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某知名外资公司急聘Pricipal/Lead Physical design Engineer,工作地点:上海

已有 598 次阅读2015-5-26 09:39 |个人分类:招聘

Dear All,

某外资公司急聘:Pricipal/Lead Physical Design Engineer,工作地点:上海。欢迎自荐或推荐:有意者可将简历发送至Jessicau2308@hotmail.com或加qq进行咨询。

Position Description:

?       Perform physical design implementation, including synthesis, floor planning, power grid design, place and route, clock tree synthesis, timing closure, power/signal integrity signoff, physical verification (DRC/LVS/Antenna), EM/IR signoff, DFM Closure, and physical design project management.

?       The candidate will have the opportunity to work on many varieties of challenging designs, i.e. low power and high speed design. The responsibility includes participating in or leading next generation physical design, methodology and flow development.

Position Requirements:

?       BS degree with 10+ years of applicable experience, MS degree with 7+ years of applicable experience in electrical engineering, microelectronics. Experienced with ASIC design flow, hierarchical physical design strategies, methodologies and understand deep sub-micron technology issues.

?       Solid knowledge on LP Design, DFT, static timing analysis, EM/IR-Drop/crosstalk analysis, formal verification, physical verification, DFM.

?       Successful track records of taping out complex, advanced node design.

?       Automation and programming-minded, solid coding experience in Makefile/Tcl/Tk/Perl.

?       Self-motivated, able to work independently or as a team player, excellent verbal and written communication skills in English.

注:Lead 的职位仅与Pricipal 的职位存在工作年限的区别,仅要求本科或硕士4年以上,工作内容相同。


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