
    1. 其他的兄弟有没有知道的,指导一下啊!!!!!
    2. 呵呵,我是菜鸟,我还是没怎么看懂,还请版主悉心指教 手册629页是这么说的: The two 16-bit timers are referred to as TC1 and TC2. Each of these timershas an associated 16-bit read/write data register and a control register. Eachcounter is loaded with the value written to the data register immediately. Thisvalue will then be decremented on the next active clock edge to arrive after thewrite. When the timer counter decrements to “0”, it will assert the appropriateinterrupt. The timer counters can be read at any time. The clock source andmode is selectable by writing to various bits in the system control register.Clock sources are 508 kHz and 2 kHz. Both of these clock sources aresynchronized to the main system AHB bus clock (HCLK). (中文)这两个16位的定时器指的是TC1和TC2,每个定时器都有一个16位的读/写数据寄存器和一个控制器。通过写值到数据寄存器中来加载计数器的值。这个值被写后,在下个活跃的时钟沿到来时开始进行减计数。当时减计数器减到“0”时,它将产生合适的中断。可以在任何时间读取时间计数器的值。时钟的资源和模式可以通过向系统时钟寄存器里写值来进行选择。时钟资源是508KHZ和2KHZ,这两个时钟资源都与主要系统AHB总线时钟(HCLK)同步。 可是这里并没有说明是用哪个寄存器来实现的8M分频成1M。在第5章的系统时钟寄存器里并没有介绍通过什么寄存器来设置定时器时钟,在第2章的AHB中也没有相关介绍它的时钟是怎样和定时器同步的。 菜鸟在此叩谢!!
    3. 我详细地看过了那个手册,它只是针对14.7456HZ的频率说明的,它没说是怎么将14.7456HZ分频成其他的频率,我想做的是将8MHZ的频率分频成1M,我不知道该设置哪一个寄存器?
    4. 在线等..........................


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