
    1. 103VE的FSMC使用咨询 5/3691 stm32/stm8 2010-11-01
    2. 新手讨教求版主主! 3/2764 stm32/stm8 2010-09-03
    3. 如何控制ili9325液晶屏的扫描方向 5/5917 stm32/stm8 2010-08-03
                                       是不是改#define ID_AM   110这个啊
    4. pxa270的 晶振不起振 5/3845 嵌入式系统 2010-05-09
    5. PCB 12/6654 嵌入式系统 2010-04-28
      我都有 八小时学protel99 还有郭天祥的altium designer 加我好友 我给你
    6. 用lm358,lm324都可以,可以设一个1.5V的比较基准电压!
    7. 引用 4 楼 domworldjohn 的回复: multibin是指将一个内核bin文件分成多个bin文件,这主要用于分块加载提供系统启动速度。binfs文件系统作用一般不大,一般都是fatfs文件系统。hive注册表一般是保存到nandflash中,因此需要fatfs文件系统的支持
    8. 关于EDA交通灯控制器程序 7/3055 嵌入式系统 2010-03-15
    9. bsp下的DLL无法生成! 35/6824 嵌入式系统 2010-03-12
    10. vga转差分RGB视频 5/5173 嵌入式系统 2010-03-10
      EL59311 好像可以的哈~
    11. 3g usb modem 9/3220 嵌入式系统 2010-02-23
      我已经在eeworld资源中共享了ce下USB转串口的开发笔记和source code. 请搜索
    12. 请教AMD LX800的定制wince5.0 BSP的问题 13/6006 嵌入式系统 2010-01-22
      0x81fff030: Did not find emulation code for x86... using floating point   hardware. ================================================================================== This occurs on the x86, as there are some versions of the i486 architecture that do not include the floating-point co-processor. The system will check for the presence of the FPEMUL library. (You can specify that your BSP uses one of these CPUs by setting BSP_FPEMUL=1.) All code on an x86 is written assuming the presence of the co-processor. In a case where there isn't one, the instructions cause a trap in the kernel, which then calls the emulation library to implement the floating-point calculations. This message simply informs you that the kernel did not find the emulation library and therefore is using the hardware co-processor. If your CPU doesn't have the co-processor, this would be an important message to look for if your fonts are not showing up in the Microsoft? Internet Explorer shell (or other applications).
    13. arm怎么才能入门 18/6967 ARM技术 2010-01-10
      推荐一部书《自己动手写嵌入式操作系统》作者蓝枫叶 学arm操作系统是核心,驱动是难点,最好自己写一个操作系统,只要跑起来,写的再烂也有意义。 还有熟悉电子技术,电路设计,pcb板设计。
    14. 如果不想开机在液晶上显示先进画面  可以先不改bootloader  直接改驱动中的参数吧
    15. TCC8900/TCC8901/TCC8902规格:   ARM 1176JZF-S ARM 1176JZF-S CPU 500 MHz @ 1.2V, 600MHz (TBD) CPU 500 MHz @ 1.2V, 600MHz (TBD) 65nm CMOS Process 65nm CMOS Process 400 Pin FBGA, 17x17mm2, 0.8 Ball Pitch 400 Pin FBGA, 17x17mm2, 0.8 Ball Pitch Video Processor (up to 1920x1080p) Video Processor (up to 1920x1080p) Video Encoding (up to 1280x720p) Video Encoding (up to 1280x720p) Video Enhancement Video Enhancement 2D/3D Graphic Processor 2D/3D Graphic Processor Video Input Video Input Camera Interface Camera Interface Display & Video Output Display & Video Output Audio Interfaces Audio Interfaces Serial/Parallel Streaming Interface Serial/Parallel Streaming Interface mDDR/DDR/DDR2Memory Support