
    1. Lead Acid Battery Charger circuit

      标签:Lead Acid battery power charger

      This is a constant current charger for Lead Acid batteries.This charger has some options such as ,deep discharge protection and over charge protection. It can also be configured to charge 6V-9V and 12V batteries with some minor component changes.Operation of the circuit is well-explained.I hope this charger circuits helps.Enjoy!

      下载次数 0次 资源类型 应用文档 上传时间 2015-08-06

    2. Lead-Acid BatterySimplified SPICE Behavioral Model

      标签:Lead Acid battery model LTSpice simulation

      This application note demonstrates how a Lead acid battery can be modeled using LTSpice.I hope it helps in simulation purposes especially who are dealing with spice.Enjoy guys

      下载次数 0次 资源类型 应用文档 上传时间 2015-08-06

    3. Advanced Signal Integrity For High-Speed ??Digital Designs

      标签:Signal Integrity high speed pcb design Advanced

      This book is written by STEPHEN H. HALL who is a guru in Signal Integrity an EMC EMI subjects.A must have book for each PCB Engineer.Enjoy it !

      下载次数 7次 资源类型 技术文档 上传时间 2015-08-06

    4. PCB Design for Real-World EMI Control - 2002 (中文版) - Bruce R Archambeault

      标签:PCB Design Signal Integrity IBM Engineer

      Chinese Edition of PCB Design for Real World EMI control.Enjoy

      下载次数 5次 资源类型 技术文档 上传时间 2015-08-06


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