下载次数 0次 资源类型 其它 上传时间 2017-05-09
1.2 SUBNET16? GATEWAY FEATURES ? Multidrop capable; controls up to 16 RFID reader/writers, each functioning independently and simultaneously. ? Operational power is supplied directly from the Subnet16? network ? Small footprint provides ease of mounting ? Available support for multiple communication protocols: Subnet16?, standard TCP/IP, Ethernet/IP, MODBUS TCP, DeviceNet, Profibus-DP-V1 ? Supports several interface connections: RS232, Ethernet, DeviceNet, Profibus ? Supports Balluff's CBx RFID command protocols ? LED status indicators for Power/Ready, Subnet16 bus activity, network status, Configuration error indication ? Supports processor unit macro functionality ? Flash memory for software updates ? Real-time Calendar/Date functions ? Auto configuration of RFID processor units, automatic Node ID number assignment ? Node Fault Detection ? Isolated bus interfaces 1.3 ABOUT THIS MANUAL This manual provides guidelines and instructions for installing, configuring and operating Subnet16? Gateway Interface Modules. This document does NOT include explicit details regarding the Gateway BIS Z-GW-001_ RFID commands. Specific RFID command related information such as: the process of issuing commands from a host PC or Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) to the Gateway Interface Module is available in the CBx Command Protocol – Manual, which is available at www.balluff.com.
下载次数 0次 资源类型 其它 上传时间 2017-05-09
Auswerteeinheit BIS V-6102: – im Metallgeh?use ausgeführt – Anschlüsse als Rundsteckverbindungen ausgeführt – 4 Schreib-/Lesek?pfe k?nnen angeschlossen werden – 1 × IO-Link-Modul anschlie?bar oder Standard E/A-Port – elektrische Versorgung der Systemkomponenten durch die Auswerteeinheit – Energieversorgung des Datentr?gers durch die Schreib-/Lesek?pfe mittels Tr?gersignal – USB-Schnittstelle – Profibus Ein- und Ausgang – Display mit Tasten für Inbetriebnahme und Einstellungen – Kontrollanzeigen
下载次数 0次 资源类型 应用文档 上传时间 2017-05-09
Balluff positioning systems are used in many areas including hydraulic cylinders, presses, punch presses, extruders, rolling mills, injection molding, blowmolding, woodworking and packaging machinery, textile machinery, as well as elevators, liquid level monitoring systems, and handling equipment. The processor card is configured as a Eurocard with front panel, suitable for installation in a 19-inch rack or card holder. Front Panel (Fig. 1) Located on the front panel are: — Grip with model number — Captive mounting screws — LED-displays Power (green): Supply in Error (red): Position data invalid due to: - cable break - transducer not connected or defective - Magnet not present or outside of active stroke range of the transducer. — Zero Potentiometer Nullpoint adjustment by 15 % — Gain Potentiometer End value adjustment (range adjustment) Eurocard (Fig. 1) The Eurocard contains the following connection elements: — 32-pin edge connector per DIN 41612 F at the rear of the Eurocard for connecting - transducer, - power supply, - host controller (analog output data).
下载次数 0次 资源类型 应用文档 上传时间 2017-05-09