《UVM Primer》/电子版/讲清楚UVM为什么这么设计
下载次数 232次 资源类型 技术文档 上传时间 2019-06-25
《Formal Verification An Essential Toolkit for Modern VLSI Design》/电子版/形式化验证不可或缺的书籍
下载次数 70次 资源类型 技术文档 上传时间 2019-06-25
《Static Timing Analysis for Nanometer Designs》/电子版/ 时序经典教材 The book covers topics such as cell timing and power modeling; interconnect modeling and analysis, delay calculation, crosstalk, noise and the chip timing verification using static timing analysis. For each of these topics, the book provides a theoretical background as well as detailed examples to elaborate the concepts. The static timing analysis topics covered start from verification of simple blocks useful for a beginner to this field. The topics then extend to complex nanometer designs with in-depth treatment of concepts such as modeling of on-chip variation, clock gating, half-cycle paths, as well as timing of source-synchronous interfaces such as DDR. The impact of crosstalk on timing and noise is covered as is the usage of hierarchical design methodology. This book addresses CMOS logic gates, cell library, timing arcs, waveform slew, cell capacitance, timing modeling, interconnect parasitics and coupling, pre- and post-layout interconnect modeling, delay calculation, specification of timing constraints for analysis of internal paths as well as IO interfaces. Advanced modeling and analysis concepts such as controlled current source timing and noise models for nanometer technologies, power modeling including active and leakage power, crosstalk timing and crosstalk glitch calculation, verification of half-cycle and multi-cycle paths, false paths, synchronous interfaces are also covered.
下载次数 59次 资源类型 技术文档 上传时间 2019-06-25