
    1. / 2006-10-13
      要求:1.英语流利;2.做过仪器的校正or维修(电子光纤类,例如:示波器/频谱仪/网络分析仪/万用表/信号发生器等);3.至少6年以上工作经验;4.目前薪金7000-20000之间; 有适合者,请发资料至以下邮箱Best regardsJane ChangTEL:020-38878871,22220193FAX:020-38878919ADD:Rm.1002,GuangZhou Nanfang Securities Building,No.140-148,Ti Yu Dong Road,GZ,P.R.C.PC:510620 QQ:27864961E-mail:jane@reachcareer.com janechang6@hotmail.com 1.        Electronics Calibration and Repair Technician Lead Requirements:?        Minimum of 8 years experience repairing and calibrating instruments, with emphasis on RF, microwave and fiber-optic instrumentation. ?        A general knowledge of physical and mechanical instrumentation is desired.?        A background in the field of metrology or bench calibration experience is required. ?        Strong knowledge of electronic circuit theory?        Advanced soldering training?        Must be able to read circuit schematics and identify components within those schematics?        3 years of leadership experience, preferably including experience as a supervisor.?        Candidates must be able to read and write both in English and Chinese (Mandarin) languages ?        Proficiency with MS Office applications?        Candidates must also be able to use a personal computer with a Western keyboard ?        Be willing to travel to the United States and throughout Asia 2.        Senior Calibration and Repair Technicians The Senior Calibration and Repair Technician, under the supervision of the Electronic Calibration and Repair Technician Lead will supervise and train junior technicians. Requirements?        8 years experience performing electronic and mechanical calibrations and repairs on general purpose and specialized measuring and test equipment, to include RF/microwave and fiber-optic instruments.?        3 years as a supervisor of service technicians?        Candidates must be able to read and write fluently both in English and Chinese languages?        Candidates must also be able to use a personal computer with a Western keyboard?        Proficiency with MS Office applications ?        Be willing to travel to the United States and throughout Asia 3.        Senior Fiber Optic Calibration and Repair Technician The Senior Fiber Optic Calibration and Repair Technician, under the supervision of the Electronic Calibration and Repair Technician Lead will supervise and train junior technicians. Requirements: ?        8 years experience performing fiber optic, electronic and mechanical calibrations and/or repairs on general purpose and/or specialized measuring and test equipment. ?        3 years as a supervisor of service technicians ?        Candidates must be able to read and write fluently both in English and Chinese languages?        Candidates must also be able to use a personal computer with a Western keyboard ?        Proficiency with MS Office applications ?        Proven experience as a leader of personnel ?        Be willing to travel to the United States and throughout Asia


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