
    1. 各位仁兄帮忙解决一下这个问题 8/3715 stm32/stm8 2010-09-15
    2. samsung 2440+wince5.0, 8寸屏上下抖动 19/8602 嵌入式系统 2010-07-01
      引用 8 楼 iken168 的回复: 引用 6 楼 wangyuluyulu 的回复: 请问楼主操作其他的会有抖动吗? 1:有示波器测量参考电压是否波动如果稳定表明电压没有问题的 2:把刷屏率降低一点试试。 3:真的不行在看看屏的参数 降低刷新率其实就是降低VCLK,这个方法是了,把VCLK降到22M或16.7MHz,抖动问题是能解决,但屏的参数要求VCLK的范围是25-40MHz,低于25MHz仔细看屏会有一点点闪……
    3. 检查时序和电路,SCL和SDA要加上拉
    4. 谢谢楼上的朋友,你看的哪版规范呀?我看得1.3a版本的,共156页,第21页是type A接口的特性图阿,不知道你说的在哪儿?告诉我章节好吗?
    5. 关于SET命令无法保存? 7/3457 嵌入式系统 2010-06-28
      引用 5 楼 seemknow 的回复: 要包含I2C,不要写SET BSP_NOI2C=0,写SET BSP_NOI2C=,或者干脆不写。
    6. 在这个推荐的帖子里面有很多这些论述,看看去吧。 嘿嘿,划重点,想起了大学。呵呵。
    7. vs2010可以开发 wince么? 18/17692 嵌入式系统 2010-06-04
    8. wince6用什么开发驱动? 16/5788 嵌入式系统 2010-04-22
    9. WinCE显示中文求助 14/6184 嵌入式系统 2010-04-06
      引用 9 楼 sunrain_hjb 的回复: 改了语言后,不仅仅是编译BSP哦, 你最好重新Sysgen一下。
    10. STC内置ad转换问题 10/5789 嵌入式系统 2010-04-03
      看看你的IO配置成什么状态了? 感觉像是ADC的配置不完全
    11.                                  想参加今年的研讨会   半天没见消息
    12. 在哪里能下一些单片机的电路图和讲解啊 14/5358 嵌入式系统 2010-03-21
      主要是书啊 只了解一些三极管 二极管什么的基础知识 真正要看懂电路图设计电路图就不行了 学校一两周才有一个电路图  
    13. 给版主提个要求 4/2875 stm32/stm8 2010-02-14
    15. 引用 21 楼 archingde 的回复: 我重新编了个程序,启动后同样弹出对话框,“50 not found”,不知道什么意思。 Settings 有三个选项;1、not useing MFC, 2、use MFC in static library 3、use MFC in shared dll 如果选3,弹出的对话狂是乱码,用1和2,弹出“50 not found”,因为该对话框右上角只有ok(x是灰的),点ok后,没反映,对话框也不关闭,就死机。
      选2  然后在setting--C/C++----prepro..defin.里面加个_AFXDLL 试试
    16. 没搞过关注.
    17. WinCE上,lib 变为 dll. 17/5371 嵌入式系统 2009-12-24
    18. TCC8900/TCC8901/TCC8902规格:   ARM 1176JZF-S ARM 1176JZF-S CPU 500 MHz @ 1.2V, 600MHz (TBD) CPU 500 MHz @ 1.2V, 600MHz (TBD) 65nm CMOS Process 65nm CMOS Process 400 Pin FBGA, 17x17mm2, 0.8 Ball Pitch 400 Pin FBGA, 17x17mm2, 0.8 Ball Pitch Video Processor (up to 1920x1080p) Video Processor (up to 1920x1080p) Video Encoding (up to 1280x720p) Video Encoding (up to 1280x720p) Video Enhancement Video Enhancement 2D/3D Graphic Processor 2D/3D Graphic Processor Video Input Video Input Camera Interface Camera Interface Display & Video Output Display & Video Output Audio Interfaces Audio Interfaces Serial/Parallel Streaming Interface Serial/Parallel Streaming Interface mDDR/DDR/DDR2Memory Support mDDR/DDR/DDR2Memory Support Storage I/F Support Storage I/F Support Peripherals & Other Features Peripherals & Other Features   特性如下:   The TCC8900 is a system LSI for digital multimedia applications based on ARM1176JZF-S, an ARM's proprietary RISC CPU core. It is designed for high-end multimedia entertainment devices such as car AVN, portable multimedia player and home entertainment. The TCC8900 supports decoding and encoding various types of video and audio standards with software and dedicated hardware codecs including JPEG / MPEG1 / MPEG2 / MPEG4 / H.264 / VC-1 / RV up to Full HD (1080p) and MP3 / WMA / EAAC+ / AC3, etc. In addition, TCC8900 offers a hardwired 3D graphic accelerator to enrich next generation GUI and other graphical applications. For easy and cost effective solutions for GPS navigation devices, it also provides GPS correlator. The TCC8900 is a system LSI for digital multimedia applications based on ARM1176JZF-S, an ARM's proprietary RISC CPU core. It is designed for high-end multimedia entertainment devices such as car AVN, portable multimedia player and home entertainment. The TCC8900 supports decoding and encoding various types of video and audio standards with software and dedicated hardware codecs including JPEG / MPEG1 / MPEG2 / MPEG4 / H.264 / VC-1 / RV up to Full HD (1080p) and MP3 / WMA / EAAC+ / AC3, etc. In addition, TCC8900 offers a hardwired 3D graphic accelerator to enrich next generation GUI and other graphical applications. For easy and cost effective solutions for GPS navigation devices, it also provides GPS correlator.  
    19. 新手求救!定义bit变量! 4/5217 微控制器 MCU 2009-11-26
      谢谢各位赐教,不过我还是不太懂“位域”,还请高手说明白点! 联合体我倒可以试试!
    20. sst39vf1601挂掉了。。。 7/4060 嵌入式系统 2009-11-19


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