
    1.                                   已经上传得差不多了,看置顶帖子里面的汇总!谢谢支持!
    2. ST重要新闻——新产品发布 37/10961 stm32/stm8 2010-12-01
                                       STM32 F-2
    3. STM32入门系列教程~欢迎下载!! 136/28599 stm32/stm8 2010-08-27
                                       非常感谢楼主。 正适合像我这样的入门新手
    4. usb键盘和commonhid合体问题 16/6121 stm32/stm8 2010-08-09
    5. 好多DSP的优秀学位论文,现在有96篇 8/3963 嵌入式系统 2010-06-28
    6. hive注册表和内核啥关系啊? 14/5896 嵌入式系统 2010-06-28
    7. 如何设计本安电路 8/3869 嵌入式系统 2010-06-16
      不懂这方面的 ,呵呵,本安电路
    8. stm8有没有简易下载工具? 9/9113 stm32/stm8 2010-04-30
                                        我自己做的,目前只在STM8S207SBT6上测试通过,其他芯片还没有测试。 如果用STM8L的话,代码还需要做一些修改。 避过暂时没时间处理了。 http://www.simonqian.com/en/Versaloon 硬件原理图,固件代码,上位机命令行代码,上位机GUI代码都在里面。 目前不确定国内是否有人DIY成功过。
    9. WinCE5.0 热启后网络异常! 24/5761 嵌入式系统 2010-04-15
    10. 高分求wifi方案 9/3447 嵌入式系统 2010-04-02
      wifi 要性价比还是ralink的啊 hoho
    11. wince下连接数据库 12/6548 嵌入式系统 2010-03-09
      晕  SqlCeConnection 、SqlCeDataAdapter 这东西是C#的,能直接在C++下用么?
    12. 问个比较弱的问题!!! 10/4183 嵌入式系统 2010-02-26
    13. setsockopt 的源代码 6/4995 嵌入式系统 2009-11-14
      * * The value at indicates the amount of time to linger if * there is unacknowledged data, using `struct linger' in * target/h/sys/socket.h.  The `linger' structure has two members: * `l_onoff' and `l_linger'.  `l_onoff' can be set to 1 to turn on the * SO_LINGER option, or set to 0 to turn off the SO_LINGER option. * `l_linger' indicates the amount of time to linger.  If `l_onoff' is * turned on and `l_linger' is set to 0, a default value TCP_LINGERTIME * (specified in netinet/tcp_timer.h) is used for incoming * connections accepted on the socket. * * When SO_LINGER is turned on and the `l_linger' field is set to 0, * TCP simply drops the connection by sending out an RST (if a * connection is already established).  This frees up the space for the TCP * protocol control block, and wakes up all tasks sleeping on the * socket. * * For the client side socket, the value of `l_linger' is not changed * if it is set to 0.  To make sure that the value of `l_linger' is 0 * on a newly accepted socket connection, issue another setsockopt() * after the accept() call. * * Currently the exact value of `l_linger' time is actually ignored * (other than checking for 0); that is, TCP performs the state * transitions if `l_linger' is not 0, but does not explicitly use its * value. * * .SS "TCP_NODELAY -- Delivering Messages Immediately" * Specify the TCP_NODELAY option for real-time protocols, such as the X * Window System Protocol, that require immediate delivery of many small * messages: * .CS * setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, &optval, sizeof (optval)); * .CE * The value at is an integer (type `int') set to either 1 * (on) or 0 (off). * * By default, the VxWorks TCP implementation employs an algorithm that * attempts to avoid the congestion that can be produced by a large number * of small TCP segments. This typically arises with virtual terminal * applications (such as telnet or rlogin) across networks that have * low bandwidth and long delays.  The algorithm attempts to have no * more than one outstanding unacknowledged segment in the transmission * channel while queueing up the rest of the smaller segments for later * transmission.  Another segment is sent only if enough new data is * available to make up a maximum sized segment, or if the outstanding * data is acknowledged. * * This congestion-avoidance algorithm works well for virtual terminal * protocols and bulk data transfer protocols such as FTP without any * noticeable side effects.  However, real-time protocols that require * immediate delivery of many small messages, such as the X Window * System Protocol, need to defeat this facility to guarantee proper * responsiveness in their operation.
    14. WINCE的补丁文件哪里有下载啊 1/3160 嵌入式系统 2009-11-11
    15. 付费解决Wince5.0下Marvell 8686驱动问题 26/13445 嵌入式系统 2009-10-21
      你红色标出来的不是出错。。。那只是驱动不支持部分操作而已 试试sdio 1位模式吧,应该可以的
    16. 新手请教 6/2841 嵌入式系统 2009-10-13
    17. Atmel_Xmega的初始化问题 6/3543 嵌入式系统 2009-09-23
      www.ouravr.com 上面有。 即使有,也需要自己裁减的。不如自己更具自己的电路配置写。
    18. 大家帮帮忙选择CPU型号 10/4869 嵌入式系统 2009-09-05
    19. EDB的一些API没有定义的问题 2/2761 嵌入式系统 2009-09-04
      俺手头上有个WinCE Mobile 6.0的EDB例程(Mobile 6.0的SDK在VS2005上编译通过),在Mobile 6.0的模拟器中可以运行; 然后直接复制到自己的2440上(跑WinCE5.0),刚开始使用2440编译出来的wince5.0sdk在VS2005中编译不过,后来定制WINCE平台时没有勾选EDB和的数据库支持: Catalog->Core OS->Windows CE devices->File Systems and Data Store->Database Support项 Catalog->Core OS->Windows CE devices->File Systems and Data Store->Storage Manage->EDB Database Engine项 重新Sysgen,然后生成新的SDK并安装,在VS2005中编译没有问题,同时也把加入数据库和EDB组件的最新镜像烧录到了开发板,但是下载EDB例程还是运行不了,提示说“缺少组件”和啥的...
    20. 有没有Windows CE内核分析方面的书 15/6377 嵌入式系统 2009-08-31
      印象中网上有一本书叫做“wince全面的老书”,不全是介绍内核的,但是相对于一般的书深入一点。 好贴,顶


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