuitPlayground(); #define LED_PIN 13 int light_val; // the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board void setup() { // initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output. pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(115200); cplay.begin(); cplay.setBrightness(50); } void loop() { int level; uint8_t r_color,g_color,b_color; light_val = cplay.lightSensor(); Serial.println(light_val); if(light_val < 350) { level = (350-light_val)/30; if (CircuitPlayground.slideSwitch()) { CircuitPlayground.speaker.enable(true); Serial.println("Slide to the left"); } }else { level = 0; CircuitPlayground.speaker.enable(false); } if(level > 7) { r_color = 0x50; g_color = 0; b_color = 0; CircuitPlayground.playTone(500 + level * 500, 100); }else if(level >4) { r_color = 0; g_color = 0x50; b_color = 0; CircuitPlayground.playTone(500 + level * 500, 100); }else { r_color = 0; g_color = 0; b_color = 0x50; CircuitPlayground.playTone(500 + level * 500, 100); } for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if(i<level) cplay.strip.setPixelColor(i, r_color, g_color, b_color); // else cplay.strip.setPixelColor(i, 0, 0, 0); // } cplay.strip.show(); if (CircuitPlayground.leftButton()) { Serial.println("Left button pressed!"); } if (CircuitPlayground.rightButton()) { Serial.println("Right button pressed!"); } delay(100); }   实现的效果如下: [localvideo]42e4bf800212bd86da5f8ed8d26ba80d[/localvideo]    

  • 发表了主题帖: 【Follow me第二季第1期】监测环境温度和光线,通过板载LED展示舒适程度

    本帖最后由 流水源 于 2024-8-13 15:13 编辑 本次实现的是基础任务二(必做):监测环境温度和光线,通过板载LED展示舒适程度。 通过读取板上温度传感器和光线检测传感器。设定适宜的温度和光照范围。 当在适宜的范围内,10个彩灯为绿色呼吸状态。 当温度超过上限,一边显示红色呼吸,超出越多亮的灯越多。当温度低于下限时,显示蓝色呼吸,低的越多,亮的灯越多。 当光照超过上限,另一边显示红色呼吸,超出越多亮的灯越多。当光照低于下限时,显示蓝色呼吸,低的越多,亮的灯越多。 还是使用arduino开发,代码如下: #include <Adafruit_CircuitPlayground.h> #include <Adafruit_Circuit_Playground.h> //基础任务二(必做):监测环境温度和光线,通过板载LED展示舒适程度 Adafruit_CircuitPlayground cplay = Adafruit_CircuitPlayground(); #define LED_PIN 13 uint32_t lightbress; uint8_t l_dir; int light_val; int temp_val; int g_state; // the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board void setup() { // initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output. pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(115200); cplay.begin(); cplay.setBrightness(50); lightbress = 0; l_dir = 0; g_state = 0; } // the loop function runs over and over again forever void loop() { light_val = cplay.lightSensor(); temp_val = cplay.temperature() * 100; Serial.println(light_val); Serial.println(temp_val); switch(g_state) { case 0: for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { cplay.strip.setPixelColor(i, 0, lightbress * 10, 0); // 设置LED为green色 } cplay.strip.show(); if(l_dir == 0) { lightbress++; if(lightbress == 15) l_dir = 1; }else { if(lightbress) lightbress--; else l_dir = 0; } if((light_val > 510) || (light_val < 190) || (temp_val > 3250)||(temp_val < 2950)) { lightbress = 0; g_state = 1; } break; case 1: //温度 int level; uint8_t r_color,g_color,b_color; if(temp_val > 3200) { level = (temp_val - 3200)/100; r_color = lightbress * 10; b_color = 0; g_color = 0; }else if(temp_val < 3000) { level = (3000 - temp_val)/100; b_color = lightbress * 10; r_color = 0; g_color = 0; }else { g_color = lightbress * 10; r_color = 0; b_color = 0; } if(level >= 5) level = 5; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if(i<level) cplay.strip.setPixelColor(i, r_color, g_color, b_color); // 设置LED为blue red色 else cplay.strip.setPixelColor(i, 0, g_color, 0); // 设置LED为blue red色 } //光照 if(light_val > 500) { level = (light_val - 500)/80; r_color = lightbress * 10; b_color = 0; g_color = 0; }else if(light_val < 200) { level = (200 - light_val)/30; b_color = lightbress * 10; r_color = 0; g_color = 0; }else { g_color = lightbress * 10; r_color = 0; b_color = 0; } if(level >= 5) level = 5; for (int i = 5; i < 10; i++) { if(i>=(10-level)) cplay.strip.setPixelColor(i, r_color, g_color, b_color); // 设置LED为blue red色 else cplay.strip.setPixelColor(i, 0, g_color, 0); // 设置LED为blue red色 } cplay.strip.show(); lightbress++; if(lightbress == 15) lightbress = 0; if((light_val <= 500) && (light_val >= 200) && (temp_val <= 3250) && (temp_val >= 2950)) { lightbress = 0; g_state = 0; } break; } delay(100); }   编译下载后,实现效果如下: 正常舒适范围: [localvideo]4e6f90ad23efbd97714a4e45c1b91b67[/localvideo] 光照下: [localvideo]35252238660bd592abf722704ef30c51[/localvideo] 把板子放到空调下吹冷,然后温度上升到舒适 [localvideo]7da3e50341728545cd2f46c720a5dead[/localvideo]        

