
    1. MDK中templates功能的使用 8/3801 stm32/stm8 2010-11-12
                                       这是一种解决方案 。弱弱地问一句,应该在哪问MDK技术支持?
    2. STM32W程序批量烧写的问题 4/5726 stm32/stm8 2010-09-02
                                       可以用ISP下载 我用别的型号都是ISP下载方法 这个芯片应该也能把
    3. 有哪位仁兄开发过笔记本快捷键驱动 7/4313 嵌入式系统 2010-06-19
    4. 查查是什么地方打印这段信息,然后看看代码呢? This function enables the OS loader to pass the module code (for example, .dll, .exe, and .ocx) to the OEM to verify that a module can be safely run on the system. DWORD OEMCertifyModule(   LPBYTE lpData,   DWORD cbData ); Parameters lpData [out] Pointer to a buffer allocated by the OS that contains the code for the module being loaded. cbData [in] Size, in bytes, of the buffer that the OS passes and that lpData points to. If cbData is zero, the end of the module has been reached. Return Values The following table shows the return values for this function. Flag Value Description OEM_CERTIFY_TRUST 2 The module is trusted by the OEM to perform any operation. OEM_CERTIFY_RUN 1 The module is trusted by the OEM to run, but the module is restricted from making specific function calls. OEM_CERTIFY_FALSE 0 The module is not trusted by the OEM and is not allowed to run. Remarks To implement this function, assign the address of this function to pOEMLoadModule in the OEMInit function of the OEM adaptation layer (OAL). The pOEMLoadModule global pointer is exposed by the OS in the OAL. The OS loader calls pOEMLoadModule multiple times until it reaches the end of the module. If the loader fails to fully load a module, the OS loader might never reach the end of the module, and an OEM must be ready for pOEMLoadInit to be called before the end of the previous module is reached. The OEM assigns trust levels to .dll and .exe files. The modules from the MODULES section of a .bin file are assumed to be trusted (OEM_CERTIFY_TRUST) and are not tested by the OEM. The OEM should test the modules from the FILES section of the .bin file and other file systems. An .exe file is always assigned a trust level before its dependent .dll files are loaded. When a dependent .dll file is loaded, the OEM assigns it a trust level. The kernel compares this .dll file trust level to the trust level of the .exe file. Based on this comparison, a .dll file certification level is obtained for the OS. If necessary, the kernel reduces the trust level of the .dll file so the .dll file can run. If the trust level of the .exe file is higher than the trust level of the .dll file, the .dll file is not loaded by the kernel. A .dll file can use the CeGetCurrentTrust function to determine the trust level of the .exe file if a .dll file needs more control over which .exe files are able to load it. The following table shows the resulting .dll file certification level based on the combination of OEM-assigned trust levels. OEM certification for .exe file OEM certification for .dll file Certification level for .dll file OEM_CERTIFY_TRUST OEM_CERTIFY_TRUST OEM_CERTIFY_TRUST OEM_CERTIFY_RUN OEM_CERTIFY_TRUST OEM_CERTIFY_RUN OEM_CERTIFY_TRUST OEM_CERTIFY_RUN OEM_CERTIFY_FALSE OEM_CERTIFY_RUN OEM_CERTIFY_RUN OEM_CERTIFY_RUN ROM .dll and .exe files are not certified by the OEM and are assumed to operate at an OEM_CERTIFY_TRUST level. For information on API restrictions imposed on untrusted applications, see Trusted APIs. The CreateProcess function debug flags, DEBUG_ONLY_THIS_PROCESS and DEBUG_PROCESS, are restricted. If these flags are used by an untrusted application, the identified process launches, but no debugging occurs. Requirements OS Versions: Windows CE 2.10 and later. Header: Developer defined. Link Library: Nk.lib.
