你好,我在跑你的正弦波sinwave1例子时,产生HDL代码时提示这个错误:Data-type 'INT_10' is unsupported for HDL code generation
然后我双击Signal Compiler时出现如下提示信息:
Info: Analyzing Simulink model
Matlab Error
Error using alt_dspbuilder_mdl2xml (line 55)
Java exception occurred:
com.altera.dspbuilder.common.DSPBuilderException: Unable to obtain a DSP Builder license. Please check that your LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable is set to a valid license file or license server. LM_LICENSE_FILE is currently "".
at com.altera.dspbuilder.serialisation.ModelSerialiser.(Unknown Source)
at com.altera.dspbuilder.serialisation.ModelSerialiser.(Unknown Source)
at com.altera.dspbuilder.serialisation.ModelSerialiser.(Unknown Source)
Error: Error during compilation: Error analyzing Model see log for details.
添加了LM_LICENSE_FILE 环境变量还是一样
我用的软件是是quartus 14.1 dsp bulider 14.1 liscense是跟altera申请的60天试用liscense
matlab:R2012B 是破解的。