  • 发表了主题帖: 【2024 DigiKey 创意大赛】开箱贴

    买了RT1062 Teensy 4.1 i.MX ARM® Cortex®-M7 MPU 评估板,AK09916,ICM-20948加速计,陀螺仪,磁力计,传感器Qwiic,STEMMA QT平台评估扩展板,BME680气体,湿度,压力,温度传感器Qwiic,STEMMA QT平台评估扩展板。主要是RT1062 NXP的mpu和各种传感器。这次得捷发货挺快的。 下一步开始搞项目了。                  

  • 2024-08-07
  • 发表了主题帖: 【Follow me第二季第1期】arduino控制板载炫彩跑马灯

    首先升级安装Adafruit_Circuit_Playground库,目前是V1.12.0版本。     然后在arduino代码中添加Adafruit_Circuit_Playground库。       然后初始化Adafruit_Circuit_Playground库,以及彩灯初始化。   炫彩跑马灯代码如下: #include <Adafruit_CircuitPlayground.h> #include <Adafruit_Circuit_Playground.h> Adafruit_CircuitPlayground cplay = Adafruit_CircuitPlayground(); #define LED_PIN 13 // the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board void setup() { // initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output. pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); cplay.begin(); cplay.setBrightness(50); } // the loop function runs over and over again forever void loop() { digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level) for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { cplay.setPixelColor(i, 25*i+25, 0, 0); // 设置LED为red色 delay(100); } cplay.clearPixels(); delay(300); // wait for a second digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { cplay.setPixelColor(i, 0, 0, 25*i+25); // 设置LED为blue色 delay(100); } cplay.clearPixels(); delay(100); // wait for a second for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { cplay.setPixelColor(i, 0, 25*i+25, 0); // 设置LED为green色 delay(100); } cplay.clearPixels(); delay(100); // wait for a second } 编译下载之后就可以看到跑马灯了。     效果如下: [localvideo]59a5277baecd047e05a53e7e8a073322[/localvideo]                      

  • 加入了学习《【Follow me第二季第1期】使用Makecode图形化完成任务》,观看 【Follow me第二季第1期】使用Makecode图形化完成任务

  • 发表了主题帖: 【Follow me第二季第1期】arduino开发环境的搭建和点灯

    参考资料:https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-circuit-playground-express/set-up-arduino-ide 首先打开arduino软件,在开发板管理器搜索 Arduino SAMD Boards,然后安装开发板即可。   这里我已经安装完成了。   下一步就可以编写代码编译点灯了。如果板子驱动无法自动安装,可以安装如下驱动软件:   选择开发板和下载串口:     先写个简单的点灯代码。LED灯在D13端口。 #define LED_PIN 13 // the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board void setup() { // initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output. pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); } // the loop function runs over and over again forever void loop() { digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level) delay(300); // wait for a second digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW delay(100); // wait for a second } 编译下载:   点灯效果,D13红灯亮灭。        

