Instructions: Connect jumper ‘LINK DFU’ perthe image. Connect the board via USB to the system running this program. Pressthe ‘Program’ button to program this image into the board. Once programming iscomplete, remove the jumper and power cycle the board.
This image allows the DFU link connectionon the board to operate as a CMSIS-DAP debugger that works with tool chainsthat support the CMSIS-DAP protocol such as IAR EWARM, Keil uVision,LPCXpresso, or Rowley.
Since theintroduction of the first variant in 2009, the original LPCXpresso board hasreenergised the whole MCU evaluation board market. NXP is now proud tointroduce the new generation of LPCXpresso V2 boards which build upon theoriginal design, providing many new and exciting features.
The standardLPCXpresso V2 board design offers the following features:
- Built in LPC-Link2 based debug probe, based on NXP LPC43xx MCU.
- Compatible with LPCXpresso IDE out-of-the-box, and with other toolchains via optional ARM CMSIS-DAP and Segger J-Link firmware.
- Debug connector to allow debug of target MCU via an external probe.
- Can be configured to act as a standalone probe to allowing debugging of an external board.
- Tri-color LED, ISP and WAKE buttons
- Target Reset button
- Connector for target MCU’s USB device peripheral
- Expansion
- MCU pins available on ‘standard LPCXpresso/mbed’ expansion connector (board bottom side)
- Arduino connectors compatible with the ”Arduino UNO” platform (board top side)
- Powered from multiple sources
- Link2 USB
- Target USB
- LPCXpresso/mbed header
- P3 allows measurement of current of all target side circuitry