ADC漫谈:在第一篇帖子中谈到,MAX32630这款芯片拥有强大的数据处理和储存能力,但相对应的ADC显得弱鸡了一些。该ADC类型是 Delta-Sigma,分辨率为10bit,最高时钟8MHz(采样率最高7.8ksps),外部输入通道只有4个,不支持DMA功能,这个配置与同类型绝大多数的ARM内核MCU相比都是相形见绌的。但是考虑到该芯片强大的数字接口和超小的封装后就可以发现,这款芯片真的是针对可穿戴设备和便携式设备来做的。在可穿戴设备领域,由于对功耗和体积的要求,绝大部分的传感器接口已经都是数字化了,而相应的模拟部分变得很少,可能最大的应用就是电池电压和电量监控了。所以MAX32630这款芯片可以明显感觉到其数字能力得到了强化而相应的模拟能力却进行了弱化,然而在可穿戴领域这样的模拟功能可以说是够用了,因此我们可以说这款芯片的市场定位是非常清晰而明确的,如果你非要将这款芯片用在数据采集领域,那就真的用错了地方。
幸运的是,在MBED平台上已经提供了MAX14690相应的库文件,被包含在了MAX32630FTHR库文件中,因此在建立工程的时候需要添加进来。并在主文件中添加“MAX32630FTHR pegasus(MAX32630FTHR::VIO_3V3);”。这样在初始化的时候,LDO3就会默认输出3.3v。
根据芯片使用手册上的ADC内部结构图(图6)和AD使用说明(图7)可以看出来,该芯片只有四个外部ADC通道0~3,如果在不外接基准源的情况下,芯片ADC使用内部基准源1.2V,所以量程是到1.2V。但是通道4和5是将通道0和1的电压降低为1/5后再输入ADC进行测量的,所以在通道0和1可以承受5V电压的情况下(根据图8,AIN0和1可以承受5.5V),AIN4和AIN5的量程相当于扩大了,如果要测量0~5V范围内的信号需要在程序中使用AIN4或者AIN5来进行编程。此外还有一点要注意,根据图7的计算公式可以看到,AIN0~3的量程可以是0~1.2V(adc_scale==1)或者是0~0.6V(adc_scale==0 );而AIN4和5的量程是0~6V,虽然引脚AIN0最大只能承受5.5V,但是这时AD的转化结果1023代表6V,这点容易被忽略。
#include "mbed.h"
#include "max32630fthr.h"
#define false 0
#define true 1
MAX32630FTHR pegasus(MAX32630FTHR::VIO_3V3);
Ticker tick;
DigitalOut led1(LED1);//led blinking with heart beat
AnalogIn pulsepin(AIN_4);//analog input pin
// these variables are volatile because they are used during the shorterrupt service routine!
volatile short BPM; // used to hold the pulse rate
volatile short Signal; // holds the incoming raw data
volatile short IBI = 600; // holds the time between beats, must be seeded!
volatile char Pulse = false; // true when pulse wave is high, false when it's low
volatile char QS = false; // becomes true when Arduoino finds a beat.
volatile short rate[10]; // array to hold last ten IBI values
volatile unsigned long sampleCounter = 0; // used to determine pulse timing
volatile unsigned long lastBeatTime = 0; // used to find IBI
volatile short P =426; // used to find peak in pulse wave, seeded
volatile short T = 426; // used to find trough in pulse wave, seeded
volatile short thresh = 426; // used to find instant moment of heart beat, seeded
volatile short amp = 100; // used to hold amplitude of pulse waveform, seeded
volatile char firstBeat = true; // used to seed rate array so we startup with reasonable BPM
volatile char secondBeat = false; // used to seed rate array so we startup with reasonable BPM
//void ledFadeToBeat()
// fadeRate -= 15; // set LED fade value
// fadeRate = constrain(fadeRate,0,255); // keep LED fade value from going shorto negative numbers!