  • 2024-05-20
  • 发表了主题帖: 【Beetle ESP32 C6迷你开发板】+通过网络获取天气信息

    ESP32-C6支持很多无线通信协议,下面就通过wifi获取天气信息。 本次获取天气使用的是心知天气服务。使用该服务需要注册心知天气账号,获取个人使用的API KEY。 下面是获取天气的接口:   也可以获取3天内的天气(免费版):   下面就是代码实现了。首先就是需要WIFI,JSON,和HTTPClient库支持。 #include <WiFi.h> #include <Arduino_JSON.h> #include <HTTPClient.h> const char *ssid = "SSID"; //WIFI名称 const char *pwd = "PWD"; //WIFI密码 //填入你获得的API Key String openWeatherMapApiKey = "API KEY"; //String http_api_str = "https://api.seniverse.com/v3/weather/now.json?key=your_api_key&location=beijing&language=zh-Hans&unit=c" //now //返回例子 //{"results":[ //{"location":{"id":"WX4FBXXFKE4F","name":"北京","country":"CN","path":"北京,北京,中国","timezone":"Asia/Shanghai","timezone_offset":"+08:00"}, //"now":{"text":"晴","code":"0","temperature":"22"},"last_update":"2024-05-20T10:22:03+08:00"} //]} //3Day https://api.seniverse.com/v3/weather/daily.json?key=your_api_key&location=beijing&language=zh-Hans&unit=c&start=0&days=3 //返回例子 //{"results": //[{"location":{"id":"WS0E9D8WN298","name":"广州","country":"CN","path":"广州,广州,广东,中国","timezone":"Asia/Shanghai","timezone_offset":"+08:00"}, //"daily":[ // {"date":"2024-05-20","text_day":"大雨","code_day":"15","text_night":"雷阵雨","code_night":"11","high":"25","low":"21","rainfall":"29.50","precip":"0.92","wind_direction":"东","wind_direction_degree":"90","wind_speed":"23.4","wind_scale":"4","humidity":"91"}, // {"date":"2024-05-21","text_day":"雷阵雨","code_day":"11","text_night":"雷阵雨","code_night":"11","high":"27","low":"21","rainfall":"1.29","precip":"0.24","wind_direction":"无持续风向","wind_direction_degree":"","wind_speed":"8.4","wind_scale":"2","humidity":"87"}, // {"date":"2024-05-22","text_day":"雷阵雨","code_day":"11","text_night":"雷阵雨","code_night":"11","high":"28","low":"24","rainfall":"0.88","precip":"0.22","wind_direction":"无持续风向","wind_direction_degree":"","wind_speed":"3.0","wind_scale":"1","humidity":"91"}], //"last_update":"2024-05-20T08:00:00+08:00"} //]} 获取天气服务的JSON数据。  //获取天气JSON数据 String httpGETRequest(const char* serverName) { WiFiClient client; HTTPClient http; //连接网址 http.begin(client, serverName); //发送HTTP站点请求 int httpResponseCode = http.GET(); //该数组用于储存获得的数据 String payload = "{}"; //将获得的数据放入数组 if (httpResponseCode>0) { Serial.print("HTTP Response code: "); Serial.println(httpResponseCode); payload = http.getString(); } else { Serial.print("Error code: "); Serial.println(httpResponseCode); } //释放资源 http.end(); //返回获得的数据用于Json处理 return payload; } 初始化连接WIFI热点: WiFi.mode(WIFI_MODE_STA); Serial.println(WiFi.macAddress()); WiFi.begin(ssid, pwd); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(500); Serial.print("."); } Serial.println("WiFi connected!"); Serial.print("Connected to WiFi network with IP Address: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); 定时循环获取天气信息: //发送HTTP获取请求 if ((millis() - lastTime) > timerDelay) { timerDelay = 60000; //检测WIFI是否已经连接 if(WiFi.status()== WL_CONNECTED) { String serverPath = "http://api.seniverse.com/v3/weather/now.json?key=" + openWeatherMapApiKey + "&location=" + city + "&language=en&unit=c"; Serial.println("======================================================================="); //将组合好的URL放入httpGETRequest函数中通过HTTP获取请求以获得文本 jsonBuffer = httpGETRequest(serverPath.c_str()); Serial.println(jsonBuffer); //将解析的Json对象值储存在Jsonu缓冲区中 JSONVar myObject = JSON.parse(jsonBuffer); //判断解析是否成功 if (JSON.typeof(myObject) == "undefined") { Serial.println("Parsing input failed!"); return; } Serial.println("======================================================================="); // Serial.print("JSON object = "); // Serial.println(myObject); Serial.print("Weather: "); Serial.println(myObject["results"][0]["now"]["text"]); Serial.print("Code: "); Serial.println(myObject["results"][0]["now"]["code"]); Serial.print("Temperature: "); Serial.println(myObject["results"][0]["now"]["temperature"]); Serial.println("======================================================================="); } else { Serial.println("WiFi Disconnected"); } lastTime = millis(); } 下面是打印输出的天气信息:   整体代码如下: #include <WiFi.