1. C99还是C++?这是个问题。 4/3267 stm32/stm8 2011-02-08
    2. EXTI如何判断是中断是上升还是下降 22/14166 stm32/stm8 2011-01-29
    3. 关于STM32F102/103的USB模块和USB库函数 18/8485 stm32/stm8 2010-11-29
                                       第二步: 初始化每个使用到的端点 usb_prop.c SetEPType(ENDP2, EP_INTERRUPT); 定义端点2为中断端点 SetEPTxAddr(ENDP2, ENDP2_TXADDR); 如果需要进行EP2 IN通信,需要定义端点2的发送缓存区的地址,也就是在Packet Buffer中的偏移地址 SetEPRxAddr(ENDP2, ENDP2_RXADDR); 如果需要进行EP2 OUT通信,需要定义端点2的接收缓存区在Packet Buffer中的偏移地址 SetEPRxStatus(ENDP2, EP_RX_NAK); 设置端点2的接收状态为NAK,设备将以NAK来响应主机发起的所有OUT通信。 SetEPTxStatus(ENDP2, EP_TX_NAK); 设置端点2的发送状态为NAK,设备将以NAK来响应主机发起的所有IN通信。
    4. stm32启用usb后的最低功耗问题? 7/4519 stm32/stm8 2010-06-01
                                       我记得36mA@72MHz, 大概0.5mA/MIPS, 48MHz大约就是12mA? 我想usb是否可以工作在间隙状态?需要用usb时提升主频到48MHz,发送完数据后挂起usb口,然后降低cpu主频为8MHz,不知道这样是否可行(我的应用是1秒钟向PC发一条数据)?
    5. STM8L相邻管脚竟然有串扰 17/6798 stm32/stm8 2010-05-29
    6. Wince6.0 WriteFile 延时 10/5469 嵌入式系统 2010-05-15
      引用 3 楼 xunjingzhpu 的回复: 引用 2 楼 haiou_arm 的回复: 没明白xuejingzhupu的意思,我是在说WriteFile啊,能否说详细点,谢谢 引用 1 楼 xunjingzhpu 的回复: createfile 默认是有缓存的,ms修改最后一个参数就可以直接写而不使用缓存 writefile 之前不是有createfile吗,修改倒数第二个参数为FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING,……
      WinCE 下 CreateFile 不支持 FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING
    7. 我就是最後這個地址的值的理解不透徹!沒弄明白的!
    8. 求硬件开发的人才 18/4583 嵌入式系统 2010-03-22
    9. WinCE创建虚拟串口的问题 5/4844 嵌入式系统 2010-03-20
    10. 引用 2 楼 veabol 的回复: 查查是什么地方打印这段信息,然后看看代码呢? This function enables the OS loader to pass the module code (for example, .dll, .exe, and .ocx) to the OEM to verify that a module can be safely run on the system. DWORD OEMCertifyModule( ? LPBYTE lpData, ? DWORD cbData ); Parameters lpData [out] Pointer to a buffer allocated by the OS that contains the code for the module being loaded. cbData [in] Size, in bytes, of the buffer that the OS passes and that lpData points to. If cbData is zero, the end of the module has been reached. Return Values The following table shows the return values for this function. Flag Value Description OEM_CERTIFY_TRUST 2 The module is trusted by the OEM to perform any operation. OEM_CERTIFY_RUN 1 The module is trusted by the OEM to run, but the module is restricted from making specific function calls. OEM_CERTIFY_FALSE 0 The module is not trusted by the OEM and is not allowed to run. Remarks To implement this function, assign the address of this function to pOEMLoadModule in the OEMInit function of the OEM adaptation layer (OAL). The pOEMLoadModule global pointer is exposed by the OS in the OAL. The OS loader calls pOEMLoadModule multiple times until it reaches the end of the module. If the loader fails to fully load a module, the OS loader might never reach the end of the module, and an OEM must be ready for pOEMLoadInit to be called before the end of the previous module is reached. The OEM assigns trust levels to .dll and .exe files. The modules