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gdb help

已有 666 次阅读2014-6-18 16:42 |个人分类:GDB| specified, backward, exactly, future

Command class: aliases

ni -- Step one instruction
rc -- Continue program being debugged but run it in reverse
rni -- Step backward one instruction
rsi -- Step backward exactly one instruction
si -- Step one instruction exactly
stepping -- Specify single-stepping behavior at a tracepoint
tp -- Set a tracepoint at specified line or function
tty -- Set terminal for future runs of program being debugged
where -- Print backtrace of all stack frames
ws -- Specify single-stepping behavior at a tracepoint

Command class: breakpoints

awatch -- Set a watchpoint for an expression
break -- Set breakpoint at specified line or function
catch -- Set catchpoints to catch events
catch assert -- Catch failed Ada assertions
catch catch -- Catch an exception
catch exception -- Catch Ada exceptions
catch exec -- Catch calls to exec
catch fork -- Catch calls to fork
catch syscall -- Catch system calls by their names and/or numbers
catch throw -- Catch an exception
catch vfork -- Catch calls to vfork
clear -- Clear breakpoint at specified line or function
commands -- Set commands to be executed when a breakpoint is hit
condition -- Specify breakpoint number N to break only if COND is true
delete -- Delete some breakpoints or auto-display expressions
delete breakpoints -- Delete some breakpoints or auto-display expressions
delete checkpoint -- Delete a checkpoint (experimental)
delete display -- Cancel some expressions to be displayed when program stops
delete mem -- Delete memory region
delete tracepoints -- Delete specified tracepoints
disable -- Disable some breakpoints
disable breakpoints -- Disable some breakpoints
disable display -- Disable some expressions to be displayed when program stops
disable mem -- Disable memory region
disable tracepoints -- Disable specified tracepoints
enable -- Enable some breakpoints
enable delete -- Enable breakpoints and delete when hit
enable display -- Enable some expressions to be displayed when program stops
enable mem -- Enable memory region
enable once -- Enable breakpoints for one hit
enable tracepoints -- Enable specified tracepoints
hbreak -- Set a hardware assisted  breakpoint
ignore -- Set ignore-count of breakpoint number N to COUNT
rbreak -- Set a breakpoint for all functions matching REGEXP
rwatch -- Set a read watchpoint for an expression
tbreak -- Set a temporary breakpoint
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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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