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已有 342 次阅读2016-6-1 16:10

SMBUS PMBUS 接口和IIC的物理层接口是一样的,只是添加了一些新的特性,PMBUS是 SMBUS的扩展

The Power Management Bus (PMBus) is an industry-wide standard that can be viewed as a step toward unifying communication standards for power conversion and digital power-management devices. It was developed by the PMBus Implementers Forum (PMBus-IF). The standard uses the widely accepted Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) communication protocol for the hardware interface. A number of additional features serve to enhance the basic I2C communication protocol. The PMBus standard is also considered to be an extension to the System Management Bus (SMBus) protocol that was popularized by the SBS Implementers Forum for battery systems.

This document serves as a guide to Texas Instruments implementation of the PMBus master protocol on MSP430™ microcontroller.

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