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    3. dsp builder 9.1 sp2 破解问题 3/3034 FPGA/CPLD 2012-10-26
    4. Pausing target processor: not responding. 3/4739 FPGA/CPLD 2012-10-26
    5. 初学nios2遇到的问题 4/4742 FPGA/CPLD 2012-10-04
      关键之处是把相应的编译软件改为与XP SP3或SP2的兼容模式,以管理员的模式运行即可 I am sharing my personal experience here. I have been using Quartus II 9.1 and NIOS II IDE 9.1 on Windows 7 since they were released. Now, I am using Quartus II 9.1 SP2 and NIOS II IDE 9.1 SP2. A lot of users were asking questions the compatibility of these softwares on Windows 7. Quartus II 9.1 and its SOPC builder seem to work fine on Windows 7 since the first day they are installed. It is the NIOS II IDE 9.1 that really bothered me. Most of the time when you build a project, it will report error messages like two examples below. The success rate is only 20%. Example 1: make -s all includes 3 [main] ? (3732) c:\altera\91\quartus\bin\cygwin\bin\make.exe: ***fatal error – couldn’t allocate heap, Win32 error487, base 0x9E0000, top 0xB30000, reserve_size 1372160, allocsize 1376256, page_const 4096 2 [main] make 7588 fork: child -1 – died waiting for longjmp before initialization, retry 0, exit code 0×100, errno 11 make: vfork: Resource temporarily unavailable Example 2: make -s all includes 3 [main] ? (4980) c:\altera\91\quartus\bin\cygwin\bin\make.exe: ***fatal error – couldn’t allocate heap, Win32 error 487, base 0×970000, top 0xA40000, reserve_size 847872, allocsize 851968, page_const 4096 2 [main] make 1972 fork: child -1 – died waiting for longjmp before initialization, retry 0, exit code 0×100, errno 11 make[1]: /cygdrive/c/altera/91/nios2eds/components/altera_hal/build/common.mk:54: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable 3 [main] ? (6092) c:\altera\91\quartus\bin\cygwin\bin\make.exe: ***fatal error – couldn’t allocate heap, Win32 error 487, base 0×970000, top 0xA60000, reserve_size 978944, allocsize 983040, page_const 4096 8408744 [main] make 1972 fork: child -1 – died waiting for longjmp before initialization, retry 0, exit code 0×100, errno 11 make[1]: /cygdrive/c/altera/91/nios2eds/components/altera_hal/build/chac_rules.mk:147: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable make[1]: *** No rule to make target `/bin/gtf/generated_all.mk.gtf’, needed by `system_description/../obj/generated_all.mk-t’. Stop. make: *** [system_project] Error 2 Build completed in 40.947 seconds Some says it is related to the Norton Antivirus software. Yes, my PC is installed with Norton Antivirus software. But I observed that it happened to Windows 7 PC which is not installed with Norton Antivirus software, as well. Turning off the Norton Antivirus software does slightly help to increase the probability that the project is successfully built, from 20% to about 40%. Anyway, I found some tricks which can make your life easier if you are using Nios II IDE 9.1 on Windows7. Under your Quartus II folder, go to bin->cygwin->bin folder, select the following files in the list below and then right-click and choose Properties. Under the Compatibility tab, check“Run this program in compatibility mode for:” and choose “Windows XP (Service Pack 2)”. Check “Run this program as an administrator”, as well. Here is the list of files that you can select to change their compatibility mode under the Quartus II->bin->cygwin->bin folder: 1. Make.exe 2. Sh.exe 3. Echo.exe 4. Cygstart.exe 5. MakeInfo.exe 6. Perl.exe 7. Collect2.exe (under nios2eds\bin\nios2-gnutools\ H-i686-pc-cygwin\libexec\gcc\nios2-elf\3.4.6) 8. Nios2-elf-g++.exe (under nios2eds\bin\nios2-gnutools\ H-i686-pc-cygwin\bin) By doing the steps mentioned above, the success rate of building a project in NIOS II IDE 9.1 will be increased to above 90%.
    6. 关于nios ii 的学习 3/2940 FPGA/CPLD 2012-09-27
    7. :) 感谢楼主的无私分享
    8. 讲的挺多的。:)
    9. 与80后的朋友们闲聊 152/55253 求职招聘 2012-08-25
      说来说去貌似70 80 都不容易,那90后很轻松了。
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    11. 英文版verilog编程经验集锦 7/3982 FPGA/CPLD 2012-08-08
    12. 看看好不好
    13. EEWorld 社区威望积分规则 3034/1610493 为我们提建议&公告 2012-07-29
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      :) :) :victory:
    16. 单片机红外遥控最全的资料 13/5659 电子竞赛 2012-07-16
    17. 唉 430解码红外失败好久了! 3/3540 微控制器 MCU 2012-07-16
      最不喜欢看别人的程序了,而且还是一篇:) 下来,不加注释。:) :)
    18. MSP430中文技术手册 31/7811 微控制器 MCU 2012-06-28
    19. IAR 5.4 破解 (坛子里的那个5.4文件不对) 55/16727 微控制器 MCU 2012-06-26
    20. IAR FOR MSP430 5.4破解软件下载 4/8352 微控制器 MCU 2012-06-26


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