一、问题 :在NIOS II IDE界面进行modelsim仿真时,出现错误:Error: (vsim-19) Failed to access library 'led_system_sim' at "led_system_sim".
答案:是我自己在生成SOPC系统时,没有生成相应的仿真模型。即:在SOPC Builder→System Generation→在Simulation.Create projectsimulator files前打 勾,这样就可以创建SOPC系统的仿真模型。
二、问题:# ** Error: (vsim-3170) Could not find 'D:\QuartusII8.0\projects\DDS\simulation\modelsim\rtl_work.WaveGen'.
答案:testbench 的名字要与setting里设置的一样
三、问题:在SOPC Builder界面出现的两个警告:(1) cpu_0 : Custom Instruction components can be edited through the component editor. (2) cpu_0 : Disabling the assign CPUID control register value manually will not longer auto assigns unique control value. This options will always be turned on with default value set to 0.
答案:只要双击 nios II cpu,你就会发现那两个警告没了。