误差项平方和 SSE: 1.972e-31 R方(吻合系数):R-square: 1 校正R方:Adjusted R-square: NaN 均方根误差 RMSE: NaN
给你一些资料: SSE (趋向0最好)-- The sum of squares due to error. This statistic measures the deviation of the responses from the fitted values of the responses. A value closer to 0 indicates a better fit. R-square(趋向1最好) -- The coefficient of multiple determination. This statistic measures how successful the fit is in explaining the variation of the data. A value closer to 1 indicates a better fit. Adjusted R-square(趋向1最好) -- The degree of freedom adjusted R-square. A value closer to1 indicates a better fit. It is generally the best indicator of the fit quality when you add additional coefficients to your model. RMSE(趋向0最好) -- The root mean squared error. A value closer to 0 indicates a better fit.