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BGA Socket

已有 1301 次阅读2010-7-1 15:30 |

BGA/LGA/CGA/QFN/QFP高频测试插座产品分球形出脚(SMT)和针形出脚及接触式三种设计.球形出脚的BGA插座系统主要适用于芯片的测试及开发等.该插座系统的特点是不用在PCB板上开孔,BGA插座的焊接方法和BGA芯片的焊接方法完全一样.同时如果在客户的目标板上BGA Pad旁边如果已经存在一些贴片器件而影响到BGA插座的安装,亦可以提供BGA插座的升高设计以便满足客户的实际要求,并可根据实际的BGA器件出脚,定制合适的BGA插座(Available for any chip size and grid pattern)。

  • Any package style: ceramic & plastic BGA, CSP, LGA, CGA, PSGA, MLF/QFN,QFP, SOIC, and other standard packages, custom packages or bare die

  • Inductance: less than 2nH

  • -1dB bandwidth: >14GHz for compression style; 3GHz for SMD style

  • available for any chip size and grid pattern

  • Same PCB layout as the IC (no holes required for SMD socket)

  • Minimal keepout area of 6mm beyond the IC’s periphery

  • Raised SMD style for lifting socket over adjacent components

  • Low profile socket (standard Twist Lock is less than 10mm high with IC)

  • Contact force: max 40 grams per contact; lower forces available

  • Semi-custom design = lower cost and tailored to your needs

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