
    1. SysML精粹

      标签:系统工程 系统建模 sysML

      本书延续了Martin Fowler经典的《UML精粹》的风格,能够快速告诉你在开始的时候需要知道哪些知识,随着需求的出现,会帮助你不断深化你的知识。像SysML本身一样,这本书和方法无关,旨在支持你已经使用的所有流程、过程和工具。 作者以清晰、简洁的语言介绍SysML图的基础知识,通过实例阐明如何创建有效的SysML模型,涵盖SysML的核心组件,并以幽默诙谐的方式给出许多切实可行的建议,以帮助读者创建好的模型和好的设计。

      下载次数 10次 资源类型 技术文档 上传时间 2021-03-19

    2. soft errors in modern electronic systems

      标签:soft error electronic systems

      Soft Errors in Modern Electronic Systems describes the state-of-the-art developments and open issues in the field of soft errors. This work not only highlights a comprehensive presentation of soft errors related issues and challenges but also presents the most efficient solutions, methodologies and tools. The eleven chapters written by highly qualified experts provide a comprehensive description of the complex chain of the physical processes leading to the occurrence of soft errors, as well as of the numerous techniques and tools enabling the SER qualification of electronic systems during the design phase and after production, including: nuclear reactions of cosmic rays with the atmosphere (neutron and proton generation at ground level); nuclear reactions of atmospheric neutrons and protons with die atoms (secondary particles generation); coulomb interaction (ionization); device physics (charge collection); electrical simulation; event driven simulation; logic domain simulation; RTL simulation; hardware emulation, and radiation testing. The book also provides a comprehensive description of various hardware and software techniques enabling soft-error mitigation at moderate cost. Soft Errors in Modern Electronic Systems is a useful book for circuit and system designers, researchers, students and professors.

      下载次数 0次 资源类型 技术文档 上传时间 2021-03-19


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