
  • 2025-01-08
  • 回复了主题帖: 【Follow me第二季第4期】基于 Edge Impulse 的语音识别

    lugl4313820 发表于 2024-12-30 22:25 咱们这个语音识别,是要联网?还是把算法下载到本地就可以识别了? 把算法下载到了单片机上

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    【Follow me第二季第4期】基于 Edge Impulse 的语音识别

  • 发表了主题帖: 【Follow me第二季第4期】基于 Edge Impulse 的语音识别

    本帖最后由 eew_uscYT9 于 2024-12-28 23:23 编辑 本项目教你如何做出自己的语音识别 本项目的大体流程  我的语音识别是识别开灯和关灯两个声音,听到对应的声音就对板子上的灯进行开和关 先去这个网站注册好账号 然后创建一个新的项目     输入项目名字,其他保存不动 接着到了数据的采集,我通过对Edge Impulse的文档查阅,发现可以用Arduino Nano主板进行数据的采集,其他的数据采集方式有手机、Edge Impulse CLI(该方式比较复杂) 先下载Edge Impulse准备好的固件 然后把该固件下载到nano板子上 接着点左边的data acquisition   点击下面所指的图标就能进行数据的采集,数据分为训练数据集和测试数据集,一般是8、2开,   数据采集完之后点击creat impulse进行训练的设置,如下面所示,设置完之后点击save impulse   点击mfcc进行参数的设置,直接默认设置,然后保存参数   然后点击上方的generate features进行生成特征 ,根据feature explorer能够看出我的数据区分度还是挺高的   接着点击classifier 进行训练,参数都可以用默认设置   点击model  testing进行模型测试 我的模型训练还是可以的  接下来进行模型的部署,我们现在arduino,然后进行build,把生成的文件下载下来,打开arduino ide进行添加   我的代码如下 /* Edge Impulse ingestion SDK * Copyright (c) 2022 EdgeImpulse Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ // If your target is limited in memory remove this macro to save 10K RAM #define EIDSP_QUANTIZE_FILTERBANK 0 /* ** NOTE: If you run into TFLite arena allocation issue. ** ** This may be due to may dynamic memory fragmentation. ** Try defining "-DEI_CLASSIFIER_ALLOCATION_STATIC" in boards.local.txt (create ** if it doesn't exist) and copy this file to ** `<ARDUINO_CORE_INSTALL_PATH>/arduino/hardware/<mbed_core>/<core_version>/`. ** ** See ** ( ** to find where Arduino installs cores on your machine. ** ** If the problem persists then there's not enough memory for this model and application. */ /* Includes ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include <rp2040_inferencing.h> #include <PDM.h> #include "WiFiNINA.h" #define led1 LEDB #define led2 LEDG #define led3 LEDR /** Audio buffers, pointers and selectors */ typedef struct { int16_t *buffer; uint8_t buf_ready; uint32_t buf_count; uint32_t n_samples; } inference_t; static inference_t inference; static signed short sampleBuffer[2048]; static bool debug_nn = false; // Set this to true to see e.g. features generated from the raw signal static volatile bool record_ready = false; /** * [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=159083]@brief[/url] Arduino setup function */ void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: Serial.begin(115200); pinMode(led3, OUTPUT); pinMode(led2, OUTPUT); // comment out the below line to cancel the wait for USB connection (needed for native USB) while (!Serial); Serial.println("Edge Impulse Inferencing Demo"); // summary of inferencing settings (from model_metadata.h) ei_printf("Inferencing settings:\n"); ei_printf("\tInterval: "); ei_printf_float((float)EI_CLASSIFIER_INTERVAL_MS); ei_printf(" ms.\n"); ei_printf("\tFrame size: %d\n", EI_CLASSIFIER_DSP_INPUT_FRAME_SIZE); ei_printf("\tSample length: %d ms.\n", EI_CLASSIFIER_RAW_SAMPLE_COUNT / 16); ei_printf("\tNo. of classes: %d\n", sizeof(ei_classifier_inferencing_categories) / sizeof(ei_classifier_inferencing_categories[0])); if (microphone_inference_start(EI_CLASSIFIER_RAW_SAMPLE_COUNT) == false) { ei_printf("ERR: Could not allocate audio buffer (size %d), this could be due to the window length of your model\r\n", EI_CLASSIFIER_RAW_SAMPLE_COUNT); return; } } /** * @brief Arduino main function. Runs the inferencing loop. */ void loop() { ei_printf("Starting inferencing in 2 seconds...\n"); delay(2000); ei_printf("Recording...\n"); bool m = microphone_inference_record(); if (!m) { ei_printf("ERR: Failed to record audio...