
    1. 过年大家都干嘛啦?好奇中...... 24/5073 聊聊、笑笑、闹闹 2012-01-31
    2. 发现我团购的板子已发货了 7/3637 微控制器 MCU 2011-11-24
    3. CC430F5137开发板空板免费送 26/8664 微控制器 MCU 2011-11-23
    4. 团购的板子发货啦! 14/4283 微控制器 MCU 2011-11-22
      效率好高啊, 买的人也很积极啊,眨眼间就有100多件被抢购了。:)
    5. 大学堂之系统初始化及时钟配置 25/14758 微控制器 MCU 2011-11-21
      原帖由 rwogn 于 2011-11-9 10:17 发表 如何将Grace生成的初始化代码移植到IAR form MSP430中。 :tongue:
    6. 这么疏懒也有奖励实在是惭愧啊,以后要改变了。
    7. MSP-EXP430FR5739的介绍视频,看一下哈 3/2812 微控制器 MCU 2011-11-21
    8. 新货!新货!MSP-EXP430FR5739开发板 5/3179 微控制器 MCU 2011-11-19
      其它穿孔 LDR 传感器的封装    能问一下这个是什么封装么?
    9. good job:) thank you 劳驾这里改一下,这个看着不爽已经很久了  
    10. MSP430G2关于I2C通信问题 3/3947 微控制器 MCU 2011-10-29
    11. 有脾气你用头把它算出来? 6/2750 微控制器 MCU 2011-10-27
      不同编译器出来的结果不一样???都出来三个不同结果了 1:  5*5*5           7*7*8          7*7 2:     5*5*5            6*7*8         6*7 3:      5*6*7           6*7*8         6*7 [ 本帖最后由 wl1336412 于 2011-10-27 20:16 编辑 ]
    12. 有脾气你用头把它算出来? 6/2750 微控制器 MCU 2011-10-27
      b    392 c   125 f      49 程序输出结果
    13. 49件,不知道能抢上不能
    14. 10.16新的一周即将开始,调整一下心情
    15. 请问USI的I2C怎么用? 4/4503 微控制器 MCU 2011-10-16
      群共享上有例程的硬件上集成了I2C,设置相应寄存器就成了,有啥不明白的? I2C Master ModeTo configure the USI module as an I2C master the USIMST bit must be set. In master mode, clocks aregenerated by the USI module and output to the SCL line while USIIFG = 0. When USIIFG = 1, the SCLwill stop at the idle, or high, level. Multi-master operation is supported as described in the Arbitrationsection.The master supports slaves that are holding the SCL line low only when USIDIVx > 0. When USIDIVx isset to /1 clock division (USIDIVx = 0), connected slaves must not hold the SCL line low during datatransmission. Otherwise the communication may fail. I2C Slave ModeTo configure the USI module as an I2C slave the USIMST bit must be cleared. In slave mode, SCL is heldlow if USIIFG = 1, USISTTIFG = 1 or if USICNTx = 0. USISTTIFG must be cleared by software after theslave is setup and ready to receive the slave address from a master. I2C TransmitterIn transmitter mode, data is first loaded into USISRL. The output is enabled by setting USIOE and thetransmission is started by writing 8 into USICNTx. This clears USIIFG and SCL is generated in mastermode or released from being held low in slave mode. After the transmission of all 8 bits, USIIFG is set,and the clock signal on SCL is stopped in master mode or held low at the next low phase in slave mode.To receive the I2C acknowledgment bit, the USIOE bit is cleared with software and USICNTx is loadedwith 1. This clears USIIFG and one bit is received into USISRL. When USIIFG becomes set again, theLSB of USISRL is the received acknowledge bit and can be tested in software. [ 本帖最后由 wl1336412 于 2011-10-16 17:53 编辑 ]
    16. $('swf_i83').innerHTML=AC_FL_RunContent('width', '550', 'height', '400', 'allowNetworking', 'internal', 'allowScriptAccess', 'never', 'src', encodeURI('http://www.tudou.com/v/P8keS4VQ-V8/&rpid=5679045/v.swf'), 'quality', 'high', 'bgcolor', '#ffffff', 'wmode', 'transparent', 'allowfullscreen', 'true'); [ 本帖最后由 wl1336412 于 2011-10-16 18:22 编辑 ]
    17. 给楼主一个参考,看看他们怎么用的launchpad的 $('swf_dPO').innerHTML=AC_FL_RunContent('width', '550', 'height', '400', 'allowNetworking', 'internal', 'allowScriptAccess', 'never', 'src', encodeURI('http://www.tudou.com/v/llE-9QkQEX0/&rpid=5679045/v.swf'), 'quality', 'high', 'bgcolor', '#ffffff', 'wmode', 'transparent', 'allowfullscreen', 'true'); [ 本帖最后由 wl1336412 于 2011-10-15 09:09 编辑 ]
    18. LaunchPad板上资源解读 25/11981 微控制器 MCU 2011-10-13
    19. MSP430 LaunchPad学习第二记——UART 13/11902 微控制器 MCU 2011-10-12
      用SPI实现uart的发送,,,原文地址:http://www.msp430launchpad.com/2010/08/using-usi-as-uart.html //****************************************************************************** //  MSP430F2013 // //  Description: Continuously sends a counter value over the USI in SPI which //                                 acting as if it were a UART. The sample circuit connects an //                                 FTDI breakout board to the transmit line and reads. The baud //                                 rate is determined by the USI speed, which in this case is //                                 1100000 baud (DCO = 1.1MHz). // //  Nicholas J. Conn //  08-04-2010 //  Built with CCS Version: 4.1.3 //****************************************************************************** #include  "msp430F2013.h" // Function Definitions void transmit(unsigned int); int main( void ) {   WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD;             // Stop watchdog timer      //****************************   //   Set up USI - LSB first   //****************************   USICTL0 |= USIPE6 + USIMST + USILSB + USIOE;        // Enable Output, SPI master, LSB first   USICTL1 |= USIIE;                                              // Counter interrupt, flag remains set   USICKCTL = USISSEL_3;                                        // Use SMCLK      USICTL0 &= ~USISWRST;                                 // USI released for operation      //*******************************************************   //   Set initial program varibles and start peripherals   //*******************************************************   unsigned int i = 0;   while(1)   {           transmit(i);           i++;   } } // Transmits one byte (TXData) using the USI as a UART void transmit( unsigned int TXData ) {      //**********************************************   //   Send a byte on the USI as if it were UART   //**********************************************   TXData = TXData
    20. 大家来看看这个二傻子 12/4577 微控制器 MCU 2011-09-30


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