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昨天 高通收购恩智浦 !!!

已有 682 次阅读2016-10-28 09:44

这世界变化快,前些天还是风声,现在已经是现实了!!高通收购恩智浦 !!!高通收购恩智浦 !!!高通收购恩智浦 !!!高通收购恩智浦 !!!

昨天2016-10-27 (周四) 22:16  收到e-mail通知:
mail 题目是  Qualcomm and NXP –  creating an industry powerhouse


October 27,2016
DearFriends, Partners and Customers,
OnOctober 27, 2016, we announced that NXP has agreed to be acquired by Qualcomm.This will create the industry powerhouse to focus on Secure Connections for a Smarter World.
Thecombining of NXP into Qualcomm is based on compelling strategic logic that bringstogether two highly successful and complementary businesses to create a premiersemiconductor industry leader. With unique leadership positions in Wirelesstechnologies, Security and Processing, the union is ideally positioned toaddress the emerging trends of ADAS and Autonomous Vehicles, the Internet ofThings (IoT) and the 5G revolution.


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