\n"); return; } ei_printf("Recording done\n"); signal_t signal; signal.total_length = EI_CLASSIFIER_RAW_SAMPLE_COUNT; signal.get_data = &microphone_audio_signal_get_data; ei_impulse_result_t result = { 0 }; EI_IMPULSE_ERROR res = run_classifier_continuous(&signal, &result, debug_nn); if (res != EI_IMPULSE_OK) { ei_printf("ERR: Failed to run classifier (%d)\n", res); return; } // print inference return code ei_printf("run_classifier returned: %d\r\n", res); print_inference_result(result); //ei_printf(" %s: ", ei_classifier_inferencing_categories[i]); } /** * @brief PDM buffer full callback * Copy audio data to app buffers */ static void pdm_data_ready_inference_callback(void) { int bytesAvailable = PDM.available(); // read into the sample buffer int bytesRead = *)&sampleBuffer[0], bytesAvailable); if ((inference.buf_ready == 0) && (record_ready == true)) { for(int i = 0; i < bytesRead>>1; i++) { inference.buffer[inference.buf_count++] = sampleBuffer[i]; if(inference.buf_count >= inference.n_samples) { inference.buf_count = 0; inference.buf_ready = 1; break; } } } } /** * @brief Init inferencing struct and setup/start PDM * * @param[in] n_samples The n samples * * [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=784970]@return[/url] { description_of_the_return_value } */ static bool microphone_inference_start(uint32_t n_samples) { inference.buffer = (int16_t *)malloc(n_samples * sizeof(int16_t)); if(inference.buffer == NULL) { return false; } inference.buf_count = 0; inference.n_samples = n_samples; inference.buf_ready = 0; // configure the data receive callback PDM.onReceive(pdm_data_ready_inference_callback); PDM.setBufferSize(2048); delay(250); // initialize PDM with: // - one channel (mono mode) if (!PDM.begin(1, EI_CLASSIFIER_FREQUENCY)) { ei_printf("ERR: Failed to start PDM!"); microphone_inference_end(); return false; } // optionally set the gain, defaults to 24 // Note: values >=52 not supported //PDM.setGain(40); return true; } /** * @brief Wait on new data * * @return True when finished */ static bool microphone_inference_record(void) { bool ret = true; record_ready = true; while (inference.buf_ready == 0) { delay(10); } inference.buf_ready = 0; record_ready = false; return ret; } /** * Get raw audio signal data */ static int microphone_audio_signal_get_data(size_t offset, size_t length, float *out_ptr) { numpy::int16_to_float(&inference.buffer[offset], out_ptr, length); return 0; } /** * @brief Stop PDM and release buffers */ static void microphone_inference_end(void) { PDM.end(); ei_free(inference.buffer); } void print_inference_result(ei_impulse_result_t result) { // Print how long it took to perform inference ei_printf("Timing: DSP %d ms, inference %d ms, anomaly %d ms\r\n", result.timing.dsp, result.timing.classification, result.timing.anomaly); ei_printf("Predictions:\r\n"); for (uint16_t i = 0; i < EI_CLASSIFIER_LABEL_COUNT; i++) { if(result.classification[i].value>0.7) { switch (i) { case 0: digitalWrite(led3, LOW); break; case 1: digitalWrite(led3, HIGH); break; default: digitalWrite(led2, LOW); } } ei_printf(" %s: ", ei_classifier_inferencing_categories[i]); ei_printf("%.5f\r\n", result.classification[i].value); } // Print anomaly result (if it exists) #if EI_CLASSIFIER_HAS_ANOMALY == 1 ei_printf("Anomaly prediction: %.3f\r\n", result.anomaly); #endif } #if !defined(EI_CLASSIFIER_SENSOR) || EI_CLASSIFIER_SENSOR != EI_CLASSIFIER_SENSOR_MICROPHONE #error "Invalid model for current sensor." #endif   演示视频 [localvideo]d8177a49fca202d9ad2e38951857c1aa[/localvideo]      