from the MODULES section of a .bin file are assumed to be trusted (OEM_CERTIFY_TRUST) and are not tested by the OEM. The OEM should test the modules from the FILES section of the .bin file and other file systems. An .exe file is always assigned a trust level before its dependent .dll files are loaded. When a dependent .dll file is loaded, the OEM assigns it a trust level. The kernel compares this .dll file trust level to the trust level of the .exe file. Based on this comparison, a .dll file certification level is obtained for the OS. If necessary, the kernel reduces the trust level of the .dll file so the .dll file can run. If the trust level of the .exe file is higher than the trust level of the .dll file, the .dll file is not loaded by the kernel. A .dll file can use the CeGetCurrentTrust function to determine the trust level of the .exe file if a .dll file needs more control over which .exe files are able to load it. The following table shows the resulting .dll file certification level based on the combination of OEM-assigned trust levels. OEM certification for .exe file OEM certification for .dll file Certification level for .dll file OEM_CERTIFY_TRUST OEM_CERTIFY_TRUST OEM_CERTIFY_TRUST OEM_CERTIFY_RUN OEM_CERTIFY_TRUST OEM_CERTIFY_RUN OEM_CERTIFY_TRUST OEM_CERTIFY_RUN OEM_CERTIFY_FALSE OEM_CERTIFY_RUN OEM_CERTIFY_RUN OEM_CERTIFY_RUN ROM .dll and .exe files are not certified by the OEM and are assumed to operate at an OEM_CERTIFY_TRUST level. For information on API restrictions imposed on untrusted applications, see Trusted APIs. The CreateProcess function debug flags, DEBUG_ONLY_THIS_PROCESS and DEBUG_PROCESS, are restricted. If these flags are used by an untrusted application, the identified process launches, but no debugging occurs. Requirements OS Versions: Windows CE 2.10 and later. Header: Developer defined. Link Library: Nk.lib.
    11. wince找师傅带我入门 6/3448 嵌入式系统 2010-02-08
    12. STM32F103FLASH编程问题 8/6254 stm32/stm8 2010-01-05
                                       Flash编程手册里明确指出:写前必须要擦除 令,这也是大多数flash的特性吧
    13. 有很多教程的 就google 导出wince sdk 应该就有大把
    14. c+
    15. 帖子加分至100(可惜在这我只能加到100) 欢迎大家继续发表自己的见解。
    16. ARM指令TEXTAREA是什么意思? 10/5973 ARM技术 2009-11-06
    17. 我想山寨M8,大家一起来出出主意!嘿嘿。 171/22159 嵌入式系统 2009-11-05
      引用 81 楼 gooogleman 的回复: 引用 80 楼 hdzdw 的回复: 我就用M8,很好啊。性价比不错。 有几个功能特别喜欢,比如可以显示未接电话响铃次数。 请问你的魅族M8能用多长时间,就是一直看电影,电池能用多久?
      用了快两个月了。 没试过一直看电影,不过应该应该能看完两部完整的吧。要知道一部就90分钟啊。
    18. [求助]S3C2440触摸驱动能否做成手写驱动 14/4045 嵌入式系统 2009-11-02
      自动X,y转换模式 就是一个寄存器的设置,平时我们都是软件采集X坐标Y坐标,得到触摸点,如果设置自动的话,就可以直接读坐标值了 一直按下去直到松手时才产生中断,触摸屏就是一个按下中断,一个抬起中断啊,如果你按下之后,肯定是直到抬起才能中断啊
    19. NAND FLASH的spare区格式是什么啊? 15/4640 嵌入式系统 2009-10-21
      请问,Logical Sector Number跟数据存放在FLASH里的地址有什么对应关系啊?
    20. STM8是冯诺依结构还是哈佛结构? 94/35916 stm32/stm8 2009-10-19
                                       要加个空格“独 裁”


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