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Building Embedded Linux Systems

已有 2309 次阅读2010-11-26 11:49


感谢wangjiafu1985 提供的一份很好的资料





<Building Embedded Linux Systems>
By Karim Yaghmour







Audience of This Book
Scope and Background Information
Organization of the Material
Hardware Used in This Book
Software Versions
Book Web Site
Typographical Conventions
Contact Information
Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1 Definitions
1.2 Real Life and Embedded Linux Systems
1.3 Example Multicomponent System
1.4 Design and Implementation Methodology
Chapter 2. Basic Concepts
2.1 Types of Hosts
2.2 Types of Host/Target Development Setups
2.3 Types of Host/Target Debug Setups
2.4 Generic Architecture of an Embedded Linux System
2.5 System Startup
2.6 Types of Boot Configurations
2.7 System Memory Layout
Chapter 3. Hardware Support
3.1 Processor Architectures
3.2 Buses and Interfaces
3.3 I/O
3.4 Storage
3.5 General Purpose Networking
3.6 Industrial Grade Networking
3.7 System Monitoring
Chapter 4. Development Tools
4.1 Using a Practical Project Workspace
4.2 GNU Cross-Platform Development Toolchain
4.3 C Library Alternatives
4.4 Java
4.5 Perl
4.6 Python
4.7 Ada
4.8 Other Programming Languages
4.9 Integrated Development Environments
4.10 Terminal Emulators
Chapter 5. Kernel Considerations
5.1 Selecting a Kernel
5.2 Configuring the Kernel
5.3 Compiling the Kernel
5.4 Installing the Kernel
5.5 In the Field
Chapter 6. Root Filesystem Content
6.1 Basic Root Filesystem Structure
6.2 Libraries
6.3 Kernel Modules
6.4 Kernel Images
6.5 Device Files
6.6 Main System Applications
6.7 Custom Applications
6.8 System Initialization
Chapter 7. Storage Device Manipulation
7.1 MTD-Supported Devices
7.2 Disk Devices
7.3 To Swap or Not to Swap
Chapter 8. Root Filesystem Setup
8.1 Selecting a Filesystem
8.2 Using an NFS-Mounted Root Filesystem to Write a Filesystem Image to Flash
8.4 JFFS2
8.5 Disk Filesystem over NFTL
8.6 Disk Filesystem over RAM Disk
8.7 Mounting Directories on TMPFS
8.8 Live Updates
Chapter 9. Setting Up the Bootloader
9.1 Bootloaders Galore
9.2 Server Setup for Network Boot
9.3 Using LILO with Disk and CompactFlash Devices
9.4 Using GRUB with DiskOnChip Devices
9.5 U-Boot
Chapter 10. Setting Up Networking Services
10.1 The Internet Super-Server
10.2 Remote Administration with SNMP
10.3 Network Login Through Telnet
10.4 Secure Communication with SSH
10.5 Serving Web Content Through HTTP
10.6 Dynamic Configuration Through DHCP
Chapter 11. Debugging Tools
11.1 Debugging Applications with gdb
11.2 Tracing
11.3 Performance Analysis
11.4 Memory Debugging
11.5 A Word on Hardware Tools
Appendix A. Worksheet
A.1 Project Identification
A.2 Hardware Summary
A.3 Development Tools
A.4 Kernel
A.5 Root filesystem
A.6 Storage Device Organization
A.7 Bootloader Configuration and Use
A.8 Networking services
A.9 Custom Project Software
A.10 Debug Notes
A.11 Additional Notes
A.12 Embedded Linux Systems Worksheet
Appendix B. Resources
B.1 Online
B.2 Books
B.3 Publications
B.4 Organizations
B.5 Linux and Open-Source-Oriented Hardware Projects
Appendix C. Important Licenses and Notices
C.1 Exclusion of User-Space Applications from Kernel's GPL
C.2 Notices on Binary Kernel Modules
C.3 Legal Clarifications About the Kernel by Linus Torvalds


发表评论 评论 (3 个评论)
回复 辛昕 2011-1-9 23:37
回复 xiaoxif 2011-1-22 00:19
辛昕: 大叔也在做嵌入式?
回复 辛昕 2012-7-28 14:47
xiaoxif: 不是“做”,而是学。入了咱们这行,就不敢停步。停步就意味着退出--彻底放弃,去休息,仅此而已。
呵呵,不知道大叔这方面进展如何呢?我是基本上放了下来了,最近所有精力除了上班就是 编程本身了。

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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