  • 2024-12-28
  • 回复了主题帖: 【Follow me第二季第4期】任务三 学调试PDM麦克风,通过串口打印收音数据和音频波形

    本帖最后由 eew_uscYT9 于 2024-12-29 23:27 编辑 [localvideo]2d950ac4b69a1ed58dc86b1ceae90a16[/localvideo] 对应的视频展示 还有一个和pico2联动,通过打响指能控制nano板子和pico2板子的灯进行变化 [localvideo]2d51811098e155c28760aee1191550e6[/localvideo]  

  • 2024-12-26
  • 加入了学习《【Follow me第二季第4期】ARDUINO NANO RP2040 CONNECT》,观看 Arduino NANO RP2040演示合集

  • 回复了主题帖: 【Follow me第二季第4期】任务三 学调试PDM麦克风,通过串口打印收音数据和音频波形

    Jacktang 发表于 2024-12-24 07:45 结果输出的曲线为什么是下降的 截的是做完之后的数据

  • 2024-12-23
  • 加入了学习《Arduino? Nano RP2040 Connect 任务视频》,观看 PDM 数据打印及音频波形

  • 发表了主题帖: 【Follow me第二季第4期】任务汇总

    本帖最后由 eew_uscYT9 于 2025-1-11 21:43 编辑 视频 【Follow me第二季第4期】-EEWORLD大学堂   必做任务一:搭建环境并开启第一步Blink三色LED / 串口打印Hello DigiKey & EEWorld!;   【Follow me第二季第4期】任务一Blink、串口打印 必做任务二:学习IMU基础知识,调试IMU传感器,通过串口打印六轴原始数据;   【Follow me第二季第4期】任务二 学习IMU基础知识,通过串口打印六轴原始数据 必做任务三:学习PDM麦克风技术知识,调试PDM麦克风,通过串口打印收音数据和音频波形。 通过打响指进行灯的控制,也控制pico2的灯的亮灭   具体流程如下   【Follow me第二季第4期】任务三 学调试PDM麦克风,通过串口打印收音数据和音频波形   发挥任务: 【Follow me第二季第4期】基于 Edge Impulse 的语音识别   心得体会 通过这次我学习到了IMU的使用、麦克风的使用、了解到了音频的波形,也学习到了怎么样进行机器学习,并且自己也部署了一个可以识别命令的进行开关灯的小demo 最后非常感谢EEWorld和得捷电子举办的活动,这次活动让我收获了许多知识,希望能多出一点有关ai方向,让我们了解前沿,与前沿接轨   代码  

  • 发表了主题帖: 【Follow me第二季第4期】任务三 学调试PDM麦克风,通过串口打印收音数据和音频波形

    本帖最后由 eew_uscYT9 于 2024-12-23 17:26 编辑 硬件部分 ST MP34DT06JTR MEMS麦克风   ▪ AOP = 122.5 dBSPL   ▪ 64 dB信噪比   ▪ 全向灵敏度   ▪ -26 dBFS ± 1 dB灵敏度   硬件连接   代码部分 先安装PDM库 #include <WiFiNINA.h> #include <PDM.h> bool LED_SWITCH = false; // default number of output channels static const char channels = 1; // default PCM output frequency static const int frequency = 20000; // Buffer to read samples into, each sample is 16-bits short sampleBuffer[512]; // Number of audio samples read volatile int samplesRead; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); pinMode(LEDB, OUTPUT); while (!Serial); // Configure the data receive callback PDM.onReceive(onPDMdata); // Optionally set the gain // Defaults to 20 on the BLE Sense and -10 on the Portenta Vision Shields // PDM.setGain(30); // Initialize PDM with: // - one channel (mono mode) // - a 16 kHz sample rate for the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense // - a 32 kHz or 64 kHz sample rate for the Arduino Portenta Vision Shields if (!PDM.begin(channels, frequency)) { Serial.println("Failed to start PDM!"); while (1); } } void loop() { // Wait for samples to be read if (samplesRead) { // Print samples to the serial monitor or plotter for (int i = 0; i < samplesRead; i++) { if (channels == 2) { Serial.print("L:"); Serial.print(sampleBuffer[i]); Serial.print(" R:"); i++; } Serial.println(sampleBuffer[i]); if (sampleBuffer[i] > 10000 || sampleBuffer[i] <= -10000) { LED_SWITCH = !LED_SWITCH; if (LED_SWITCH) { Serial.println(); digitalWrite(LEDR, HIGH); Serial.println("ON!"); Serial.println(); delay(1000); } else { Serial.println(); digitalWrite(LEDR, LOW); Serial.println("OFF!"); Serial.println(); delay(1000); } } } // Clear the read count samplesRead = 0; } } /** Callback function to process the data from the PDM microphone. NOTE: This callback is executed as part of an ISR. Therefore using `Serial` to print messages inside this function isn't supported. * */ void onPDMdata() { // Query the number of available bytes int bytesAvailable = PDM.available(); // Read into the sample buffer, bytesAvailable); // 16-bit, 2 bytes per sample samplesRead = bytesAvailable / 2; }   现象是打一个响指就会让红灯亮,再打一个就会关闭红灯     输出的数据如下      

