
    1. Elementary Surveying An Introduction to Geomatics_13th edition_Ghilani,P.Wol

      标签:Elementary Surveying

      Elementary Surveying An Introduction to Geomatics_13th edition_Ghilani,P.Wol

      下载次数 0次 资源类型 技术文档 上传时间 2024-03-18

    2. Microelectronic Circuits Analysis and Design 2th edition_Muhammad.H..Rashid_Cengage 2011

      标签:Microelectronic Circuits Analysis and Design

      Microelectronic Circuits Analysis and Design 2th edition_Muhammad.H..Rashid_Cengage 2011 New to This Edition The second edition offers a reorganized order of chapters with the required material augmented and the nonessential topics abridged. The key changes to this edition are summarized below: ? All new chapter on MOSFETs and amplifiers ? All new chapter on semiconductors and pn junctions ? Fully revised chapter on BJTs ? More emphasis on MOSFETs and active biasing techniques to allow students to move easily on to differential amplifiers and ICs ? Extensive revision of power amplifiers to include MOSFET circuits with class C, D, and E amplifiers ? Integrated PSpice/OrCAD examples for both analysis and design verifications ? Developed Mathcad files for calculations of worked-out examples so that students can try similar problems and explore the effects of design parameters

      下载次数 5次 资源类型 技术文档 上传时间 2024-01-16

    3. Electronics Principles and Applications 9th Edition by CHARLES A.SCHULER

      标签:Electronics Principles and Applications

      Electronics_Principles_and_Applications__9th_Edition Electronics: Principles and Applications, 9e, introduces analogdevices, circuits, and systems. It also presents various digitaltechniques that are now commonly used in what was once con.sidered the sole domain of analog electronics. It is intended forstudents who have a basic understanding of Ohm\'s law: Kirchhoff\'s laws; power schematic diagrams; and basic componentssuch as resistors, capacitors, and inductors. The digital materialis self-contained and will not pose a problem for those studentswho have not completed a course in digital electronics. Theonly mathematics prerequisite is a command of basic algebra.The major objective of this text is to provide entry-levelknowledge and skills for a wide range of occupations in electricity and electronics. Its purpose is to assist in the educationand preparation of technicians who can effectively diagnose. re.pair, verify, install, and upgrade electronic circuits and systemsIt also provides a solid and practical foundation in analog electronic concepts, device theory, and modern digital solutions forthose who may need or want to go on to more advanced study.The ninth edition. like the earlier ones, combines theory andapplications in a logical, evenly paced sequence. It is importantthat a student\'s first exposure to electronic devices and circuitsbe based on a smooth integration of theory and practice. Thisapproach helps the student develop an understanding of howdevices such as diodes, transistors, and integrated circuits func.tion and how they are used in practice. Then the understandingof these functions can be applied to the solution of practicalproblems such as performance analysis and troubleshooting.This is an extremely practical text. The devices, circuits, andapplications are typical of those used in all phases of electron-ics. Reference is made to common aids such as parts catalogscomponent identification systems, and substitution guides, andreal-world troubleshooting techniques are applied whenever appropriate. The information, theory, and calculations presentedare the same as those used by practicing technicians. The formulas presented are immediately applied in examples that makesense and relate to the kinds of calculations actually made bytechnical workers.

      下载次数 11次 资源类型 技术文档 上传时间 2024-01-09

    4. Vector Control and Dynamics of AC Drives_D. W. Novotony and T.A. Lipo

      标签:模拟电路 数字电路 IC设计/制造 工控 汽车电子

      Vector Control and Dynamics of AC Drives_D. W. Novotony and T.A. Lipo 东南大学电机专业课指定教材

      下载次数 9次 资源类型 技术文档 上传时间 2023-03-31


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