// analogWrite(fadePin,fadeRate); // fade LED
void timer_isr(void)
//cli(); // disable shorterrupts while we do this
Signal = pulsepin.read_u16()>>6; // read the Pulse Sensor
sampleCounter += 2; // keep track of the time in mS with this variable
short N = sampleCounter - lastBeatTime; // monitor the time since the last beat to avoid noise
// find the peak and trough of the pulse wave
if(Signal < thresh && N > (IBI/5)*3) { // avoid dichrotic noise by waiting 3/5 of last IBI
if (Signal < T) { // T is the trough
T = Signal; // keep track of lowest poshort in pulse wave
if(Signal > thresh && Signal > P) { // thresh condition helps avoid noise
P = Signal; // P is the peak
} // keep track of highest poshort in pulse wave
// signal surges up in value every time there is a pulse
if (N > 250) { // avoid high frequency noise
if ( (Signal > thresh) && (Pulse == false) && (N > (IBI/5)*3) ) {
Pulse = true; // set the Pulse flag when we think there is a pulse
led1=1; // turn on pin 13 LED
IBI = sampleCounter - lastBeatTime; // measure time between beats in mS
lastBeatTime = sampleCounter; // keep track of time for next pulse
if(secondBeat) { // if this is the second beat, if secondBeat == TRUE
secondBeat = false; // clear secondBeat flag
for(short i=0; i<=9; i++) { // seed the running total to get a realisitic BPM at startup
rate = IBI;
if(firstBeat) { // if it's the first time we found a beat, if firstBeat == TRUE
firstBeat = false; // clear firstBeat flag
secondBeat = true; // set the second beat flag
//sei(); // enable shorterrupts again
return; // IBI value is unreliable so discard it
// keep a running total of the last 10 IBI values
unsigned short runningTotal = 0; // clear the runningTotal variable
for(short i=0; i<=8; i++) { // shift data in the rate array
rate = rate[i+1]; // and drop the oldest IBI value
runningTotal += rate; // add up the 9 oldest IBI values
rate[9] = IBI; // add the latest IBI to the rate array
runningTotal += rate[9]; // add the latest IBI to runningTotal
runningTotal /= 10; // average the last 10 IBI values
BPM = 60000/runningTotal; // how many beats can fit shorto a minute? that's BPM!
QS = true; // set Quantified Self flag
if (Signal < thresh && Pulse == true) { // when the values are going down, the beat is over
led1=0; // turn off pin 13 LED
Pulse = false; // reset the Pulse flag so we can do it again
amp = P - T; // get amplitude of the pulse wave
thresh = amp/2 + T; // set thresh at 50% of the amplitude
P = thresh; // reset these for next time
T = thresh;
if (N > 2500) { // if 2.5 seconds go by without a beat
thresh = 426; // set thresh default
P = 426; // set P default
T = 426; // set T default
lastBeatTime = sampleCounter; // bring the lastBeatTime up to date
firstBeat = true; // set these to avoid noise
secondBeat = false; // when we get the heartbeat back
//sei(); // enable shorterrupts when youre done!
void sendDataToProcessing(char symbol, short data )
pc.putc(symbol); // symbol prefix tells Processing what type of data is coming
pc.printf("%d\r\n", data); // the data to send culminating in a carriage return
int main()
pc.baud(115200); // we agree to talk fast!
tick.attach_us(&timer_isr,2000); // sets up to read Pulse Sensor signal every 2mS
while(1) {
sendDataToProcessing('S', Signal); // send Processing the raw Pulse Sensor data
if (QS == true) { // Quantified Self flag is true when arduino finds a heartbeat
//fadeRate = 255; // Set 'fadeRate' Variable to 255 to fade LED with pulse
sendDataToProcessing('B',BPM); // send heart rate with a 'B' prefix
sendDataToProcessing('Q',IBI); // send time between beats with a 'Q' prefix
QS = false; // reset the Quantified Self flag for next time
wait(0.02); // take a break