数据没准备好的时候,return USB_NOT_READY,
如果你按照我在博客中介绍的那样做(以HID的SET REPORT为例说明如何使用STM32的USB库支持控制端点0),库和硬件会自动地发送NAK;如果仍然超时,那么没有办法从设备端解决,除非你加快数据准备的速度。
Absolute Addressing
The COSMIC compiler allows an object to be declared along with its
address when it is known at compile time (I/O registers). The address is
specified just after the declaration and is replacing the initialization
part. It is prefixed by the @ character:
volatile char PORTB @0x10;
Such a declaration is in fact equivalent to an extern declaration so it is
not possible to initialize such a variable. This can also be applied to a
function declaration if such a function already exists at a known address
in the application. This cannot be used to locate a function defined in
the application at a predefined address.
A bit variable can also be declared at an absolute location by defining
its byte address followed by a colon character and the bit position:
_Bool PB3 @0x10:3
or, if the variable PORTB has been previously declared as before:
_Bool PB3 @PORTB:3
一般都是配置问题,重新clean sysgen试一下,
唉 让我做个键盘测试,VK值还要自己获取,头大啊,那个函数CE还不支持,悲哀啊。
引用 3 楼 trueman_onlyme 的回复:
computer 是drawtext 写的吗! 如果是那么 createfont 的时候有字宽的吧!
你的这种处理 很多吗!
少的话 自己算就可以了
就是使用 drawtext写的。
; USB boot configuration file for Jz4740 and Jz4750 board
EXTCLK 24 ;Define the external crystal in MHz
CPUSPEED 336 ;Define the PLL output frequency
PHMDIV 3 ;Define the frequency divider ratio of PLL=CCLK:PCLK=HCLK=MCLK
BOUDRATE 57600 ;Define the uart boudrate
USEUART 3 ;Use which uart, 0/1 for jz4740,0/1/2/3 for jz4750
BUSWIDTH 32 ;The bus width of the SDRAM in bits (16|32)
BANKS 4 ;The bank number (2|4)
ROWADDR 13 ;Row address width in bits (11-13)
COLADDR 9 ;Column address width in bits (8-12)
ISMOBILE 0 ;Define whether SDRAM is mobile SDRAM, this only valid for Jz4750 ,1:yes 0:no
ISBUSSHARE 1 ;Define whether SDRAM bus share with NAND 1:shared 0:unshared
BUSWIDTH 8 ;The width of the NAND flash chip in bits (8|16|32)
ROWCYCLES 3 ;The row address cycles (2|3)
PAGESIZE 2048 ;The page size of the NAND chip in bytes
PAGEPERBLOCK 128 ;The page number per block
FORCEERASE 1 ;The force to erase flag (0|1)
OOBSIZE 64 ;oob size in byte
ECCPOS 9 ;ecc position
;OOBSIZE 64 ;oob size in byte
;ECCPOS 28 ;ecc position
BADBLACKPOS 0 ;bad black ID position
BADBLACKPAGE 127 ;bad black ID page
PLANENUM 1 ;The planes number of target nand flash
BCHBIT 4 ;Specify the hardware BCH algorithm for 4750 (4|8)
WPPIN 0 ;Specify the write protect pin number
;BLOCKPERCHIP 0 ;Specify the block number per chip,0 means ignore
;The program will calculate the total SDRAM size by : size = 2^(ROWADDR + COLADDR) * BANKNUM * (SDRAMWIDTH / 4)
;The CPUSPEED has restriction as: ( CPUSPEED % EXTCLK == 0 ) && ( CPUSPEED % 12 == 0 )
;For jz4750, the program just init BANK0(DSC0).
;Beware all variables must be set correct!
boot 0
nerase 0 4096 0 0 ;4096不知道正确不正确
nprog 0 boot.nb0 0 0 -n
nprog 1024 nk.nb0 0 0 -n ;1024是用户指导书上写的值
单片机不分雌雄 只要自己学得好 一样有前途 单片机的用途很多 当然如果能学点嵌入式更好
引用 4 楼 programmerno1 的回复:
呵呵 项目需要
请熟炼三星2440 2416 linux的软件高手们与本人联系,有个新项目需要合伙人。
一定是要能解决问题 改进问题。比如:2440的usb device做U盘 USB1.1功能,调试不同厂家SDRAM的时序,2416的USB 2.0 device PHY,以及2416的拔插SD卡wakeup等。以及能优化启动时间,AP应用程序开发,有领导能力且能组建软件团队等。
我的联系方式:QQ,632984684, Email:songbo_li_@126.com, 电话: 137 510 72718