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EMC测试基本环境要求统计-Mazda MES PW 67602A, MES PW 67602B

已有 346 次阅读2024-10-18 13:32

标准编号:Mazda  MES PW 67602A, MES PW 67602B


标准名称:Automobile Parts Standard ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS (7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9)

一般环境要求:(b) Environmental test conditions
Unless otherwise specified,
Environmental Test Conditions
Temperature 23± 5 °C
Humidity 20 to 80 % (relative humidity: RH)

静电实验环境要求:ESD The ambient temperature and relative humidity shall be kept at 23±5℃ and 20 % to 40 % respectively in the test facility.


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