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <Arduino_JSON.h> #include <HTTPClient.h> #include <RPR-0521RS.h> #include <shtc3.h> RPR0521RS rpr0521rs; SHTC3 d_shtc3; #define myLED 15 //设置引脚15为LED引脚 const char *ssid = "SSID"; //WIFI名称 const char *pwd = "PWD"; //WIFI密码 //填入你获得的API Key String openWeatherMapApiKey = "API KEY";//你的心知天气API KEY //String http_api_str = "https://api.seniverse.com/v3/weather/now.json?key=your_api_key&location=beijing&language=zh-Hans&unit=c" //now //返回例子 //{"results":[ //{"location":{"id":"WX4FBXXFKE4F","name":"北京","country":"CN","path":"北京,北京,中国","timezone":"Asia/Shanghai","timezone_offset":"+08:00"}, //"now":{"text":"晴","code":"0","temperature":"22"},"last_update":"2024-05-20T10:22:03+08:00"} //]} //3Day https://api.seniverse.com/v3/weather/daily.json?key=your_api_key&location=beijing&language=zh-Hans&unit=c&start=0&days=3 //返回例子 //{"results": //[{"location":{"id":"WS0E9D8WN298","name":"广州","country":"CN","path":"广州,广州,广东,中国","timezone":"Asia/Shanghai","timezone_offset":"+08:00"}, //"daily":[ // {"date":"2024-05-20","text_day":"大雨","code_day":"15","text_night":"雷阵雨","code_night":"11","high":"25","low":"21","rainfall":"29.50","precip":"0.92","wind_direction":"东","wind_direction_degree":"90","wind_speed":"23.4","wind_scale":"4","humidity":"91"}, // {"date":"2024-05-21","text_day":"雷阵雨","code_day":"11","text_night":"雷阵雨","code_night":"11","high":"27","low":"21","rainfall":"1.29","precip":"0.24","wind_direction":"无持续风向","wind_direction_degree":"","wind_speed":"8.4","wind_scale":"2","humidity":"87"}, // {"date":"2024-05-22","text_day":"雷阵雨","code_day":"11","text_night":"雷阵雨","code_night":"11","high":"28","low":"24","rainfall":"0.88","precip":"0.22","wind_direction":"无持续风向","wind_direction_degree":"","wind_speed":"3.0","wind_scale":"1","humidity":"91"}], //"last_update":"2024-05-20T08:00:00+08:00"} //]} const char *ntpServer = "pool.ntp.org"; const long gmtOffset_sec = 8 * 3600; const int daylightOffset_sec = 0; // 填写城市名以及国家简写 String city = "GuangZhou"; String jsonBuffer; unsigned long lastTime = 0; //设置每10分钟获得一次天气数据 unsigned long timerDelay = 10000; //打印时间 void printLocalTime() { struct tm timeinfo; if (!getLocalTime(&timeinfo)) { Serial.println("Failed to obtain time"); return; } Serial.println(&timeinfo, "%F %T %A"); // 格式化输出 } //获取天气JSON数据 String httpGETRequest(const char* serverName) { WiFiClient client; HTTPClient http; //连接网址 http.begin(client, serverName); //发送HTTP站点请求 int httpResponseCode = http.GET(); //该数组用于储存获得的数据 String payload = "{}"; //将获得的数据放入数组 if (httpResponseCode>0) { Serial.print("HTTP Response code: "); Serial.println(httpResponseCode); payload = http.getString(); } else { Serial.print("Error code: "); Serial.println(httpResponseCode); } //释放资源 http.end(); //返回获得的数据用于Json处理 return payload; } //==================================================================================================================================================== void setup() { byte rc; pinMode(myLED, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(myLED, HIGH); Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("******************************** senser test *******************************************"); //set the resolution to 12 bits (0-4096) analogReadResolution(12); Wire.begin(); rc = rpr0521rs.init(); Serial.print(F("RPR-0521RS Init = ")); Serial.println(rc); rc = d_shtc3.Init(); Serial.print(F("SHTC3 Init = ")); Serial.println(rc); WiFi.mode(WIFI_MODE_STA); Serial.println(WiFi.macAddress()); WiFi.begin(ssid, pwd); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(500); Serial.print("."); } Serial.println("WiFi connected!"); Serial.print("Connected to WiFi network with IP Address: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); // 从网络时间服务器上获取并设置时间 // 获取成功后芯片会使用RTC时钟保持时间的更新 configTime(gmtOffset_sec, daylightOffset_sec, ntpServer); printLocalTime(); lastTime = millis(); } //==================================================================================================================================================== void loop() { byte rc; byte near_far; unsigned short ps_val; float als_val; int temp; int rh; digitalWrite(myLED, HIGH); delay(100); printLocalTime(); Serial.println("----------------------------------------"); // read the analog / millivolts value for pin 2: int analogValue = analogRead(0); int analogVolts = analogReadMilliVolts(0); // print out the values you read: Serial.print("ADC analog value = "); Serial.println(analogValue); Serial.print("ADC millivolts value = "); Serial.print(analogVolts); Serial.println("mV"); // Please adjust the calculation coefficient according to the actual measurement. Serial.print("BAT millivolts value = "); Serial.print(analogVolts * 2.1218 + 1000); Serial.println("mV"); Serial.println("----------------------------------------"); delay(100); rc = rpr0521rs.get_psalsval(&ps_val, &als_val); if (rc == 0) { Serial.print(F("RPR-0521RS (Proximity) = ")); Serial.print(ps_val); near_far = rpr0521rs.check_near_far(ps_val); if (near_far == RPR0521RS_NEAR_VAL) { Serial.print(F(" Near,")); } else { Serial.print(F(" Far,")); } if (als_val != RPR0521RS_ERROR) { Serial.print(F("\t (Ambient Light) = ")); Serial.print(als_val); Serial.println(F("[lx].")); } } delay(100); rc = d_shtc3.GetMode1_TempRH(&temp, &rh); if (rc == 0) { Serial.print(F("SHTC3 Temp = ")); Serial.print(temp); Serial.print("^C,"); Serial.print(F(" \t RH = ")); Serial.print(rh); Serial.println("%"); Serial.println(); } digitalWrite(myLED, LOW); delay(800); //发送HTTP获取请求 if ((millis() - lastTime) > timerDelay) { timerDelay = 60000; //检测WIFI是否已经连接 if(WiFi.status()== WL_CONNECTED) { String serverPath = "http://api.seniverse.com/v3/weather/now.json?key=" + openWeatherMapApiKey + "&location=" + city + "&language=en&unit=c"; Serial.println("======================================================================="); //将组合好的URL放入httpGETRequest函数中通过HTTP获取请求以获得文本 jsonBuffer = httpGETRequest(serverPath.c_str()); Serial.println(jsonBuffer); //将解析的Json对象值储存在Jsonu缓冲区中 JSONVar myObject = JSON.parse(jsonBuffer); //判断解析是否成功 if (JSON.typeof(myObject) == "undefined") { Serial.println("Parsing input failed!"); return; } Serial.println("======================================================================="); // Serial.print("JSON object = "); // Serial.println(myObject); Serial.print("Weather: "); Serial.println(myObject["results"][0]["now"]["text"]); Serial.print("Code: "); Serial.println(myObject["results"][0]["now"]["code"]); Serial.print("Temperature: "); Serial.println(myObject["results"][0]["now"]["temperature"]); // Serial.print("Pressure: "); // //myObject["now"]["pressure"]前为{}前的引号内容,后为读取哪一个引号后数据 // Serial.println(myObject["now"]["pressure"]); // Serial.print("Humidity: "); // Serial.println(myObject["now"]["humidity"]); // Serial.print("Wind Speed: "); // Serial.println(myObject["now"]["wind_speed"]); Serial.println("======================================================================="); } else { Serial.println("WiFi Disconnected"); } lastTime = millis(); } }        