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  • 2024-12-06
  • 发表了主题帖: 【Follow me第二季第4期】任务二 学习IMU基础知识,通过串口打印六轴原始数据

    本帖最后由 eew_uscYT9 于 2024-12-6 20:00 编辑 Nano RP2040 Connect Cheat Sheet | Arduino Documentation   板子的arduino教程   ST LSM6DSOXTR 6轴惯性测量单元(IMU)   ▪ 3D陀螺仪         • ±2/±4/±8/±16 g全量程   ▪ 3D加速度计         • ±125/±250/±500/±1000/±2000 dps全量程   ▪ 高级计步器、步态检测器和步数计数器   ▪ 运动检测、倾斜检测   ▪ 标准中断:自由落体、唤醒、6D/4D方向、单击和双击   ▪ 可编程有限状态机:加速度计、陀螺仪和外部传感器   ▪ 机器学习核心   ▪ 嵌入式温度传感器     加速度的各个方向   陀螺仪的各个方向   实现步骤 1先在arduino上安装Arduino_LSM6DSOX库   相关的api     代码如下 #include <Arduino_LSM6DSOX.h> float Ax, Ay, Az; float Gx, Gy, Gz; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); while(!Serial); if (!IMU.begin()) { Serial.println("Failed to initialize IMU!"); while (1); } Serial.print("Accelerometer sample rate = "); Serial.print(IMU.accelerationSampleRate()); Serial.println("Hz"); Serial.println(); Serial.print("Gyroscope sample rate = "); Serial.print(IMU.gyroscopeSampleRate()); Serial.println("Hz"); Serial.println(); } void loop() { if (IMU.accelerationAvailable()) { if (IMU.gyroscopeAvailable()) { IMU.readAcceleration(Ax, Ay, Az); IMU.readGyroscope(Gx, Gy, Gz); Serial.println("data: "); Serial.print(Ax); Serial.print('\t'); Serial.print(Ay); Serial.print('\t'); Serial.println(Az); Serial.print(Gx); Serial.print('\t'); Serial.print(Gy); Serial.print('\t'); Serial.println(Gz); Serial.println(); } } delay(250); }   串口数据输出如下   想解算姿态,但是不知道该怎么做,求教

  • 回复了主题帖: 【Follow me第二季第4期】任务一Blink、串口打印

    Jacktang 发表于 2024-12-6 07:29 就是控制一下三个灯的亮和灭 对的

  • 发表了主题帖: 【Follow me第二季第4期】任务一Blink、串口打印

    本帖最后由 eew_uscYT9 于 2024-12-6 23:40 编辑 点灯启动   RGB连接方式   有原理图可以看出,低电平点亮 代码如下 #include "WiFiNINA.h" #define led1 LEDB #define led2 LEDG #define led3 LEDR void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(led1, OUTPUT); pinMode(led2, OUTPUT); pinMode(led3, OUTPUT); } void loop() { Serial.println("Hello DigiKey & EEWorld!"); // Red digitalWrite(led1, LOW); digitalWrite(led2, HIGH); digitalWrite(led3, HIGH); delay(500); // Green digitalWrite(led1, HIGH); digitalWrite(led2, LOW); digitalWrite(led3, HIGH); delay(500); // Blue digitalWrite(led1, HIGH); digitalWrite(led2, HIGH); digitalWrite(led3, LOW); delay(500); }   顺带打印了"Hello DigiKey & EEWorld!"  

  • 2024-09-21
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