typedef struct ROMHDR {
ULONG dllfirst; // first DLL address
ULONG dlllast; // last DLL address
ULONG physfirst; // first physical address
ULONG physlast; // highest physical address
ULONG nummods; // number of TOCentry's
ULONG ulRAMStart; // start of RAM
ULONG ulRAMFree; // start of RAM free space
ULONG ulRAMEnd; // end of RAM
ULONG ulCopyEntries; // number of copy section entries
ULONG ulCopyOffset; // offset to copy section
ULONG ulProfileLen; // length of PROFentries RAM
ULONG ulProfileOffset; // offset to PROFentries
ULONG numfiles; // number of FILES
ULONG ulKernelFlags; // optional kernel flags from ROMFLAGS .bib config option
ULONG ulFSRamPercent; // Percentage of RAM used for filesystem
// from FSRAMPERCENT .bib config option
// byte 0 = #4K chunks/Mbyte of RAM for filesystem 0-2Mbytes 0-255
// byte 1 = #4K chunks/Mbyte of RAM for filesystem 2-4Mbytes 0-255
// byte 2 = #4K chunks/Mbyte of RAM for filesystem 4-6Mbytes 0-255
// byte 3 = #4K chunks/Mbyte of RAM for filesystem > 6Mbytes 0-255
ULONG ulDrivglobStart; // device driver global starting address
ULONG ulDrivglobLen; // device driver global length
USHORT usCPUType; // CPU (machine) Type
USHORT usMiscFlags; // Miscellaneous flags
PVOID pExtensions; // pointer to ROM Header extensions
ULONG ulTrackingStart; // tracking memory starting address
ULONG ulTrackingLen; // tracking memory ending address
2、ROMHDR at Address 80201044h前的下载和解压缩都是在RAM中进行的,ROMHDR的出现说明解压缩已经完成,接下来可进行NANAFLASH的烧写了。