  • 2024-05-13
  • 发表了主题帖: 【Beetle ESP32 C6迷你开发板】+基于arduino读取温湿度传感器SHTC3数据

    SHTC3简单说明         SHTC3是一个检测温度和湿度的传感器,可以检测-40℃~125℃的温度范围和0%~100%的湿度范围,典型精度为±2 %RH和±0.2°C。         SHTC3的工作电压范围为:1.62V~3.6V。         SHTC3使用的通讯方式是I2C,通讯速率可以达到400KHz。         SHTC3只有4个引脚,电源和地、2个I2C通讯引脚。         SHTC3的I2C设备地址为0x70。     下面就是SHTC3的驱动程序。要注意SHTC3的寄存器是16位的2个字节。 #ifndef __DRV_SHTC3_H #define __DRV_SHTC3_H /*========================================================================= I2C ADDRESS/BITS -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define SHTC3_ADDRESS (0x70) #define SHTC3_CRC_POLYNOMIAL 0x131 // P(x) = x^8 + x^5 + x^4 + 1 = 100110001 /*=========================================================================*/ /*========================================================================= REGISTERS -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //ID16BIT:B15 to 12 & 10 to 6: unspecified info.bits 11 & 5 to 0: SHTC3 identifier #define SHTC3_REG_ID (0xEFC8) //xxxx 1xxx xx00 0111 #define SHTC3_REG_SLEEP (0xB098) // #define SHTC3_REG_WAKEUP (0x3517) // #define SHTC3_REG_RESET (0x805D) // //Mode1 #define SHTC3_REG_CENM_TEMP_RH (0x7CA2) //��ͨģʽ����ʱ�䳤��>10ms #define SHTC3_REG_CENM_RH_TEMP (0x5C24) // #define SHTC3_REG_CELPM_TEMP_RH (0x6458) //�͹���ģʽ����ʱ���: <1ms #define SHTC3_REG_CELPM_RH_TEMP (0x44DE) // //Mode2 #define SHTC3_REG_CDNM_TEMP_RH (0x7866) // #define SHTC3_REG_CDNM_RH_TEMP (0x58E0) // #define SHTC3_REG_CDLPM_TEMP_RH (0x609C) // #define SHTC3_REG_CDLPM_RH_TEMP (0x401A) // //============================================================================== class SHTC3 { public: SHTC3(void); int Init(void) ; byte GetMode1_TempRH(int *temp, int *humi); byte write(unsigned int memory_address, unsigned char *data, int size); byte read (unsigned int memory_address, unsigned char *data, int size); private: uint16_t shtc3_id; }; #endif 下面是操作SHTC3的寄存器接口。要注意SHTC3的寄存器是16位的2个字节。 #include <Arduino.h> #include <Wire.h> #include "shtc3.h" byte SHTC3::write(unsigned int memory_address, unsigned char *data, int size) { byte rc; Wire.beginTransmission(SHTC3_ADDRESS); Wire.write((memory_address>>8) & 0xFF); Wire.write(memory_address & 0xFF); if((data != NULL) && (size != 0)) Wire.write(data, size); rc = Wire.endTransmission(); return (rc); } byte SHTC3::read(unsigned int memory_address, unsigned char *data, int size) { byte rc; unsigned int cnt; Wire.beginTransmission(SHTC3_ADDRESS); Wire.write((memory_address>>8) & 0xFF); Wire.write(memory_address & 0xFF); rc = Wire.endTransmission(false); if (rc != 0) { return (rc); } Wire.requestFrom(SHTC3_ADDRESS, size, true); if((data != NULL) && (size != 0)) { cnt = 0; while(Wire.available()) { data[cnt] = Wire.read(); cnt++; } } return (0); } 将驱动程序添加到Arduino的库文件夹下。下面是测试读取代码。 #include <Wire.h> #include <RPR-0521RS.h> #include <shtc3.h> RPR0521RS rpr0521rs; SHTC3 d_shtc3; #define myLED 15 //设置引脚15为LED引脚 void setup() { byte rc; pinMode(myLED, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(myLED, HIGH); Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("******************************** senser test *******************************************"); Wire.begin(); rc = rpr0521rs.init(); Serial.print(F("RPR-0521RS Init = ")); Serial.println(rc); rc = d_shtc3.Init(); Serial.print(F("SHTC3 Init = ")); Serial.println(rc); } void loop() { byte rc; byte near_far; unsigned short ps_val; float als_val; int temp; int rh; digitalWrite(myLED, HIGH); delay(100); rc = rpr0521rs.get_psalsval(&ps_val, &als_val); if (rc == 0) { Serial.print(F("RPR-0521RS (Proximity) = ")); Serial.print(ps_val); near_far = rpr0521rs.check_near_far(ps_val); if (near_far == RPR0521RS_NEAR_VAL) { Serial.print(F(" Near,")); } else { Serial.print(F(" Far,")); } if (als_val != RPR0521RS_ERROR) { Serial.print(F("\t (Ambient Light) = ")); Serial.print(als_val); Serial.println(F("[lx].")); } } delay(100); rc = d_shtc3.GetMode1_TempRH(&temp, &rh); if (rc == 0) { Serial.print(F("SHTC3 Temp = ")); Serial.print(temp); Serial.print("^C,"); Serial.print(F(" \t RH = ")); Serial.print(rh); Serial.println("%"); Serial.println(); } digitalWrite(myLED, LOW); delay(800); } 通过串口输出信息,可以看到温湿度读取成功。       资料:


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