    5. 请问输入捕获模式 4/4652 stm32/stm8 2010-03-01
    6. 基于RealViewMDK工具的ST芯片例程 62/27044 stm32/stm8 2010-02-24
    7. 波特率大讨论 16/4346 嵌入式系统 2010-02-01
      引用 12 楼 hallowwar 的回复: 引用 10 楼 jiqiang01234 的回复: 引用 4 楼 hallowwar 的回复: “时间戳:我从来没有试过,单片机能有这个功能吗?” 这个“时间戳”算是个广义的概念吧。我一般用四个字节的自然数序列码来实现。以此来保证接收到的帧数据的顺序没有被打乱。 ? 那你的数据有很多帧的吧?串口忙的过来么?11.0592Mhz适合做115200的通讯?
    8. 引用 22 楼 gooogleman 的回复: 引用 21 楼 sunrain_hjb 的回复: 引用 20 楼 gooogleman 的回复: 引用 19 楼 shenmou 的回复: 看下,是不是开启红外! 这个串口不是红外的,本来是做debug串口的,并且这个串口啥都没有接,外面三根线的,接个GPS模块的, 怎么会不停的执行ReceiveInterruptHandler 怪事了。只要我不加载这个 uart1 就能启动,没有啥问题,神了。 楼主是要将调试串口改为普通的功能串口? 这个曾在PXA270的WinCE5.0上改过,没有碰到这么奇怪的问题。 恩,是插上GPS就会,我没有插上就好了,感觉不至于啊,这是三根线的。
      插上GPS,GPS应该是主动发送数据才会导致问题出现吧?没有收到数据时不会出现该现象? 另外,你不是已经把调试串口改为功能串口了吗,怎么还可以看见这些调试信息呢?
    9. 真的是感动啊,谢谢大家,只有eeworld里才有这么多热心人!
    10. stm32f105USBDEVICESOS!! 48/14373 stm32/stm8 2010-01-05
    11. 求教怎么获取系统启动到现在过了多久 12/5292 嵌入式系统 2009-12-27
      引用 8 楼 llg84 的回复: 引用 7 楼 veabol 的回复: 上层应用就完全不访问底层了? 底层肯定有人做的吧?和那人沟通一下协同处理好这件事不就行了嘛 我是自己做手机应用程序来着,不涉及底层的东西
    12. __packed在很多结构嵌套中编译出错. 我换成keil for arm没问题了.
    13. RegisterClass在Wince6.0上的问题 8/3688 WindowsCE 2009-11-06
      在这里跟ConfigDlgProc; 出啥错误
    14. 关于PWM,S3C2440,timer 5/4183 嵌入式系统 2009-10-09
    15. 嵌入式工程师笔试考什么? 18/8412 嵌入式系统 2009-09-03
    16. 引用 26 楼 gsymichael 的回复: 你没明白我的意思,你现在设置了Autoformat,如果有问题自然会format分区,那么format之后自然可以被识别。 我的意思是你把Autoformat关掉,如果不能识别分区,那么有可能是读MBR等时出问题了。
      现在要把MBR打印出来才是上策! ;[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\Profiles\NANDFLASH\BINFS] ;        "MountHidden"=dword:0 ;        "MountAsROM"=dword:1 这个屏蔽也没有作用,还是这样!
    17. STM32上RTOS初探之一(KeilARTX)(转) 10/8807 stm32/stm8 2009-08-23
    18. GPRS socket方式通信的问题~ 6/3676 嵌入式系统 2009-07-25
    19. wince软键盘的奇怪问题 29/7169 WindowsCE 2009-07-23
      引用 5 楼 paul_chao 的回复: 要试 Touch Panel, 最好的方法就是把内附的 etcha 执行起来, 然後压在其中的某一点不要放, 试试看那个黑点会不会越来越大, 甚至有时还会天外飞来一笔, 这时就是 touch 的 adc 没弄好了. Paul, Chao @ Techware
      记得说要什么互斥,我慢慢尝试,这个事比较好的学习机会,多谢Paul, Chao
    20. 我以前做linux下的,项目原因做wince,直接裸搞,没看过书,没什么资料,就直接看6.0的一个bsp,还好有linux的底子,bsp这块上手还是挺快的,不过应用程序就不照了,以前没在win32下写过程序,一个mfc都写得异常纠结。。。 有时候想想花点精力把wince从底层倒应用都玩通不错,可我实在不怎么看好wince的前途,最主要的,太懒,上班时太忙,下班上上网就睡了,哎~


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