
    1. pulse sensor 说明书

      标签:pulse sensor 心跳 脉搏

      Pulse Sensor is a well-designed plug-and-play heart-rate sensor for Arduino. It can be used by students, artists, athletes, makers, and game & mobile developers who want to easily incorporate live heartrate data into their projects. The sensor clips onto a fingertip or earlobe and plugs right into Arduino with some jumper cables. It also includes an open-source monitoring app that graphs your pulse in real time.

      下载次数 0次 资源类型 应用文档 上传时间 2016-07-16

    2. β版-MKL26Z256.使用说明及实验指示书

      标签:Blazar MKL26Z256


      下载次数 6次 资源类型 应用文档 上传时间 2016-07-16

    3. Broadcom 无线开发板

      标签:Broadcom 无线开发板 wifi BLE WICED

      WICED Wi-Fi Broadcom provides a full-featured WICED Development Kit and is working with partners to deliver turnkey hardware solutions of various form factors to readily enable Wi-Fi connectivity in system designs. The following reference WICED boards are available for development and device prototyping:

      下载次数 1次 资源类型 应用文档 上传时间 2016-07-16

    4. BCM43341 数据手册

      标签:BCM43341 数据手册 datasheet

      The Broadcom? BCM43341 single–chip quad–radio device provides the highest level of integration for a mobile or handheld wireless system, with integrated dual band (2.4 GHz / 5 GHz) IEEE 802.11 a/b/g and single–stream IEEE 802.11n MAC/baseband/radio, Bluetooth 4.0, and FM radio receiver. It also integrates a low power NFC controller based on the BCM2079X, an NFC standards–compliant standalone solution. The BCM43341 includes integrated power amplifiers and LNAs for the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz WLAN bands, and an integrated 2.4 GHz T/R switch. This greatly reduces the external part count, PCB footprint, and cost of the solution. Using advanced design techniques and process technology to reduce active and idle power, the BCM43341 is designed to address the needs of mobile devices that require minimal power consumption and compact size. It includes a power management unit which simplifies the system power topology and allows for operation directly from a mobile platform battery while maximizing battery life

      下载次数 15次 资源类型 应用文档 上传时间 2016-07-16

    5. BCM943341WCD1 功能框图

      标签:BCM943341WCD1 WICED 框图

      博通 BCM943341WCD1 模块功能框图,现在已经归赛普拉斯了!

      下载次数 1次 资源类型 应用文档 上传时间 2016-07-16

    6. BCM943341WCD1 开发板PCB

      标签:BCM943341 BCM WICED PCB

      BCM943341WCD1 开发板 PCB布线图

      下载次数 1次 资源类型 应用文档 上传时间 2016-07-16

    7. BCM943341 Quick Start Guide

      标签:BCM943341 WICED

      This document provides the following information: ? Introduction to the BCM943341 chip used for the Wireless Internet Connectivity for Embedded Devices (WICED?) development system on a Windows PC (“Introduction” on page 7) ? Introduction to the WICED? Wi-Fi architecture (“Hardware Overview” on page 11) ? Details about the WICED evaluation hardware and schematics (“Hardware Details” on page 14) ? Steps to use the WICED SDK for setting up the NFC tag reader/writer applications (“WICED SDK v3.1.2” on page 16) It is intended for engineers who are using the Broadcom? WICED Wi-Fi architecture stand-alone module or the module mounted on an evaluation board that uses the BCM943341 chip.

      下载次数 2次 资源类型 应用文档 上传时间 2016-07-16

    8. Guidelines for Designing WICED Reference Modules

      标签:BCM943XXX 博通 WICED

      This document describes the Broadcom? BCM943xxxWCDx_EVB WICED evaluation board and associated components. The BCM94343xxxWCDx_EVB is comprised of a module soldered onto an evaluation board. While this document will focus on the BCM94343WWCD1_1 module as the core example, the content is applicable to modules that use the following three variants: ? BCM43364 ? BCM4343W ? BCM43438 A single evaluation board is used for each of these variant modules and has the part number BCM9WCD9EVAL1. The BCM94343WWCD1_1 is a chip-on-board module that provides the highest level of integration of the BCM4343W with an STMicroelectronics? STM32F411 microcontroller. This combination is uniquely suited for Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications in the industrial and medical sensor, home appliance, and embedded audio markets. The purpose of this document is to support hardware designers from our various OEM/ODM module partners who are designing their own BCM943xxx-based module for compatibility with the Broadcom BCM9WCD9EVAL1 evaluation board. The document includes, among other things, module pinouts, signal descriptions, example schematics, layout, RF considerations, and so forth.

      下载次数 2次 资源类型 应用文档 上传时间 2016-07-16



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QQ3283302972 2017-5-11
一、        最低硬件、软件配置需哪些?软硬件构建何处有文档指导?
二、        边界路由器可用CC2650DK吗?应配置什么软件?
三、        除了内网节点、边界路由器外,还需其它东西吗?