mDDR/DDR/DDR2Memory Support Storage I/F Support Storage I/F Support Peripherals & Other Features Peripherals & Other Features   特性如下:   The TCC8900 is a system LSI for digital multimedia applications based on ARM1176JZF-S, an ARM's proprietary RISC CPU core. It is designed for high-end multimedia entertainment devices such as car AVN, portable multimedia player and home entertainment. The TCC8900 supports decoding and encoding various types of video and audio standards with software and dedicated hardware codecs including JPEG / MPEG1 / MPEG2 / MPEG4 / H.264 / VC-1 / RV up to Full HD (1080p) and MP3 / WMA / EAAC+ / AC3, etc. In addition, TCC8900 offers a hardwired 3D graphic accelerator to enrich next generation GUI and other graphical applications. For easy and cost effective solutions for GPS navigation devices, it also provides GPS correlator. The TCC8900 is a system LSI for digital multimedia applications based on ARM1176JZF-S, an ARM's proprietary RISC CPU core. It is designed for high-end multimedia entertainment devices such as car AVN, portable multimedia player and home entertainment. The TCC8900 supports decoding and encoding various types of video and audio standards with software and dedicated hardware codecs including JPEG / MPEG1 / MPEG2 / MPEG4 / H.264 / VC-1 / RV up to Full HD (1080p) and MP3 / WMA / EAAC+ / AC3, etc. In addition, TCC8900 offers a hardwired 3D graphic accelerator to enrich next generation GUI and other graphical applications. For easy and cost effective solutions for GPS navigation devices, it also provides GPS correlator.   产品应用领域: * PVR PVR PMP * Portable Navigation Portable Navigation * Car AV / AVN Car AV / AVN * Jukebox * H.264相关监控产品,如3G视频监控等 H.264应用领域机会难得 有诚意者请速联系:QQ:570615487 1.完全提供相关芯片技术手册,最新开发板硬件图纸(orcad与pdf格式)和PCB图 2.完全提供WINCE6.0 BSP开发包以及相关编译步骤和下载烧写方法手册 3.如需要可以协助调试BSP,直到板子跑起WINCE 4.也可以提供LINUX android 相关开发包 有诚意者请速联系:QQ:570615487
    16. 液晶只显示一半??? 12/5668 嵌入式系统 2009-11-26
      1,memcpy((void *)0x30519000, ScreenBitmap1, 320*2*80); 320*2*80这个size是不是小了? 2,既然地址变成了0x30519000,那么LCD寄存器buffer的start address有没有改成0x30519000? 3,是否是RGB565的16bit呢,要是24bit的话320*2*240就不对了
    17. 我想山寨M8,大家一起来出出主意!嘿嘿。 171/22690 嵌入式系统 2009-11-05
    18. 造成这种现象的原因主要有: 1.硬件连接有问题; 2.软件的代码时序出错; 3.两者通信口的电压不匹配等。 解决方法: 1. 如果你有该芯片的测试板,就直接把该芯片放到测试板上进行测试,如果能播放声音的话,说明其硬件没有问题,很可能软件的代码时序不对,所以造成播放不了你的录音;如果没有测试板,也可以按照ISD1400的使用说明书把它的管脚引出来,用按键再进行测试; 2. 一定要确保输出信号的准确性,你的代码时序一定要严格按照该产品的使用说明书了编写; 3. 通信口务必使用相同的电压等。 因为我对ISD这个产品并不是很熟悉,所以给不了你确确的解决方法,但,希望对你有帮助吧。除了ISD做语音芯片以外,广州也有一家专业做语音芯片和模块的制造商,有十年的经验,而且价格也相对来说比较便宜,你也可以去看看。 他们是网站是,电话:85638557 (有技术支持海可以打电话去咨询哦) 备注:以上是本人旧版本账号,已经停止使用!请与我现在这个账号联系,希望能与大家多多交流,共同进步!祝大家周末愉快!
    19. 打包并运行的,去查看注册表
    20. 国庆散分! 9/3876 嵌入式系统 2009-09-26


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