
    1. DSP与PC通信的问题,怎样发送浮点数到PC上 6/3656 DSP 与 ARM 处理器 2015-04-23
      这个我大意了。 crusadelee 发表于 2015-4-21 13:12 UNION FLOATTOBYTE{ STRUCT {   Uint16      BYTE3:8;     // 31:24    Uint16      BYTE2:8;     // 23:16    Uint16      BYTE1:8;     // 15:8    Uint16      BYTE0:8;     // 7:0         }BDATA; FLOAT FDATA;//FLOAT 是32位的前提下 } DATA;
    2. SEED与SEED 560 仿真问题 2/3661 微控制器 MCU 2015-04-21
      发现JATG TCLK 的时钟500K只有200MV
    3. DSP与PC通信的问题,怎样发送浮点数到PC上 6/3656 DSP 与 ARM 处理器 2015-04-21
      UNION FLOATTOBYTE{ CHAR BDATA[4]; FLOAT FDATA; } DATA; DATA.FDATA=浮点数; DATA.BYTE[0]=1 OF 4; DATA.BYTE[1]=2 OF 4; DATA.BYTE[2]=3 OF 4; DATA.BYTE[3]=4 OF 4; 下位机 用来发送; 计算机在反相组装
    4. SEED与SEED 560 仿真问题 2/3661 微控制器 MCU 2015-04-20
      [Start] Execute the command: %ccs_base%/common/uscif/dbgjtag.exe -f %boarddatafile% -rv -o -F inform,logfile=yes -S pathlength -S integrity [Result] -----[Print the board config pathname(s)]------------------------------------ C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\.TI\2989677074\     0\0\BrdDat\testBoard.dat -----[Print the reset-command software log-file]----------------------------- This utility has selected a 560/2xx-class product. This utility will load the program 'sd560v2u.out'. The library build date was 'May 30 2012'. The library build time was '23:17:26'. The library package version is '5.0.747.0'. The library component version is ''. The controller does not use a programmable FPGA. An error occurred while hard opening the controller. -----[An error has occurred and this utility has aborted]-------------------- This error is generated by TI's USCIF driver or utilities. The value is '-181' (0xffffff4b). The title is 'SC_ERR_CTL_NO_TRG_CLOCK'. The explanation is: The controller has detected a dead JTAG clock. The user must turn-on or connect the JTAG clock for the target. [End]
    5. good


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