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某外资公司(上海浦东)急聘Verification Engineer!!!

已有 613 次阅读2016-5-5 16:20 |个人分类:招聘

Dear All,
某外资公司(上海浦东)急聘Verification Engineer!!


     Position Description:
?  Deliver/implement advanced verification solutions by utilizing Cadence’s Incisive Verification product portfolio. The engineer should be able to act as a strong team member and contributor, leading team projects and initiatives. Exercise judgment within generally defined practices and policies.
?  Specific duties include:
?  Deep understanding on ASIC design and verification flow
?  Excellent knowledge of advanced verification methodology like eRM/OVM/UVM/VMM
?  Familiar with Cadence’s Incisive Plan to Closure Methodology (IPCM)
?  Proficiency in System Verilog, System C and/or e (Specman)
?  Developing and using Verification Components (eVC, OVC,UVC,VIP)
?  Developing and using assertion based verification and formal analysis methods
?  Skilled in scripting language, such as Perl, C shell, Python, Make file
?  Assessing the project verification requirements

     Position Requirements:
?  BS degree with 5+ years of applicable experience, MS degree with 3+ years of applicable experience in electrical engineering, microelectronics, comparable engineering science or solid state physics.  
?  Essential that the individual demonstrates strong communication, verbal and written. Requires good communication skills in English.
?  Will have demonstrated hands-on experience and expertise with Cadence verification design tools or equivalent tools, flows and methodologies required to execute a verification project.
?  Will have demonstrated successful completion of 3+ verification projects as an individual contributor

外资公司, 工程师, 上海


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